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Native Co-op Exploration

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Presentation on theme: "Native Co-op Exploration"— Presentation transcript:

1 Native Co-op Exploration
Rez’ Café Native Co-op Exploration

2 Flow of the Session 1 2 3 4 5 What brings us together today?
What is a cooperative organization? 3 Bismarck Downtown Artist’s Coop 4 Bis/Man Community Food Coop 5 Rez’ Café Discussion

3 What Brings Us Together Today?
Exploratory Meeting What is the Need What is the Opportunity What is the Vision

4 Native American Talent Pool
Cooperative Marketing Native Artworks Native Events Native Experiences

5 What Is a Cooperative? 1 2 3 4 5 Member Owned Member Controlled
Members Benefit from Using the Co-op 4 Working Together for Mutual Needs 5 A Distinct Legal Structure

6 Cooperative Principles
Voluntary and Open Membership Democratic Member Control Member Economic Participation Cooperation Among Cooperatives Education, Training & Information Autonomy & Independence Concern for Community

7 How Cooperatives Benefit Communities
Goods and services are provided according to what people need and want Profits go back to the member-owners Co-ops understand and respond to local needs Decisions are made to benefit people locally Co-ops support & stimulate community connections

8 Challenges to Overcome
Co-ops require frequent communication with members Members can have unrealistic expectations Members must be invested Co-ops require strong Board leadership They can have limited economies of scale Co-op structure can make access to capital more difficult May face competition with investor-owned businesses The co-op must have adequate market potential You must attract and retain highly qualified management NOTE: #5-9 are challenges for most small business. #8-9 are true for any business.

9 Critical Requirements
1 Communication 2 Commitment 3 Common vision and goals 4 Capital 5 Leadership 6 Planning

10 Co-op Development Model
Three Stages of Development Organize Plan Implement

11 Four Cornerstones Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
You will require the strong foundation of these cornerstones throughout your organizing process Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 VISION TALENT CAPITAL SYSTEMS

12 BDAC Different levels of membership ownership Patron members
Supporting members Full Gallery member

13 BisMan Community Food Co-op
Consumer-owned Co-op $200 lifetime membership 10% off once a month Once profitable, patronage dividends are issued to owners

14 Rez’ Café Questions Question 1 Question 2 Question 3
How can a Native Cooperative organization preserve culture and not commercialize it? Question 2 In what ways does a cooperative model of business fit with Native American values? Question 3 Is there value in pursuing this idea and, if so, what will it take to succeed?

15 ? Do you have any questions? ? ?

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