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Navigating the Shift: How to Obtain Accessible Instructional Materials

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1 Navigating the Shift: How to Obtain Accessible Instructional Materials
Join Today’s Conversation via Today’s Meet Introduce Yourself Share Your Current Role SETDA is the principle association serving state leaders focused on the transition to digital learning – our mission is to build the capacity of state and national leaders to improve education through technology.

2 Panelists Christine Fox, Deputy Executive Director, SETDA @cafox
Joy Zabala, Co-Director, National Center on Accessible Materials at CAST @joyzabala Candice Dodson, Director of eLearning, Indiana Department of SETDA is the principle association serving state leaders focused on the transition to digital learning – our mission is to build the capacity of state and national leaders to improve education through technology.

3 Agenda Welcome and Introductions, Christine Fox, SETDA
Digital Instructional Materials National Perspective, Christine Fox, SETDA AEM Center and State AEM Cohort, Joy Zabala, CAST Discussion State Perspective, Candice Dodson, Indiana Department of Education DMAPS Demonstration, Christine Fox Q & A/ Discussion Evaluations SETDA is the principle association serving state leaders focused on the transition to digital learning – our mission is to build the capacity of state and national leaders to improve education through technology.

4 About SETDA Follow Us @setda
Serve, support, and represent U.S. state and territorial directors for educational technology. Mission to build and increase the capacity of state and national leaders to improve education through technology policy and practice. Forum for: Advocacy for policy and practice Professional learning Inter-state collaboration Public-private partnerships Follow SETDA is the principle association serving state leaders focused on the transition to digital learning – our mission is to build the capacity of state and national leaders to improve education through technology.

5 Tools and Resources: Digital Content
SETDA has a track record advocating for digital learning: Navigating the Digital Shift 2015 OER Case Studies 2015 Digital Content Policy Briefs Guide to Implementing Digital Learning 2014 Out of Print Report 2012 Broadband Imperative 2012 SETDA is the principle association serving state leaders focused on the transition to digital learning – our mission is to build the capacity of state and national leaders to improve education through technology.

6 Accessible Materials and Technologies
National Center on Accessible Educational Materials Accessible Materials and Technologies Supporting the Changing Landscape of Educational Materials and Technologies

7 AEM Center Goal To build the capacity of states, districts, postsecondary institutions, families, publishers, and other stakeholders to increase the availability and use of high-quality accessible educational materials (AEM) and technologies that support improved learning opportunities and outcomes for students with disabilities in early learning, K-12, higher education and workforce development.

8 AEM Center Goal To build the capacity of states, districts, postsecondary institutions, families, publishers, and other stakeholders to increase the availability and use of high-quality accessible educational materials (AEM) and technologies that support improved learning opportunities and outcomes for students with disabilities in early learning, K-12, higher education and workforce development.

9 AEM Center Objectives Expand and disseminate knowledge about accessible materials and technologies Increase skills and motivation for use of accessible materials and technologies to improve learning and advance opportunities Improve and enhance infrastructural capacities to use accessible materials and technologies to support the participation and achievement of individuals with disabilities across the lifespan

10 Approach to Technical Assistance
Three tiers aligned to built on promising practices used effectively by the previous Centers at CAST. Universal – High-quality, relevant and useful products and services readily available to all Targeted – Focused assistance in response to specific requests from the field Intensive – Ongoing collaborative work with 5 states around five identified leverage points

11 Universal TA -

12 Intensive Technical Assistance
National Center on Accessible Educational Materials Intensive Technical Assistance AEM Best Practices Cohort

13 AEM Best Practices Cohort
Eight states engaged in ongoing collaborative work around the implementation of AEM with a focus on high-leverage areas for improvement Alaska, Florida, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Minnesota, Ohio and Texas

14 High-Leverage Areas Areas of needed change identified in the 2014 Status of State Implementation of AEM/NIMAS Report Procurement considerations Provision system development Strategies for use of AEM and accessible technologies for learning Self-advocacy skills of students Data system development

15 Strategic Partnership with SETDA
National Center on Accessible Educational Materials Strategic Partnership with SETDA AEM Best Practices Cohort

16 Lessons Learned Accessible materials and technologies provide choices that are beneficial to all Accessible materials and technologies are required by some for independence, participation and achievement By working together, special educators and general educators can create learning environments that are accessible to all.

17 Accessibility Additions to DMAPS
AEM/SETDA Steering Committee Collaboration between State Ed Tech Directors and State AEM Coordinators - IN, OH, TX, FL, MD, MN Identification of data points on accessibility Pilot Administration, Formative Review and Edits Upload and Publish to DMAPS Wide Dissemination

18 Question for the Audience
Share with a neighbor: What opportunities are available in your district for general and special education leaders to collaborate and work regarding instructional resources ? Are there areas for growth? What would benefit your work?

19 Instructional Materials: Indiana
Indiana Department of Education- Office of eLearning- INeLearn Rockstars of Curation- PATINS Project-

20 Online Portal The Digital Instructional Materials Acquisition Policies for States (DMAPS) - an online database providing state and territory policies and practices related to the acquisition of digital instructional materials in K12 education. New National Report will be released at the Leadership Summit - Infographic

21 Development and Collaboration
State Leaders State Instructional Materials Contacts AEM Contacts Private Sector Leads New National Report will be released at the Leadership Summit - Infographic

22 Dig In Take a few moments to check your state’s policies and practices related to your state. Not up to date: Arizona, Colorado, South Carolina, North Dakota, Utah, New National Report will be released at the Leadership Summit - Infographic

23 Create a Calendar Appointment to Remind Yourself
Audience Challenge What can you do upon return to your position to help move the marker forward ? Create a Calendar Appointment to Remind Yourself SETDA is the principle association serving state leaders focused on the transition to digital learning – our mission is to build the capacity of state and national leaders to improve education through technology.

24 Coming February 9 Public Webinar: Feb 9th at 2pm ET Register
instructional-materials-learning/ New National Report will be released at the Leadership Summit - Infographic

25 Questions ? SETDA is the principle association serving state leaders focused on the transition to digital learning – our mission is to build the capacity of state and national leaders to improve education through technology.

26 Session Survey
Please complete the session survey. Our Session ID is SPC 101.

27 Home Page

28 Topics by State

29 Map by Topic and Number of Students

30 Table Comparison

31 State Profiles At a Glance

32 State Profiles Instructional Materials

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