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Penn State Harrisburg April 7, 2017

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1 Penn State Harrisburg April 7, 2017
Regional Strategic Planning Forum Enhancing Health Penn State Harrisburg April 7, 2017 Title slide to use/adapt as desired

2 Today’s Panelists Leslie Parent, MD Ann C. Crouter, PhD
Vice Dean for Research and Graduate Studies College of Medicine Ann C. Crouter, PhD Dean, College of Health and Human Development A. Craig Hillemeier, MD Dean, College of Medicine; Chief Executive Officer, Penn State Health; Senior Vice President for Health Affairs R. Keith Hillkirk, PhD Chancellor, Penn State Berks Slide to use/adapt as desired All of today’s panelists are representatives of the executive and steering committees that are focused on strategic plan implementation related to one of its five thematic priorities: Stewarding our Planet’s Resources. Enhancing Health forum

3 Plan Implementation Structures
Slide to use/adapt as desired Enhancing Health forum

4 Steering Committee Members
Co-Chairs: Leslie Parent (Associate Vice President for Health Sciences Research; Vice Dean for Research and Graduate Studies, College of Medicine; and Professor of Medicine and Microbiology & Immunology, College of Medicine) Joshua Smyth (Associate Director of the Social Science Research and Distinguished Professor of Biobehavioral Health and Medicine, College of Health and Human Development) Members: Lynette Chappell-Williams (College of Medicine) Paula Milone-Nuzzo (College of Nursing) Vernon Chinchilli (College of Medicine) Andrew Patterson (College of Agricultural Sciences) Lorah Dorn (College of Nursing) Andrew Read (Eberly College of Science) Kathleen Keller (College of Health and Human Development) Cynthia Robinson (College of Medicine) Cynthia Lightfoot (Penn State Brandywine) Dennis Scanlon (College of Health and Human Development) James Marden (Eberly College of Science) Martin Sliwinski (College of Health and Human Development) Stephen Matthews (College of the Liberal Arts) Praveen Veerabhadrappa (Penn State Berks) Enhancing Health forum

5 Executive Committee Members
Co-Chairs: Nan Crouter (Dean, College of Health and Human Development) Craig Hillemeier (Dean, College of Medicine; Chief Executive Officer, Penn State Health; and Senior Vice President for Health Affairs) Members: Francis Achampong (Chancellor, Penn State Mont Alto) Keith Hillkirk (Chancellor, Penn State Berks) Peter Hudson (Director, Huck Institutes for the Life Sciences) Susan McHale (Director, Social Science Research Institute) Paula Milone-Nuzzo (Dean, College of Nursing) Neil Sharkey (Vice President for Research) Slide to use/adapt as desired All of today’s panelists are representatives of the executive and steering committees that are focused on strategic plan implementation related to one of its five thematic priorities: Stewarding our Planet’s Resources. Enhancing Health forum

6 Enhancing Health: PSU Strategic Plan
Penn State will be a leader in promoting quality of life through comprehensive approaches to enhancing personalized and population health, achieved through a commitment to and investment in relevant research, education, clinical practice, and outreach. Slide to use/adapt as desired All of today’s panelists are representatives of the executive and steering committees that are focused on strategic plan implementation related to one of its five thematic priorities: Stewarding our Planet’s Resources. Enhancing Health forum

7 Enhancing Health: PSU Strategic Plan Themes
Advance Discovery in Personalized and Population Health Create Innovative Academic Programs in Personalized and Population Health Build Synergistic Partnerships to Influence Population Health Facilitate Wellness Within the Penn State Community Inform Governmental Health Policy Enhancing Health forum

8 Enhancing Health: Steering Committee
Reviewed all Penn State unit strategic plans that contained health-related initiatives Identified long list of possible initiatives Refined to an initial list of top priorities Presented to the Executive Committee Executive Committee developed four initial initiatives Enhancing Health forum

9 Enhancing Health: Executive Committee
Goal 1: Enhance the Health of Everyone in the Penn State Community Goal 2: Enhance Education and Student Engagement in the Area of Vulnerable Populations and Health Equity Goal 3: Build an Infrastructure that Supports Excellence in Biomedical and Health Research Goal 4: Invest in Biomedical and Health Research Excellence by Focusing on Cancer Enhancing Health forum

10 Enhancing Health Forum
Questions and Discussion ENHANCING HEALTH FORUM

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