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Introduction to MCAS-Alt

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1 Introduction to MCAS-Alt
2018 MCAS Alternate Assessment Introduction to MCAS-Alt Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education with Measured Progress and MCAS-Alt Teacher Consultants

2 Welcome Introductions Goals for the session Department staff
Measured Progress Teacher Consultants Training Specialists Goals for the session To help you to understand the alternate assessment process To provide you with tools and strategies for constructing the alternate assessment portfolio To demonstrate the link between instruction and assessment Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

3 Agenda Review: Excerpts from Resource Guides and Educator’s Manual
Requirements for completing portfolio Sample strands Technology resources Create: Sample strand that includes: measurable outcome brief descriptions work sample description labels Collaborate with colleagues and training specialists Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

4 Let’s Agree to: Eliminate distractions Participate
Cell phones, , and internet Side chats Participate Work with table mates Utilize all handouts Take care of your needs Coffee, breaks Use the “Parking Lot” “I have a student who…” Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

5 MCAS-Alt Security Requirements
Educator’s Manual, p. 7 MCAS-Alt Security Requirements Your role is to ensure that evidence is: authentic and portrays student performance accurately not fabricated, replicated, or altered Evidence must reflect each student’s unique abilities and performance, regardless of participation in similar classroom activities. ESE may request fact-finding investigation if irregularities are found or reported. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

6 “Who Should Take MCAS-Alt?”
Educator’s Manual, pp. 9–10 “Who Should Take MCAS-Alt?” IEP team must decide annually in each subject whether the student… is generally unable to demonstrate knowledge and skills on a paper-and-pencil or computer-based test, even with accommodations, AND is addressing learning standards that have been substantially modified due to the severity and complexity of their disability, AND receives intensive, individualized instruction in order to acquire and generalize knowledge and skills. If so, then he or she should take the MCAS-Alt in that subject. Yes, a student can take the standard test in one subject, and an alternate assessment in another. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

7 “Decision Making Tool”
Educator’s Manual, p. 12 “Decision Making Tool” Is the student generally able to demonstrate knowledge and skills on a computer- or paper-based test, either with or without test accommodations? The student should be considered for the MCAS-Alt in the content area. Is the student working on standards at or near grade-level expectations? Does the student have a complex and significant disability1 that would prevent him or her from demonstrating knowledge and skills on the standard MCAS test? Does the student have an IEP or 504 plan? Yes The student should take either the computer- or paper-based MCAS test, with appropriate accessibility features and accommodations. The student should be considered for the MCAS-Alt “grade-level” or “competency” portfolio in one or more subjects.2 Student is ineligible to receive test accommodations or take the MCAS-Alt. Student must take the standard MCAS test using universal accessibility features, as needed. No Can the student partially or fully demonstrate knowledge and skills on the standard MCAS test, with or without accommodations? Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

8 Criteria that should not be used alone to designate a student for MCAS-Alt
A student should not take MCAS-Alt based solely on whether he/she: has not been provided instruction in the general curriculum; has a specific disability (e.g., all students with intellectual disabilities should not automatically take the MCAS-Alt); is placed in a program or classroom where it is expected that students will take the MCAS-Alt; has taken an alternate assessment previously (since this is an annual decision); has previously failed the MCAS test; is an English language learner (ELL); is from a low-income family or is a child in foster care; requires use of an alternative augmentative communication system; attends a school in which the IEP team was unduly influenced to designate the student for MCAS-Alt in order to receive more credit for school accountability. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

9 Other students who may benefit from the MCAS-Alt
Educator’s Manual, pp , 44, 49 Other students who may benefit from the MCAS-Alt If a student with a disability is… Addressing standards at or near grade-level, and Presented with unique and significant challenges in demonstrating knowledge and skills on a test like the MCAS, and Those challenges cannot be overcome using accommodations on the standard test, Then… Teams must consider the MCAS-Alt “Grade-level” (grades 3-8) or “Competency” (high school) portfolio. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

10 The Pathway to Assessment Sometimes Seems Like This…
Educator’s Manual, pp. 9-10 The Pathway to Assessment Sometimes Seems Like This… Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

11 …But It Could Be More Like This…
Learning standard as written (Grade Level) Lower level of complexity at current or lower grade (Entry Points) Working on developmental skills (Access Skills) Entry Points Access Skills Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

12 Sample Standard, Entry Points, and Access Skills
Educator’s Manual, p. 30 Sample Standard, Entry Points, and Access Skills Less Complex More Complex Entry Points Access Skills “Essence” of standard: Solve mathematical problems involving 3-D shapes Visually track geometric shapes Match same shapes with different orientations Sort two-dimensional shapes by attribute (e.g., number of sides) Calculate the surface area of a cube H.G.-GMD.4 Identify the shapes of two-dimensional cross-sections of three-dimensional objects, and identify three-dimensional objects generated by rotations of two-dimensional objects. Standard as written Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

13 Educator’s Manual, pp. 29, 40 Access Skills For students with only emerging symbolic communication skills who address developmental milestones (e.g., responding to stimuli, grasping object) For MCAS-Alt, student must address an access skill in the context of a standards-based activity in the required strand/domain for the student’s grade. Options for students who cannot produce written work samples: Design instruction that does not require a written product. Scribe the student’s responses (“teacher-scribed work sample”). Photograph or video the student performing the task (with written consent). Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

