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1. Turn in your Jamestown flyer 2. Get out your Do Now

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Presentation on theme: "1. Turn in your Jamestown flyer 2. Get out your Do Now"— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Turn in your Jamestown flyer 2. Get out your Do Now
Happy Thursday!

2 Mayflower Compact What did they agree to when they signed the Mayflower Compact? Why do you think they decided to sign the Mayflower Compact? No rules under a charter or company Social contract (41 men) – put in some work to have a clear outcome Established a civil government and reaffirmed allegiance to the King

3 The Pilgrims and Mayflower Compact
During the clip write 5 facts about the Pilgrims experiences and/or actions.


5 Puritans Remember... Wanted to “purify” the Church of England because it was still too Catholic Change from within/reform Many were still loyal to England Massachusetts Bay Colony - Settled in Salem = New England Show history channel clip

6 Pilgrims Remember… SOME Puritans wanted to separate from the Church of England = separatists (radicals) Usually lower class Settled in Plymouth – part of Mass Bay

7 Puritans Unemployment in England
John Winthrop and others held stock in Massachusetts Bay Company March 1630, 11 ships, 900 settlers 17 additional ships with 1,000 settlers brought later “Great Migration”- large wave of English Puritans to Massachusetts. John Winthrop – leader and become the governor Turn Boston into the capital Migration – theme word --- forced? Voluntarily? Both?

8 John Winthrop, A Model of Christian Charity
“Thus stands the case between God and us: we are entered into a covenant with Him for his work; we have taken out a commission...We must be knit together in this work, as one man. We must...make others’ condition our own. ...For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill, the eyes of all people are on us.” Covenant - promise

9 John Winthrop: City on a Hill
For we must consider that we shall be as a City upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us. Soe that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken, and so cause him to withdraw his present help from us, we shall be made a story and a byword throughout the world.

10 Puritan Values How do these compare to American values today?
Set an example for all to follow. Primary purpose of government was to punish those breaking God’s laws. Separation of church and state in leadership Right to vote Education Compacts and self govern How do these compare to American values today?

11 Debrief How have American values changed since the Puritan colony in Massachusetts? What role did religion play in the Puritans lives? What role does religion play in our government today? Does it play it role? Do you see America as a “City on a hill”? Continue to the growth of colonies --- will the Puritans provide the idea of City on a hill as we continue to learn about the other colonies and their influences?

12 Starting tomorrow after the Unit 1 vocab quiz
You will be assigned to a group and colony, you will research and create a colony in a container. I will give you your groups tomorrow before the quiz But first we need to discuss reliable vs non reliable resources while researching.

13 Reliable and UNRELIABLE Sources
Can YOU tell the difference??

14 RELIABLE When researching, you always need to be sure that you are getting your information from reliable sources. Some sources are considered to be “reliable” because they have been written by people who are experts in the field. These are the sources you can

15 UNRELIABLE On the other hand, some sources, such as Wikipedia, are not reliable because the authors may not have a thorough knowledge or full understanding of a topic. Remember: anyone can post information on the internet, and we need to be CRITICAL READERS in order to determine what to believe!

16 POSSIBLE Reliable Sources
While you still need to read critically, here is a list of the types of sources that are often reliable and would be good places to start research: Books—authored, edited and published Newspapers and magazines – can be biasd Peer reviewed journals Peer reviewed articles PhD or MBA dissertations and research Public library Scholarly articles Isolated studies or academic research Educational institutions and their websites

17 How will I KNOW if its RELIABLE??
To determine reliability of online sites and organizations, look at the URL’s ending: .edu, it is most likely an educational institution. Be aware, however, of political bias. .gov, it is most likely a reliable government website. These sites usually provide good sources for statistics and objective reports. .org, it is usually a non-profit organization. These sources vary in being good or poor sources of information and you will still need to research their possible agendas and biases, if they exist Online journals and magazines: Reliable journals and magazines should contain a bibliography for every article THINK: do these sources (evidence) support the articles’ focus/main idea? News sources: Every television and print news source has a website Beware! Sometimes their focus is to entertain rather than inform Think of these sources as a stepping stone to more reliable sources

18 How will I KNOW if its UNRELIABLE??
The following are unreliable sources because they require confirmation with a reliable source: Wikipedia: although this is a good starting point for finding initial ideas about a topic, some of their information and attached resources may not be reliable Blogs, tweets Personal websites Forums Sites created by organizations that may have political or biased agendas Sites that provide biased information Self-published sources Opinionated articles such as editorials Online sources with an URL that ends in html, which is the basic building blocks of web pages Some online sources with an URL that end in .com are unreliable: Sites of companies that conduct their business over the internet. Some of these sites are unreliable because they have hidden agendas. THINK: are they trying to sell me something? A product? An idea?

19 Information for this Power Point provided by Wikipedia.
Citations Information for this Power Point provided by Wikipedia. ;) Just Kiddin’ Here’s the REAL Reliable Source: (note that the site is .edu) Austin Peay State University Academic Support Center Writing Lab “Reliable and Unreliable Sources” Oct center/Reliable_and_Unreliable_Sources.pdf

20 13 colonies project

21 13 colonies maps First lets make sure we know where the 13 colonies are located on a map! Label and color the colonies Blue national geographic world atlas – page 17 Red world atlas – page 10-11 Remember these are present day maps Identify the regions You may use your phone or grab a lap top to complete the task

22 Homework Study for Unit 1 vocab quiz tomorrow Multiple choice
Know the map (states listed on your vocab sheet) DBQ (document based question)

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