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Kamille Cuison Cecilia Casas

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1 Kamille Cuison Cecilia Casas
PLANTS Kamille Cuison Cecilia Casas

2 Flowering Monocots have one seed leaf
Dicots have two seed leaves and have five petals. Pollination Pollen -insects -bats -birds Sepals Pistil, Female, Ovary, Seed Stamen, Male, Anther, Pollen STEP one pollinate STEP two fertilization

3 Cones Plants that make seeds Gymnosperms means naked seeds
Forms seed in cones -Pollen reach egg makes seeds Male cones have pollen Female has ovary/egg then these two make the seed

4 Spores -found bottom side of leaves Microscopic/dust
They come in many shapes and sizes Ferns Ancient plants NO seeds Spores -wind -water -animals

5 Low Growing NO veins NON vascular There are Mosses, Hornworts,
and Liverworts Mosses are from big groups of NON vascular plants. Liverworts looks like flat leaves and they are connected to the ground. Hornworts in the life cycle sometimes part of a hornwort looks like a cattle horn. They are all NON vascular plants.

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