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Phases with slowly decaying correlations
Jacques Villain 1. The two-dimensional easy plane magnet 2. Superfluid helium films 3. Vortices and phase transition 4. Kosterlitz-Thouless theory and renormalisation group 5. The two-dimensional solid. 6. Thermal roughness of a crystal surface and roughening transition. 7. The two-dimensional isotropic magnet 8. The Ising model with competing interactions
The two-dimensional easy plane magnet
Six= s cos fi Siy= s sin fi Nearest neighbour interaction Siz= XY model At low temperature: <| F(k)|2>=kBT/(Js2k2a2)
The two-dimensional XY model
<cos (fi–fj)>= <exp[i(fi–fj)]>=exp[–<(fi–fj)2>] < Si. Sj>/s2=<cos (fi–fj)> (a/rij)T/Q No conventional long range order at non-vanishing T But « algebraic » correlations Infinite susceptibility at low temperature Therefore there is a phase transition (Wegner 1967)
Superfluid helium films
Accessible to experimental investigation (Reppy) A macroscopic number of atoms is in the same state (Bose condensation). They have the same wave function Y(r)= |Y(r)| exp[-if(r)]. Mean current density A superfluid particle at r has velocity and kinetic energy : Energy of the superfluid:
Vortices and phase transition
XY model Velocity field in a superfluid Energy density is proportional to 1/r 2 Energy of an isolated vortex: infinite
Vortex pairs Energy of a pair of radius R:
B Energy of a pair of radius R: R Boltzmann factor: exp[–W(R)/kBT]=(R/a)–T0/T Diverges for T>T0/4. Transition by mixture of the pairs slightly below T0/4
Kosterlitz-Thouless theory and renormalisation group
Principle: elimination degrees of freedom (pairs) of small radius - - + + Analogous to: i) Elimination of electrons in the Born-Openheimer approximation ii) Screening in the three-dimensional Coulomb gas But here one eliminates first pairs of radius<ae, then<ae2, etc. The minimum radius ael goes to infinity. Infinite (semi-)group
After l eliminations, 2 parametres:
1) The force 2pK(l)/r between 2 vortices à distance rel 2) The vortex « fugacity » y(l)>0 (If y=0, there is no vortex pair). In the low temperature phase: y(∞)=0 This implies that K be large enough. K>2/p dy/dl=(2–pK)y dK–1/ dl =4p3y2
The transition is continuous….
K y 0,02 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,6 0,7 0,4 0,8 1 The transition is continuous…. …. But there is a discontinuity of K(∞) In the superfluid, the superfluid density rs(T) jumps from a non-vanishing value to 0. No observable specific heat anomaly (essential singularity)
The two-dimensional solid.
Atomic displacements u(r), Fourier transform uk Two-dimensional isotropic medium or triangular lattice: <u-ka u-kg> ∝ 1/k2 when k goes to 0. Bragg lines intensity: ∝ Debye-Waller factor exp(–k2<ui2>/3) =0 in two dimensions Bragg peaks are not delta functions!
Melting of a two-dimensional solid : dissociation of dislocation pairs
B A b The shear modulus has a discontinuity! b a The Young modulus has a universal jump! The transition is continuous! (except for possible complications) But this transition does not produce a liquid phase …
To reach the liquid phase another (continuous) transition is necessary
An unpairing of disclinations (Halperin, Nelson 1978)
Thermal roughness of a crystal surface and roughening transition.
<(zi–zj)2> T ln(rij/a) Valid for a liquid surface (neglecting gravity) or for a crystal surface at a not too low temperature x y z crystal surface at low temperature : smooth! Roughening transition at TR TR depends on the surface orientation Critical behaviour analogous to K-Th g(TR)a2/TR =pkB/2 Below TR the crystal has facets
JJ Metois and JC Heyraud
T > 100 °C indium 20 < T < 40 °C à basse température: de plus en plus de facettes photographies JJ Metois and JC Heyraud CRMC2 Marseille 40 < T < 100 °C T < 10 °C 10 < T < 20 °C Melting temperature 156°C
The two-dimensional isotropic magnet
Classical spins with 3 components Jij=J >0 if i and j are neighbours, Otherwise Jij =0. One can try a decoupling: Kosterlitz et Thouless (1973): we would conjecture that the xy model has a phase transition but the Heisenberg model does not”. a) If there are free vortices, correlations decay exponentially b) If the vortex energy is finite, there are free vortices at T m 0 c) Vortex structures with finite energy exist, e.g. Sz(r)=s (R2–r2)1/2/R, Sx(r)=(x/R)s, Sy(r)=(y/R)s, with r=(x,y) and r<R. Confirmed by renormalisation group calculations (Polyakov)
The Ising model with competing interactions
J1>0 J0>0 J2<0 Ground state for J1<–2J2 For J1= –2J2 the ground state is degenerate and made of stripes of arbitrary width >2
The floating phase
Conclusion Many two-dimensional systems
Magnets with easy magnetisation plane Helium films Two-dimensional solids Crystal surfaces Ising model with competing interactions have extremely strange properties: Power law decay of correlation functions Continuous transition with discontinuities Melting through two continuous transitions These properties are related to topological phenomena Their experimental observation is possible, not always easy
Biblio Kosterlitz J M (2016). Kosterlitz–Thouless physics: a review of key issues. Rep. Prog. Phys. 79, Balibar S., Alles H., Parshin Alexander Ya. (2005) The surface of helium crystals. Rev. Mod. Phys. 77, 317 Einstein T. L Equilibrium Shape of Crystals Handbook of Crystal Growth, Fundamentals, edited by T. Nishinaga
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