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Prevention and Management of Injuries

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Presentation on theme: "Prevention and Management of Injuries"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prevention and Management of Injuries
Craig Bosworth Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist Olympic Park Sports Medicine Centre Swan Street Melbourne 1

2 Causes of Injury External forces Internal Forces Overuse
Unexpected Forces

3 Anatomical Terms Ligament Muscle (myo) Joint (arthro) Tendon (tendo)
Cartilage (chondro) Bone (osteo)

4 Pathology Terms Tear Haematoma Fracture Dislocation Sprain Strain
Rupture Haematoma Cork Fracture Dislocation

5 Itis Inflammation Tendonitis Arthritis Neuritis Myositis
The protective response to damage as well as the initiation of healing. Not the same as infection Tendonitis Arthritis Neuritis Myositis

6 Children and Adolescents
Growth Spurts Growth Plates

7 Injury Bleeding / Swelling Scar tissue Removal and Remodel Repair

8 R I C E R = Rest I = Ice C = Compression E = Elevation 2

9 C R I E

10 H = Harm A = Alcohol R = Return to Sport M = Massage

11 Injury Management RICE Diagnosis Treatment Plan
Return to Sport Return to Work

12 Prevention Warm up, Stretching, Cool down Development of Skills
Fitness Rules of Game Facilities and Equipment

13 Prevention Taping Environmental Conditions
Management of illness and injury Hygiene Balance Competition

14 Training Errors Excessive Volume Inadequate Recovery
Excessive Intensity Rapid Increase Sudden Change Excessive Fatigue Faulty Technique

15 ‘What can I do, I am only the coach?’
Accredited Sports trainers Liase with Medical team Training Rehabilitation and Training Coaches don’t treat - medicos don’t coach Evaluation of Injuries

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