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Discovering high-level models and working with BPMN in ProM

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1 Discovering high-level models and working with BPMN in ProM
Anna Kalenkova

2 Discovering processes with high-level process modeling languages
Sub-processes Cancellations Timers Collaborations (+ Resource perspective) Data perspective

3 Discovering sub-processes (cancellation)
How to discover a sub-process, which is connected with the main process by incoming and outgoing control flows?

4 Discovering sub-processes (cancellation)

5 Discovering sub-processes (cancellation)
Noise and incompleteness of a transition system. How to decompose a transition system? Build a process model Remove noise and repair a transition system Automatically decompose a transition system Construct a high-level process model

6 Why BPMN? Holistic view on the process
Understandable by wide audience of analytics and developers Graphical notation and executable format at the same time Control-flow has formal semantics is based on the concept of token Was created on the basis of preceding workflow languages and is rather expressive Is supported by a significant number of tools and is widespread

7 The BPM Academic Initiative Model Collection
Do not consider Choreography and Conversation diagrams for the first time, only BPMN processes and their collaborations within one diagram.

8 BPMNDiagram org.processmining.models.graphbased.
BPMN package Import/export of BPMN diagrams (in BPMN XML and XPDL 2.2 formats). BPMN XML 2.0 BPMN metamodel org.processmining.plugins.bpmn BPMNDiagram org.processmining.models.graphbased. XPDL 2.2 XPDL metamodel org.processmining.plugins.xpdl ProM

9 BPMN package BPMN 2.0 Standard BPMN metamodel BPMN diagram Definitions
BpmnDefinitions - Process BpmnProcess Process may or may not correspond to some Swimlane (pool) Start Event BpmnStartEvent Event Task BpmnTask Activity Sub Process (+ Event Sub Process) BpmnSubProcess SubProcess Data-based exclusive gateway BpmnExclusiveGateway Gateway Event-based exclusive gateway Parallel gateway BpmnParallelGateway Sequence Flow BpmnSequenceFlow Flow End event BpmnEndEvent Collaboration BpmnCollaboration May correspond to set of Swimlanes (pools) Participant BpmnParticipant Message flow BpmnMessageFlow MessageFlow Message BpmnMessage Data Objects + Data Association BpmnDataObject DataObject and DataAssocistion Lane BpmnLane Swimlane(lane)

10 Signavio model collection
Comparator Imported BPMN models (6000 models) Exported BPMN models Statistics

11 BPMNConversions package
Workflow-net/Petri net (with Data) Discovery algorithms BPMNDiagram Process tree (with Resources) C-net

12 (Data) Petri-net to BPMN conversion

13 Process trees (with resources) to BPMN conversion

14 Causal nets to BPMN conversion

15 Thank you!

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