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Introduction to TSDS PEIMS Data reporting
Simple Solution. Brighter Futures. Introduction to TSDS PEIMS Data reporting June 2017 Melissa Lemons
Contact Information Contact Information: Name: Melissa Lemons Address:
TSDS PEIMS Authorization and Participation
CONTENTS TSDS PEIMS Authorization and Participation What is Collected Through TSDS PEIMS When is Data Collected Through TSDS PEIMS TSDS PEIMS Data Management TSDS PEIMS Training and Support Who is Your ESC PEIMS Coordinator Steps to a Successful TSDS PEIMS Experience Q & A
PEIMS Authorization and Participation
The Texas Student Data Systems (TSDS) Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) is authorized by the Texas Legislature in TEC (a) Each school district (and charter school - TEC ) shall participate in the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) and shall provide through that system information required for the administration of this chapter and of other appropriate provisions of this code.
PEIMS Authorization and Participation
TEC continued. (b) Each school district (and charter school) shall use a uniform accounting system adopted by the commissioner for the data required to be reported for the Public Education Information Management System.
PEIMS Authorization and Participation
TEC continued. (c) Annually, the commissioner shall review the Public Education Information Management System and shall repeal or amend rules that require school districts to provide information through the Public Education Information Management System that is not necessary. In reviewing and revising the Public Education Information Management System, the commissioner shall develop rules to ensure that the system:
PEIMS Authorization and Participation
TEC continued. (1) provides useful, accurate, and timely information on student demographics and academic performance, personnel, and school district finances; (2) contains only the data necessary for the legislature and the agency to perform their legally authorized functions in overseeing the public education system; and (3) does not contain any information related to instructional methods, except as provided by Section or required by federal law.
PEIMS Authorization and Participation
TEC continued. (d) The commissioner's rules must ensure that the Public Education Information Management System links student performance data to other related information for purposes of efficient and effective allocation of scarce school resources, to the extent practicable using existing agency resources and appropriations.
PEIMS Authorization and Participation What is Collected Through PEIMS
CONTENTS PEIMS Authorization and Participation What is Collected Through PEIMS When is Data Collected Through PEIMS PEIMS Data Management PEIMS Training and Support Who is Your ESC PEIMS Coordinator Steps to a Successful PEIMS Experience Q & A
What is Collected Through PEIMS?
The Texas Education Agency collects five (5) categories of school data through PEIMS. Education Organization Data Finance Data Staff Data Student Data Campus Course Section Data EducationServiceCenter Complex Type LocalEducationAgencyExtension Complex Type SchoolExtension Complex Type ClassPeriod Complex Type
What is Collected Through PEIMS?
Education Organization Data EducationServiceCenter – the county-education service center number and the education service center name. LocalEducationAgencyExtension- the county-district number, the LEA name, organization category, and the LEA performance ratings determined by a local committee. Campus Identification - the county-district-campus number, the campus name, and the campus performance ratings determined by a local committee. Class Period – the designation of regularly scheduled series of class meetings at designated times and days of the week. EducationServiceCenter Complex Type LocalEducationAgencyExtension Complex Type SchoolExtension Complex Type ClassPeriod Complex Type
What is Collected Through PEIMS?
Education Organization Data- continued Course - the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students on a regular or systematic basis. Courses Offered- the course catalog of available courses Section Information- the setting in which organized instruction of course content is provided to one or more students for a given period of time. Course Complex Type CourseOffering Complex Type SectionExtension Complex Type
What is Collected Through PEIMS?
Education Organization Data– continued Calendar – the LEA-wide or campus-specific school calendars that define the instructional, in-service, holidays, weather days, etc. Reporting Period – represents a time period for which student attendance are reported. Shared Services Arrangements - the county-district number, the shared services arrangement type, and the county-district number of the fiscal agent. (Not applicable for non-profit charter schools) CalendarDateExtension Complex Type ReportingPeriodExtension Complex Type SSAOrgAssociationExtension Complex Type
What is Collected Through PEIMS?
District Finance Data - (special non-profit accounting rules exist for charter schools) Budget - the current district budget information with amounts related to Financial Accountability System Resource Guide account codes as specified for fund, function, object, organization, year, and program intent. Actual - the prior year audited actual financial information with amounts related to Financial Accountability System Resource Guide account codes as specified for fund, function, object, organization, year, and program intent. Shared Services Arrangement - Actual - the prior year audited actual financial information for the shared services arrangement. BudgetExtension Complex Type ActualExtension Complex Type SharedServiceArrangementExtension Complex Type
What is Collected Through PEIMS?
