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Farming and Its Challenges in San Diego County Eric Larson Executive Director San Diego County Farm Bureau.

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Presentation on theme: "Farming and Its Challenges in San Diego County Eric Larson Executive Director San Diego County Farm Bureau."— Presentation transcript:

1 Farming and Its Challenges in San Diego County Eric Larson Executive Director San Diego County Farm Bureau

2 National Rankings #19 farm economy among all counties
# 1 in nursery production # 2 in avocado production # 1 in number of small farms #1 in number of organic farms # 1 in farmers with off-farm income

3 $1.7 Billion in Crops Nursery & Floral 65% Fruit 21% Vegetables 9%
Livestock & Poultry 4% Nursery & Floral 65% Other <1%

4 251,000 Acres Livestock 75% Other 5% Fruit 13% Nursery & Floral 3%
Vegetables 2%

5 Farming Has Done Well Here
Climate Imported water Transportation Labor supply Local markets

6 Today’s Challenges Water Pricing Labor Pest Exclusion Competition

7 Water Pricing New sources are expensive System fixes are expensive
Transfers Desalination System fixes are expensive Sacramento Delta Storage Less water delivered by system means each gallon sold carries more costs Tripling of price in 11 years

8 Labor Farmers are dependent on foreign-born workers
Substantial number are working with forged documents Obama administration failed on reform President Trump has only spoken of enforcement

9 Labor Current workforce is aging out Replacement workers are scarce
Impacting farm operations Mechanization is limited answer here State of California making situation worse Minimum wage Agricultural overtime

10 Pests and Pest Exclusion
Traveling public introducing exotic pests Increased volume of travelers and packages Agency budgets are an issue Fewer tools available to combat pests

11 Impact from New Pests Shipping restrictions for growers
Additional use of pesticides Threat to organic growers

12 Asian citrus psyllid Kuroshio shot hole borer
Fruit flies Light brown apple moth Asian citrus psyllid Kuroshio shot hole borer

13 Competition Agriculture a borderless world market
U.S. has greatest regulatory burdens Foreign operations have significantly lower production costs Cut flowers Avocado Strawberries

14 Succession Average farmer age exceeds 60 Not a popular career pursuit
Generational transfers declining Barriers to entry Cost of land Financing Lack of working knowledge

15 The Bottom Line Farming is a business and
profitability will dictate above all else

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