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Advanced Financial Planning

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1 Advanced Financial Planning
Week 2

2 Learning Objectives Financial Planning Practice
Comprehensive Financial Plan Financial Management Net Worth & evaluation Cash Flow & evaluation Calculate & evaluate Personal Financial Ratios Prioritized Financial Goals & Components

3 Report on Disciplinary Action

4 “Scandals will Prompt Questions from Clients” Implications for Financial Planners?

5 What to Include in a Comprehensive Financial Plan?

6 Comprehensive Financial Plan Process
Financial Plan worksheet What is included in a Comprehensive Financial Plan? Review key areas and prioritization of components  include most important areas in the plan Sample Financial Plan

7 Sample Plan Provided for “layout” ONLY Use charts or graphs
Provide explanation on the exhibit Recommendations to improve Consider the following S/B Recommendations Conclusion S/B Action Plan

8 Writing Financial Planning Recommendations
Begin the paragraph with an underlined summary “lead sentence” Justify the lead sentence in the rest of the paragraph

9 Sample Recommendation
When Able and Alice begin receiving RRIF income they should split this income. Spouses over 65 years old are allowed to split their RRIF income. Since Alice has substantially more funds in her RRSP, splitting their RRIF income will help equalize their incomes and lower taxes.

10 Personal Financial Ratios
Emergency Fund Debt Position Gross Debt Service Ratio Total Debt Service Ratio Savings Ratio

11 1. Do I have adequate liquidity to meet emergencies?
Emergency Fund (number of months) = Liquid assets Annual living expenditures/12 Calculates the number of months living expenses can be covered with liquid assets Liquid assets includes all non-registered short term assets Suggested coverage is 3 to 6 months (covers expenses should client lose their job) High Net Worth clients may have less coverage and use personal credit (such as Line of Credit) to supplement

12 2. Do I have the ability to meet my debt obligations?
Debt Ratio = Total Liabilities Total Assets Percentage of assets financed by borrowing. Usually decreases over time. Young clients higher percentage, older clients usually have lower percentages. To evaluate calculate the trend over a number of years

13 3. Mortgage Approval: Gross Debt Service Ratio
= housing costs gross annual income = mortgage (principal + interest) + taxes + heat With mortgage lenders, new mortgage approval range is % of gross annual income (lower is better) CMHC uses 32%

14 5. Am I saving as much as I think I am?
Savings Ratio = Income Available for Savings & Investment + regular savings Gross Annual Income = Surplus/ Deficit (from Cash Flow) + regular annual savings (RRSP,etc) Gross Annual Income Portion of gross income that is saved annually. Recommendation is 10% of gross income

15 4a. Total Debt Service Ratio (no rental property)
= housing costs + other debt annual payments gross annual income TDSR should not exceed 40% of gross income Used to evaluate current debt payment level and approve new loans For new loans, the TDSR is recalculated including the new loan repayment

16 Charles & Ann Gupta Evaluate their Net Worth position
Evaluate their Cash Flow position Calculate & evaluate their Personal Financial Ratios Complete Financial Plan worksheet Prepare 2009 Taxes Develop recommendations to improve their taxes

17 4b. Total Debt Service Ratio with rental property
= (housing costs + other debt annual payments) -80% rental income gross annual income TDSR should not exceed 40% of gross income Used to evaluate current debt payment level and approve new loans For new loans, the TDSR is recalculated including the new loan repayment

18 Next Class 1. Charles & Ann Gupta:
Prioritized Financial Goals & Components 2009 Taxes & recommendations 2. Tax Planning & Minimization Personal Income Tax Tax Minimization Strategies

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