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Presentation on theme: "VIRTUAL FRACTURE CLINICS"— Presentation transcript:

A new way of working With Quality improvement Steve Cannon 10th Oct 2016

2 Chaotic Fracture Clinics
Too few templates Long waits for an appt Long waits in the clinics themselves Poor consultant availability Patient frustration Long distances travelled in rural areas

3 BOA STANDARD Initially devised in 1935!!
Patients referred to fracture clinics from ED are seen within 72hrs However- Mean waiting time is 10.7 days Only 6% patients seen within the 72 hr target Holgate et al 2016

4 Objectives Increased collaboration between ED and orthopaedic services
Leaflet supported discharge from ED Virtual review only by orthopaedics Consultant review or other highly qulaified staff

5 Global Initiatives UK Australia Denmark Finland Hungary

6 Parameters in Place ED and orthopaedic buy in Dedicated session
Increasing usage of braces and thermoplastics as opposed to POP immobilisation Additional PT support Ability to refer to appropriate Ortho. Clinics (Sub-Specialty)

7 Suitable pathologies Fracture phalanges Fracture 5th metacarpal
Fracture 5TH Metatarsal base Fracture radial head and neck Host of soft tissue injuries

8 Radial Head Fractures Simple fractures discharged with no further review Complex fractures into a virtual clinic. I year study -202 patients 10% required face to face review Overall satisfaction rate 96%in suspected #, 87% in definite # 1% required late surgical management Jayaram PR et al 2014

9 Paediatric Population
339 fracture clinic referrals Only 63% had a fracture. 10% simple buckle fractures of the distal radius 7% finger fractures 37% merely suspected lateral malleolar fractures Virtual PT led clinic diminishes workload by 30% Ramasubbu B et al 2016

10 Cost Effective? Introduced in 2009
Monitoring of costs v national average Concludes that there is significant potential for cost savings without loss of patient satisfaction Jenkins et al 2016


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