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2 Course Outline The course will consist of : Grading Criteria:
45 lectures 10-14 assignments 2exams (1 midterm and 1 final) GMDB Grading Criteria: One Midterm: 35 % Final Exam: 45% Assignments: 15% GMDB: 5%

3 Textbook “Data Communications and Networking” 2nd Edition by Behrouz A. Forouzan “Data and Computer Communication” 6th Edition by William Stallings

4 Overview of Lecture 1 Data Communication
Brief History of Communication Data Communication System Key Data Communication Terminology

“Data Communication is the exchange of Information from one entity to the other using a Transmission Medium”

6 History of Data Communication
Telegraph 1837 Samuel Morse Telephone 1876 Alexander Graham Bell By 1950’s 1970’S Today

7 DATA COMMUNICATION “Data Communication is the exchange of Information from one entity to the other using a Transmission Medium”

8 Data Communication Definition (Modified)
“Data Communication is the exchange of data (in the form of 0’s and 1’s) between two devices (computers) via some form of the transmission medium.”

9 LOCAL and REMOTE Communication
Communicating devices are present in the same building or a similarly restricted geographical area

10 LOCAL and REMOTE Communication
Communicating devices are present farther apart VAGUE DEFINITIONS We will clarify

11 Data Communication System
For Data Communication to occur, communicating devices must be a part of a system made up of some specific kind of hardware and software. This system is known as “DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM”

12 Effectiveness of Data Comm. System
Effectiveness depends upon three fundamental characteristics: Delivery Accuracy Timeliness

13 Components of a Simple Data Communication System

14 Components of a Data Communication System
A Data communication system is made up of 5 components: Message Sender Receiver Medium Protocol

15 Message Types

16 Transmission Media Medium Speed Cost Twisted Wire 300bps-10Mbps Low
Microwave 256Kbps-100Mbps Coaxial Cable 56Kbps-200Mbps Fiber Optic Cable 500Kbps-10Gbps High

17 A Complex Data Comm. System

18 EXAMPLE – Electronic Mail

19 An Actual Digital Data Communication System

20 Summary Data Communication Brief History of Communication
Data Communication System

21 Suggested Reading Section 1.2, “Data Communications and Networking” 2nd Edition by Behrouz A. Forouzan Sections 1.1, 1.2, “Data and Computer Communication” 6th Edition by William Stallings

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