Staff Data Identification - the information necessary to identify the person. This includes the Texas Staff Unique ID. Demographic - the characteristics of a person. This information is the sex, ethnicity, race, date of birth, and total years of professional experience, and is requested for all staff. Employment - the description of the person's employment within a district. StaffExtension Complex Type StaffEducationOrgEmploymentAssociationExtension Complex Type
What is Collected Through PEIMS?
Staff Data - continued Payroll Summary - the information that shows a person's salary relationship and experience with a district. Payroll Accounting - the expenditure accounts to which a person's salary or portion of the salary is charged. PayrollExtension Complex Type StaffResponsibilitiesExtension Complex Type
What is Collected Through PEIMS?
Staff Data - continued Responsibilities - identifies the type of work an employee performs, whether inside or outside the classroom. Professional Staff and Educational Aides - identifies the type of service performed and the service location. Classroom Staff - the detailed information related to the activities of each person who works in a classroom setting. TeacherSectionAssociationExtension Complex Type ContractedInstructionalStaffFTEExtension Complex Type
What is Collected Through PEIMS?
Staff Data - continued Teaching Assignments – the detailed information related to the teaching assignments of each classroom teacher. Contracted Instructional Staff - the information on professional contracted instructional staff with campus ID, program intent code, and total FTEs. Auxiliary Staff Roles – The information on auxiliary non- professional staff. TeacherSectionAssociationExtension Complex Type ContractedInstructionalStaffFTEExtension Complex Type
What is Collected Through PEIMS?
Student Data Identification - the information necessary to identify the person. This includes the Texas Student Unique ID. Demographic - the characteristics of a person. This information is the campus, last date of enrollment, sex, ethnicity, race(s), and date of birth. Enrollment - the specific enrollment attributes of the student. This information includes the campus, grade, and program participation. StudentExtension Complex Type StudentSchoolAssociationExtension Complex Type StudentSectionAssociation Complex Type StudentProgramExtension Complex Type
What is Collected Through PEIMS?
Student Data - continued Special Programs - the information specific to each of the special programs (ESEA, Title I, Part A; Special Education; Career and Technical Education; Bilingual/ESL, and Extended School Year services). Attendance - the basic information pertaining to the attendance of a student. Course Completion - the courses that are attempted and completed by students in grades 1-12. Leaver - the information about prior year students who are not current year students. StudentSpecialEdProgramAssociationExtension Complex Type StudentCTEProgramAssociationExtension Complex Type StudentTitleIPartAProgramAssociationExtension Complex Type BasicReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension Complex Type SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension Complex Type StudentESYProgramAssociationExtension Complex Type StudentAcademicRecord Complex Type CourseTranscriptExtension Complex Type SectionExtension Complex Type StudentSchoolAssociationExtension Complex Type SchoolLeaverExtension Complex Type
What is Collected Through PEIMS?
Student Data - continued Disciplinary Action - the information on student disciplinary actions. Restraint – the information on student restraint events. Student Graduation Program – the information regarding the student’s graduation plan. DisciplineIncidentExtension Complex Type StudentDisciplineIncidentAssociationExtension Complex Type DisciplineActionExtension Complex Type RestraintEventExtension Complex Type StudentGraduationProgramExtension Complex Type
What is Collected Through PEIMS?
Campus Course Section Data Course Section – the information for all classes offered through a district or charter school reported at the campus level. Section Extension Complex Type StudentSectionAssociation Complex Type TeacherSectionAssociationExtension
PEIMS Authorization and Participation What is Collected Through PEIMS
CONTENTS PEIMS Authorization and Participation What is Collected Through PEIMS When is Data Collected Through PEIMS PEIMS Data Management PEIMS Training and Support Who is Your ESC PEIMS Coordinator Steps to a Successful PEIMS Experience Q & A
When is data collected through PEIMS?
The Texas Education Agency collects TSDS PEIMS data four (4) times per school year. Submission 1 – also known as the Fall Submission Submission 2 – also known as the Midyear Submission Submission 3 – also known as the Summer Submission Submission 4 – also known as the Extended Year Submission
When is data collected through PEIMS?
Submission 1 - represents the state of the LEAs as of the Fall Snapshot date. Fall Snapshot Date is always the last Friday in October, regardless of whether it is an instructional day. Leaver data are reported based on leaver status as of the last Friday in September. Submission 1 is reported in December with a resubmission in January.
When is data collected through PEIMS?
Submission 2 - includes the audited actual financial data for the prior fiscal year. Submission 2 is reported in January with a resubmission in February.
When is data collected through PEIMS?
Submission 3 - includes yearlong student attendance (regular and flexible), student course completions, student disciplinary actions, student restraints, special program participation, course sections, and teacher class assignments/staff data. Submission 3 is reported in June with a resubmission in July.
