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Grant Expectations and Resources

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1 Grant Expectations and Resources
This section can be as long or short as you need…Many schools have discussed assessment types and others have not addressed the importance of formative assessment ( and how active engagement is directly connected to FA) Grant Expectations and Resources Joan Gillis, Capital Area Intermediate Unit Dan Richards, Berks County Intermediate Unit

2 - training Materials and videos
Did you …. Sign in and receive your handouts - foldable of our agendas - hard copy of travel reimbursement - cards for FAL activity - flash drive If you need a computer you may borrow one for our 2 days - before we start you can download flash drive to share with IU partner - training Materials and videos

3 Implementation in Pennsylvania

4 Statement of Work Agreement/Contract
Deadline: November 15 Importance of handing in the contract – most of you have

5 STATEMENT OF WORK Provider will provide the following services in support of the statewide Math Design Collaborative (MDC) Project: 1. Serve as the Regional Math Design Collaborative (RMDC) point of contact and be responsible for all MDC activities within their respective region; 2. Participate fully in the Train-the-Trainer Session on September 4 and 5, 2014, location TBA 3. Provide a regional MDC training for a minimum of 3 LEAs, with approximately 24 participants, during the academic year; 4. Provide ongoing support and monitoring to LEAs to ensure their successful implementation of MDC principles and techniques; 5. Engage local and regional institutions of higher education in relevant aspects of MDC to the maximum extent possible; 6. Submit summary documentation of RMDC activities completed, as directed by statewide MDC point of contact. Dan and Joan should each discuss how they are rolling out their # 2 and #3

1. Provider shall be paid a maximum of $10,000 under this agreement. Provider may invoice for 1⁄2 of this amount ($5,000) upon completion of regional MDC training. Provider may invoice for the remaining amount ($5,000) upon completion of all regional MDC activities. These funds may be used at the discretion of the Provider to fulfill RMDC responsibilities. Examples of permissible uses of these funds include but are not limited to salary and benefits of RMDC point of contact, travel expenses for RMDC to visit implementing LEAs, and supplies and materials necessary for RMDC training. These funds may not be used for meals and/or catering during RMDC training. 2. Provider shall complete all RMDC activities and submit summary documentation by 30 June Provider’s final invoice for RMDC services shall be submitted not later than 1 July 2015.

3. Provider shall be reimbursed for travel expenses for RMDC point of contact to attend statewide MDC Train-the-Trainer sessions on 4-5 September Reimbursement shall be in accordance with policies contained in PA Management Directive Instructions and forms shall be provided separately. This reimbursement is separate from payment under this agreement. 4. LEAs will be reimbursed for the costs of substitutes for the teachers who participate in Provider’s RMDC training. LEAs will be reimbursed at actual cost up to a maximum of $100/day for each substitute. Forms and instructions for this reimbursement will be provided at the Train-the-Trainer session. Each Provider has been allocated funds for up to 24 participants for 3 days of training. Providers anticipating substantially more or less than 24 participants must notify the statewide MDC point of contact to ensure availability of funds. This reimbursement for substitutes is separate from payment under this agreement.

8 Documentation – of your plan. Dan and Joan share their teacher training

9 This is to be shared briefly with just planting “thoughts” not shaking it out


11 Questions on Contract ? Questions for Documentation and Summary

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