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Minimum Contract Level Data, Management Information and Data Sharing January 2012 Barry Langfield, LSIS Partnership Adviser Emphasise for contractors.

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Presentation on theme: "Minimum Contract Level Data, Management Information and Data Sharing January 2012 Barry Langfield, LSIS Partnership Adviser Emphasise for contractors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Minimum Contract Level Data, Management Information and Data Sharing January Barry Langfield, LSIS Partnership Adviser Emphasise for contractors (lead/sub –contractors): existing and at different levels of maturity Panel intros – CM ref to working with various groups to help them put together their contracts and specifying who does what Colin to remind group about written comments/questions … eg panel will respond after Stephen’s presentation 1

2 Our Objectives Skills Funding Agency Role Key Issues
Data, Information, Integrity and Ownership Communicating Data and Information The impact on MCL MIS Quick poll after this to establish if participants are lead providers, sub contractors or both – tick the box type 2

3 Skills Funding Agency Role
As part of its contract with providers the SFA will monitor each `data return Expect to see that starts, achievements and leavers are reported in a timely manner Expect that quality assurance process at providers ensures that data is correct and validated Expect that providers will control their information management so that data is made available as soon as possible to the Agency Expect starts data must be reported within two reporting months (max) and for leavers/achievers within three reporting months (max)

4 Key Issues Considerable effort is made in correcting data held in the Individual Learner Record (ILR) ensuring it is accurate and up- to-date The data is the basis for ILR returns and, ultimately, income from the SFA. It is therefore important that it is complete and accurate There can often be a lack of ownership by the sources of data which may lead to incomplete and inaccurate data Communication can be difficult due to unreliable IT links including telephone systems and as a result there is an increased potential for key information to be “lost” in the system The reporting function of MIS may not have fully developed reports and frequencies for decision making

5 Data, Information, Integrity and Ownership
Managing Agent Managing Provider Contract Managing Agent Sub-contracted provider Contract Management Quality Assurance Data Management Etc... Contract Managing Provider actively delivering services Sub-contracted provider Contract Management Programme delivery Quality Assurance Data Management Etc... Joint Venture Hub Provider A Provider B Provider C Provider D Provider E Provider F Leadership Contract management Business development and relationship building Financial management Data management Quality Assurance and Improvement Board Members

6 Communicating Data and Information
Which ever model you are using under MCL, lead providers will be responsible for managing data, management information and will need to establish processes for data sharing. Lead Provider Ofsted Skills Funding Agency Sub-contractors Data Service

7 The impact of MCL Lead provider will need to own the data and have accurate and up-to- date data on learner numbers and qualification success rates The lead provider will need to work with sub-contractor/partners to uses data and information on learners’ and employers’ needs, to plan and review the provision or service The lead provider will set challenging targets and will use data to monitor, analyse and improve engagement and performance by different groups of learners Ofsted will seek to understand: how well achievement and progression data of different groups are collected, analysed and used to set targets to improve the performance of underachieving groups trends over the last three years how the analysis of data on performance and progress is used to improve performance

8 MIS Definition A management information system (MIS) provides information which is needed to manage organisations efficiently and effectively Management information systems involve three primary resources: people, technology, and information Management information systems are distinct from other information systems in that they are used to analyse operational activities in the organisation

9 MIS Positives Helps providers to track spend of each partner/sub-contractor and the provision as a whole Monitors success rates across the whole provision Can be used to track individual progress of any learner Can be used to make contact with any partnering employer (useful for surveys) Negatives Sub-contractors/partners do not always check the integrity of their own data prior to sending it to the lead provider Some systems have limits on the size of file which can be sent so file drop/sharing site have to be used to send such large files Subcontractors may use a different MIS to the lead provider.

10 Any questions? Sharing actions you will be taking away ….
Questions if required from panel to stimulate discussion… ·       Future challenges: ·        

11 Wrapping Up We’ll send you now These slides Evaluation link
You maybe be interested in further support from the LSIS MCL Support Programme. If you would like to talk to an MCL Partnership Adviser please send an to A range of resources are available on the Excellence Gateway site Further web seminar events are planned,  you can find details and registration on

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