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Unit 4 Lesson 1 Review Students can…

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1 Unit 4 Lesson 1 Review Students can…
Unit 4 Lesson 1 Review Students can… * read and spell WTK/Vocabulary words: opened, every, any, saw, soon, sparkled, floating * read and spell words with long /o/ sound: spelling patterns o_e, -oa, -ow * Make an inference using context clues * Use was and were to tell about the past * Use comparative and superlative adjectives * read stories from Unit 4 Lesson 1 with fluency (without sounding out words, good pronunciation, natural intonation)- **Students should be able to read 80 words per minute in an on-level text by the end of first grade ** * Write a complete sentence with a capital letter, finger spacing, correct end mark

2 Words to Know I can read and spell each word
open sparkles saw every soon floating Last weekend, I went to the zoo and ______ some penguins! Penguins are birds that cannot fly. They eat fish and krill. Krill are small shrimp that are found _________ on the water. _________ year, penguins make nests on the land. _______, baby penguins will go out to the _____ sea. The sea__________ under the sunlight. * Read & Think: What is the main idea of this story? What is a detail from this story? saw floating Every Soon open sparkles

3 Long /o/ I can read and spell words with long /o/ using blends learned in class. Spell each word using the pictures shown. Long /o/ roses drove smoke globe bone close stone frozen

4 Comparative vs. Superlative
An adjective is a word that describes a person, place, or thing. When we compare two ore more people, places, or things, we can use “comparative” and “superlative” adjectives. For example: The yellow dog is fast. The purple dog is faster than the yellow dog. The big red dog is the fastest of all the dogs.

5 Comparative vs. Superlative
What are the comparative and superlative of these adjectives? adjective comparative superlative fat fatter the fattest smart smarter the smartest tall taller the tallest fast faster the fastest pretty prettier the prettiest hungry hungrier the hungriest

6 Past Tense Verbs Past tense verbs was and were tell about the past. Was tells about one person, place, or thing. Were tells about more than one person, place, or thing. For example: Little Red Hen was in the nest. Little Red Hen is only ONE thing, so we can use “was” to tell about the past. Little Red Hen and her chicks were in the nest. Little Red Hen and her chicks are MORE THAN ONE, so we can use “were” to tell about the past.

7 Past Tense Verbs Some dogs ________ at the park.
Mrs. Chiou and Mr. Solomon _______ in Texas last year. Teacher Patrick ________ at the beach this weekend. All the kids ________ in the Christmas show. I _______at the supermarket last night. Lots of bugs _________ in the grass. Emily ________ not at school yesterday. were were was were was were was

8 Making an Inference Sally’s Snack
Making an inference is figuring out something that the author does not tell us directly. When we make an inference, we use clues in the story to help us make a smart guess. Sally’s Snack Sally dashed from the elevator. She gave her grandma a quick hug at the door. She dropped her backpack on the table. Then, Sally ran to the kitchen. She took out the bread. She took out the jam. In no time, Sally made a snack. *Which sentence may be true about the story? O Sally does not have any homework O Sally likes peanut butter on her bread O Sally is hungry after school *The word dashed in the story means… O ran in a hurry O stopped O a little bit

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