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UNIT 7 It's raining! Period 1: Section A 1a—2c.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT 7 It's raining! Period 1: Section A 1a—2c."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT 7 It's raining! Period 1: Section A 1a—2c

2 rain A: How’s the weather? B: It’s …

3 Find the difference rainy raining

4 cloudy



7 sunny

8 snowy snowing


10 Let’s be the weather reporter!
Places Weather tomorrow Beijing cloudy Shang hai rainy Harbin snowing Hong Kong raining Chongqing windy Taiyuan sunny

11 Answers: a; b; e; c; d 1a. Match the words with the pictures a-e. c a

12 1b. Listening. Moscow Russian Toronto Canada Boston America

13 A: Hi! How’s the weather in Beijing? B: It’s sunny.
Imagine you are in one of the places in 1a,talk about the weather with your friend on the phone. The sample: A: Hi! How’s the weather in Beijing? B: It’s sunny. Practice (1c)

14 Look at the pictures in 2a. How busy the family is!
Listening (2a, 2b) Look at the pictures in 2a. How busy the family is! What are they doing?

15 cooker cook

16 The cook often cooks delicious food with the simple cooker.

17 Are your guessing right?
Before listening to the recording, can you match the person’s name with the pictures? Are your guessing right?

18 Answers: 1.c; 2.a; 3.d; 4.b Listening
Please finish 2b first. Listen and match the names with the activities. Answers: 1.c; 2.a; 3.d; 4.b

19 Listening This time number the pictures 1—4 in 2a. Answers: 2—3—4—1

20 A: What is Uncle Joe doing? B: He’s playing basketball.
Practice (2c) Work in pairs. Talk about the people in 2a with your partner. Sample: A: What is Uncle Joe doing? B: He’s playing basketball.

21 Read for more. (Humor) It is snowing outside! The wind is blowing, and the snow is falling. The cold winter is coming. There are many children outside. They’re having a good time. Some are making snowmen, some are skiing, some are throwing snowballs, and some are running in the snow. I want to join them, too. I can’t wait to open the door. Oh! It’s too cold. I prefer wearing my thick coat to sleep in bed. When it becomes sunny, I will play sports in the snow.

22 风儿吹,雪儿飘,严寒冬季正来到, 外面小孩真不少,他们玩得好热闹; 有的堆雪人,有的在滑雪;有的打雪仗,有的雪中跑。 看得心里真发痒,加入他们该多妙, 迫不及待打开门,哎呀呀,冷得受不了。 宁愿裹着厚外套,躺在床上睡大觉, 待到阳光灿烂时,看我雪中展拳脚。

23 无持续风向 No sustained wind
Culture looks Taiyuan Weather( :00 Release) View the next 4 days weather forecast 日期 Date 天气现象 Weather phenomena 气温 Air temperature 风向 Wind direction 风力 Wind power 4月17日 夜间 At night 多云 Cloudy 低温8℃Low temperature 8℃ 无持续风向 No sustained wind 微风 Breeze 4月18日 白天 Day 高温15℃High temperature 15℃ Clear 低温6℃Low temperature 6℃ 4月19日 高温18℃High temperature 18℃ 低温7℃Low temperature 7℃ 4月20日 高温20℃High temperature 20℃ 9℃Low temperature 9℃

24 Homework Choose one of them to finish. A: 1.Remember the new words and have a dictation on the exercise book. 2. Write one of the conversations above on the exercise book. B:Collect other weather and greeting terms besides the weather words and sentences of the unit.


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