When is data collected through PEIMS?
Submission 4 - if required, includes special education extended year services (ESY) student data for the school year, student flexible attendance for credit recovery, and summertime dual credit completions for students. Submission 4 is reported in August with a resubmission in September. LEP/Bilingual Summer School, Special Ed, Dual Enrollment, Credit Recovery (Summer School)
When is data collected through PEIMS?
Submission and Resubmission Timelines can be found in TEDS under Section 8.1. Submission and Resubmission Timelines can be found: s-peims-ds8.1.pdf
PEIMS Authorization and Participation What is Collected Through PEIMS
CONTENTS PEIMS Authorization and Participation What is Collected Through PEIMS When is Data Collected Through PEIMS PEIMS Data Management PEIMS Training and Support Who is Your ESC PEIMS Coordinator Steps to a Successful PEIMS Experience Q & A
PEIMS Data Management The Texas Student Data System (TSDS) is a statewide system for collecting and reporting education data for publicly funded schools in the state of Texas. TSDS offers a new way to collect and manage data, as well as provide educators with timely, actionable, and historical student data. New way – end users can load partial data instead of entire records
PEIMS Data Management The Texas Education Data Standards (TEDS) is the collection of data reporting requirements and definitions for all TSDS collections. Describe the PEIMS data reporting requirements Provide descriptions of data elements and the codes used to report them Detail the responsibilities of LEAs, ESCs, and TEA in connection with the data collection process and; Provide descriptions of the data collection requirements, including collection specifications.
PEIMS Data Management The Texas Education Data Standards (TEDS) can be found on the Texas Education Agency website at: _Release/
PEIMS Data Management School districts and charter schools are responsible for collecting, formatting, and reporting the data required as specified in the Texas Education Data Standards (TEDS).
PEIMS Data Management Most school districts and charter schools purchase data management systems and student information systems from Education Service Centers or public companies that specialize in Texas public school/PEIMS data management.
PEIMS Data Management When selecting a TSDS PEIMS data management system and/or a student information system, be sure that the product is compliant with the TSDS Texas Education Data Standards, as the superintendent/CEO of a school district/ charter school is responsible for submitting accurate PEIMS data for funding and accountability purposes.
PEIMS Authorization and Participation What is Collected Through PEIMS
CONTENTS PEIMS Authorization and Participation What is Collected Through PEIMS When is Data Collected Through PEIMS PEIMS Data Management PEIMS Training and Support Who is Your ESC PEIMS Coordinator Steps to a Successful PEIMS Experience Q & A
PEIMS Training and Support
The Texas Education Agency utilizes a “train the trainer” approach to disseminate TSDS PEIMS reporting requirements and related information. TEA trains the ESC PEIMS Coordinators and then each ESC PEIMS office offers TSDS/PEIMS training to the charter schools (and school districts) in the ESC region your school is located.
PEIMS Training and Support
Question? What does an LEA do if they have a TSDS reporting question or issue?
PEIMS Training and Support
Answer. TEA has implemented an incident management system known as TIMS. All support questions or issues must be submitted through TIMS and escalated to your ESC. If the ESC PEIMS Staff are unable to answer a question, they will forward the TIMS ticket to TEA. The response to the TIMS ticket will be relayed back to the LEA through the ESC.
PEIMS Authorization and Participation What is Collected Through PEIMS
CONTENTS PEIMS Authorization and Participation What is Collected Through PEIMS When is Data Collected Through PEIMS PEIMS Data Management PEIMS Training and Support Who is Your ESC PEIMS Coordinator Steps to a Successful PEIMS Experience Q & A
Who is your ESC PEIMS Coordinator?
Each charter school (and school district) is assigned to a specific education service center for PEIMS support and other education support services.
Who is your ESC PEIMS Coordinator?
The following list of ESC PEIMS Coordinators is subject to change. To get up-to-date information you will want to navigate to AskTED using the following link: From there, click on Search RESCs – Select the Region / ESC Number – Select Personnel – Select PEIMS Coordinator – Click Search Also useful for looking up district information. Charter School Division is responsible for updating this information for Charter Schools.
Who is your ESC PEIMS Coordinator?
REG 1 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER ( ) PEIMS Coordinator – Diana Perez 1900 W. Schunior Edinburg, TX Phone: (956) REG 2 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER ( ) PEIMS Coordinator – Geoffrey Rickerhauser 209 N. Water St. Corpus Christi, TX Phone: (361)
Who is your ESC PEIMS Coordinator?
REG 3 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER ( ) PEIMS Coordinator- Dawn Cummings 1905 Leary Ln. Victoria, TX Phone: (361) ext.: 274 REG 4 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER ( ) PEIMS Coordinator – Kim Gollihar 7145 W. Tidwell Houston, TX Phone: (713)
Who is your ESC PEIMS Coordinator?
