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The Cold War - The End Game

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1 The Cold War - The End Game

2 Other World Events (Not Cold War)
Zionist Movement form of nationalism of Jews and Jewish culture that supports a Jewish nation state in territory defined as the Land of Israel Creation of Israel The State of Israel declared independence on May 14, 1948 Israeli independence has been marked by massive immigration of Jews, by conflict with the Palestinians and by wars with neighboring Arab states. Since about 1970 the United States has been the principal ally of Israel. In 1979, an uneasy peace was established with Egypt and in 1994, with Jordan. About 42% of the world's Jews live in Israel today.

3 Improve your knowledge
The nuclear bomb gave America a lead which was expected to last at least 5 years. The rapid Russian development of nuclear technology, helped by the work of the “atom spies” was a shock. Significantly, Russia hurriedly declared war against Japan at the beginning of August 1945 and rushed to advance into Asia to stake out a position for the post-war settlement. This helped make both the Korean and Vietnamese conflicts more likely.

4 The End Game U.S. President Ronald Regan (1981 – 1989)
challenges Communism and Soviet Union calls it the “Evil Empire” Massive Military Build Up = Trillions of $$$ Build intermediate missiles in Europe (We did the exact same thing as Cuba, to Them) SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative) Star Wars (1984) – Prevent Mutually Assured Destruction The Soviets will attempt to match U.S. defense spending & will go broke in the process.

5 Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev
The End Game Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev Mikhail Gorbachev (1985 – 1991) Gorbachev becomes Soviet premier and understands that the Soviet economy cannot compete with the West. Gorbachev recognizes there is increasing unrest in the country. Attempted Reforms: Glasnost = policy which called for increased openness and transparency in government institutions and activities. Perestroika = restructuring Video

6 The End Game Key Supporters Lech Walesa Pope John Paul II
1st to establish Solidarity movement and challenge U.S.S.R in 1983 Polish President from 1990 – 1995 Pope John Paul II Supported the Solidarity Movement 1979 – told Polish people to not support communism as it would not work without their support

7 The Cold War - The End Game
The Wall Falls, 1989 A wave of rebellion against Soviet influence occurs throughout its European allies. Poland’s Solidarity movement breaks the Soviet hold on that country Hungary removed its border restrictions with Austria. Riots and protests break out in East Germany. East Germans storm the wall. Confused and outnumbered, border guards do not fight back. The wall is breached. Eventually East and West Germany are reunited in 1990.

8 The Cold War - The End Game
The USSR Dissolves December 25, 1991 Gorbachev yielded as the president of the USSR, declaring the office extinct. Declared Boris Yeltsin, president of Russia. The following day, the Supreme Soviet, the highest governmental body of the Soviet Union, recognized the collapse of the Soviet Union and dissolved itself. Rocky beats Ivan Drago. Video

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