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Brady Et Al., "sequential compression device compliance in postoperative obstetrics and gynecology patients", obstetrics and gynecology, vol. 125, no.

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Presentation on theme: "Brady Et Al., "sequential compression device compliance in postoperative obstetrics and gynecology patients", obstetrics and gynecology, vol. 125, no."— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal Club Notes Pragmatic VS Explanatory Reviews and Systematic Reviews

2 Brady Et Al., "sequential compression device compliance in postoperative obstetrics and gynecology patients", obstetrics and gynecology, vol. 125, no. 1, january 2015.

3 Pragmatic vs. explanatory
Clinical trials can be characterized into two groups -- explanatory and pragmatic Explanatory trial -- designed to test the efficacy of an intervention under optimal conditions RCTs fall into this category Higher internal validity -- better control of bias Lower external validity -- less likely to be generalized and applicable to most patients Assesses If and how intervention works

4 Pragmatic vs. explanatory
Pragmatic trial - designed to evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention in real-world practice situations Higher external validity than a controlled experiment Addresses whether the intervention works in real life Policymakers interested in pragmatic trials, especially given limited resources

5 strongly pragmatic trial
No exclusion / inclusion criteria No guidelines for providers on how to apply the intervention Comparison is the best alternative treatment Intervention and comparison treatment applied across all clinical settings No formal follow-up Clinically meaningful primary outcome No additional effort to increase compliance or adherence to trial's protocols Patients analyzed in intention-to-treat fashion

6 Pragmatic vs. explanatory
Most trials are somewhere in-between Have elements of both pragmatic and explanatory trials Several tools have been developed to assess the degree to which a trial is pragmatic vs. explanatory

7 some control in this study
Exclusion criteria Non-English speaking patients Patients who had surgery for gynecologic malignancy Post-op gyn and postpartum patients at Virginia Commonwealth University Healthy System All observations made by the same two investigators

8 Statistical tests Tukey's Honest Significant Difference Test -- could be be used alone or with ANOVA "post hoc", i.e., after the experiment is concluded, to compare all possible pairs of means in a single step Compared all possible combinations of the four means in a single step T-test can only compare two means at a time


10 systematic review Terminology
Systematic review -- Review of a clearly specified question that uses a systematic and explicit method to identify, select and critically appraise the research Collect and analyze data from included studies Specified question: What is the effect of physical activity-only interventions on the risk of GDM? Study reports search criteria, study inclusion criteria, and critical appraisal methods

11 systematic review terminology
Meta-analysis -- statistical method which combines and summarizes the results of studies that address the same question Study reports summary estimate of the association between physical activity and GDM; RR=0.72; p<.01 Fixed effects -- effects of the intervention do not vary across studies; only vary within the studies Random effects -- effects of the intervention vary across studies and within studies

12 systematic review terminology
Heterogeneity -- refers to the variability between studies in terms of characteristics, quality or effect Low heterogeneity in this study (12%) Interpreting I2 statistic 0-30% -- no or low heterogeneity 30-50% -- moderate heterogeneity over 50% -- significant heterogeneity

13 systematic review terminology
Funnel plot -- graphical way of identifying publication bias Publication bias means that research which shows a negative result, i.e., no statistical significance, is less likely to be published Plot effect size against a measure of the study, and it if resembles a symmetric inverted funnel then no publication bias No obvious publication bias in this study

14 Funnel plot

15 cohort studies vs. case series
Cohort study -- samples patients based on exposure and follows them over time to see if they develop the outcome Sample on physical activity intervention and see if patients develop GDM Allows for calculation of Relative Risk Case series -- could sample patients based on both exposure and outcome, or based on outcome only Hard or impossible to calculate Relative Risk

16 Study Advantages and limitations
High internal validity Only included quality RCTs Used physical activity-only interventions Included studies from different countries Publication bias not an issue Limitations: Small number of included studies (N=10) Many of included studies with insignificant results

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