REG 5 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER ( ) PEIMS Coordinator – Lynda Hoffpauir 350 Pine Street, Ste. 500 Beaumont, TX Phone: (409) REG 6 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER ( ) PEIMS Coordinator – Dara Fuller 3332 Montgomery Rd. Huntsville, TX Phone: (936)
Who is your ESC PEIMS Coordinator?
REG 7 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER ( ) PEIMS Coordinator – Barbara Bruhn 1909 N Longview St. Kilgore, TX Phone: (903) REG 8 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER ( ) PEIMS Coordinator – Carol Carter P.O. Box 1894 Mt. Pleasant, TX Phone (903) ext.:
Who is your ESC PEIMS Coordinator?
REG 9 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER ( ) PEIMS Coordinator – Nancy Holcombe / Darren Francis 301 Loop 11 Wichita Falls, TX Phone: (940) / (940) ext.: / REG 10 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER ( ) PEIMS Coordinator - Sharron Zirkelbach 400 E Spring Valley Rd. Richardson, TX Phone: (972)
Who is your ESC PEIMS Coordinator?
REG 11 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER ( ) PEIMS Coordinator – Cindy Moore / Mary Morgan 1451 S. Cherry Ln. White Settlement, TX Phone: (817) / (817) / REG 12 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER ( ) PEIMS Coordinator – Linda Raney P.O. Box Waco, TX Phone: (254)
Who is your ESC PEIMS Coordinator?
REG 13 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER ( ) PEIMS Coordinator – John Shaffer 5701 Springdale Rd. Austin, TX Phone (512) REG 14 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER ( ) PEIMS Coordinator – Liz Hatch 1850 HWY 351 Abilene, TX Phone (325)
Who is your ESC PEIMS Coordinator?
REG 15 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER ( ) PEIMS Coordinator – Julie Storey P.O. Box 5199 San Angelo, TX Phone: (325) ext.: REG 16 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER ( ) PEIMS Coordinator – Evelyn Jenkins 5800 Bell St. Amarillo, TX Phone: (806)
Who is your ESC PEIMS Coordinator?
REG 17 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER ( ) PEIMS Coordinator – Carol Volt 1111 W. Loop 289 Lubbock, TX Phone (806) REG 18 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER ( ) PEIMS Coordinator – Nancy Dunnam P.O. Box Midland, TX Phone: (432)
Who is your ESC PEIMS Coordinator?
REG 19 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER ( ) PEIMS Coordinator – Joel Molina P.O. Box El Paso, TX Phone: (915) REG 20 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER ( ) PEIMS Coordinator – Jay Young 1314 Hines Ave. San Antonio, TX Phone: (210)
PEIMS Authorization and Participation What is Collected Through PEIMS
CONTENTS PEIMS Authorization and Participation What is Collected Through PEIMS When is Data Collected Through PEIMS PEIMS Data Management PEIMS Training and Support Who is Your ESC PEIMS Coordinator Steps to a Successful PEIMS Experience Q & A
Steps to a Successful PEIMS Experience
Get to know the TSDS/PEIMS staff at your ESC. Take advantage of TSDS/PEIMS and other data/training services available through your ESC. Select a data management system and/or student information system to manage and report data. Learn the Texas Education Data Standards (TEDS) reporting requirements and rules by attending training at your ESC.
Steps to a successful PEIMS Experience
Review your data before finalizing any TSDS/PEIMS submission by using the available reports. Attend the “Data Quality Using TSDS PEIMS Data Mart Reports” in session 8. TSDS/PEIMS data errors may result in funding discrepancies, audit adjustments, and accountability issues for your charter school. Avoid these by running and reviewing the TSDS/PEIMS reports.
Steps to a successful PEIMS Experience
When in doubt about any TSDS/PEIMS reporting scenario, ask the question to get the correct answer before submitting and finalizing your TSDS/PEIMS data. After a data collection is closed, it is too late to make changes to your TSDS/PEIMS data.
Steps to a successful PEIMS Experience
TEA TSDS Staff will make site visits to new charter schools in their first year of operation to provide onsite training and support for the TSDS/PEIMS reporting processes.
PEIMS Authorization and Participation What is Collected Through PEIMS
CONTENTS PEIMS Authorization and Participation What is Collected Through PEIMS When is Data Collected Through PEIMS PEIMS Data Management PEIMS Training and Support Who is Your ESC PEIMS Coordinator Steps to a Successful PEIMS Experience Q & A
PEIMS Data reporting Questions?
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