14 Resource Guide to the 2011 Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks for Students with Disabilities (Fall 2017) Resource Guide: Curriculum guide used to determine instruction for students with disabilities based on the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks. “Resource Guides” Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

15 Navigating the Resource Guide
Content Area: The subject in which an MCAS- Alt portfolio is submitted; e.g., English Language Arts/Literacy (ELA), Mathematics, Science and Technology/Engineering (STE) Strand: A group of standards in ELA/Literacy and STE organized around a central idea, concept, or theme. Cluster Heading Cluster: Smaller group of related standards. Note: For ELA Writing and Language strands, a specific Cluster must be assessed. Standards Standard: Statement of what all students should know and be able to do. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

16 Navigating the Resource Guide
How to Use the Resource Guide Navigating the Resource Guide Access Skills Entry Points Access Skills: Developmental (communication or motor) skills that are addressed during standards-based academic activities in the content area being assessed. Found at the lowest grade level in each strand/domain. Entry Points: Outcomes described in the Resource Guide that are based on a learning standard at lower levels of complexity. Shown on a continuum (from More to Less Complex), allows teachers to “spiral” to lower levels of complexity based on student’s needs. Entry points form the basis of the “measurable outcome” for each strand submitted.

17 Navigating the Math Resource Guide
Grade The term domain is used to describe a group of related Math standards at grades Pre-K through grade 8, organized around a central idea, concept, or theme. Conceptual category is used to describe groups of related high school standards. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

18 Navigating the Math Resource Guide
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

19 Navigating the Science and Technology Resource Guide
Strands are the science disciplines. (e.g., Technology/Engineering) Topics are groups of standards within a discipline. (e.g., Materials, Tools, and Machines) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

20 Navigating the STE Resource Guide
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

21 Required Assessments in Each Grade
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

22 MCAS-Alt Requirements: Grade 3–4
Educator’s Manual, pp MCAS-Alt Requirements: Grade 3–4 Student Grade Must be assessed in the following Content areas Strands/Domains 3 English Language Arts One portfolio strand each in: Reading (Informational OR Literature) Language (Vocabulary Acquisition and Use) Writing (Text Types and Purposes) Mathematics One portfolio domain each in: Operations and Algebraic Thinking Measurement and Data 4 Number and Operations-Fractions Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

23 MCAS-Alt Requirements: Grade 5
Educator’s Manual, p.16 MCAS-Alt Requirements: Grade 5 Student Grade Must be assessed in the following Content areas Strands/Domains 5 English Language Arts One portfolio strand each in: Reading (Informational OR Literature) Language (Vocabulary Acquisition and Use) Writing (Text Types and Purposes) Mathematics One portfolio domain each in: Number and Operations in Base Ten Number and Operations-Fractions Science and Technology/Engineering One portfolio strand in any three STE strands (may be completed over 2 years) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

24 MCAS-Alt Requirements: Grade 6
Educator’s Manual, p. 17 MCAS-Alt Requirements: Grade 6 Student Grade Must be assessed in the following Content areas Strands/Domains 6 English Language Arts One portfolio strand each in: Reading(Informational OR Literature) Language (Vocabulary Acquisition and Use) Writing (Text Types and Purposes) Mathematics One portfolio domain each in: The Number System Ratios and Proportional Relationships Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

25 MCAS-Alt Requirements: Grade 7
Educator’s Manual, p. 18 MCAS-Alt Requirements: Grade 7 Student grade Must be assessed in the following Content areas 7 English Language Arts One portfolio strand each in: Reading (Informational OR Literature) Language (Vocabulary Acquisition and Use) Writing (Text Types and Purposes) Mathematics One portfolio domain each in: Ratios and Proportional Relationships Geometry Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

26 MCAS-Alt Requirements: Grade 8
Educator’s Manual, p. 19 MCAS-Alt Requirements: Grade 8 Student grade Must be assessed in the following Content areas 8 English Language Arts One portfolio strand each in: Reading(Informational OR Literature) Language (Vocabulary Acquisition and Use) Writing (Text Types and Purposes) Mathematics One portfolio domain each in: Expressions and Equations Geometry Science and Technology/Engineering One portfolio strand in any three STE strands (may be completed over 2 years) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

27 Must be assessed in the following
Educator’s Manual, p. 20 High School Student grade Must be assessed in the following Content areas 9 OR 10 Science and Technology/Engineering (may be completed over 2 years) 3 standards in one of the following disciplines: Biology Introductory Physics Chemistry OR Technology/Engineering Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

28 Must be assessed in the following
Educator’s Manual, p. 20 High School Student grade Must be assessed in the following Content areas 10 English Language Arts One portfolio strand each in: Reading (Informational OR Literature) Language (Vocabulary Acquisition and Use) Writing (Text Types and Purposes) Mathematics Any three Conceptual Categories (one standard in each): Number and Quantity Functions Algebra Geometry Statistics and Probability Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

29 Conceptual Categories
Educator’s Manual, p. 3 High School Mathematics: Choose any three Conceptual Categories (Spiral to lower grades in related domain) PK K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 High School Domains Conceptual Categories The Number System Number and Quantity Expressions & Equations Algebra Ratios and Proportional Relationships Functions Geometry Statistics and Probability

30 Science and Technology/Engineering
Educator’s Manual, pp., 17,19,20 Science and Technology/Engineering Grades 5 & 8: one portfolio strand in each of three strands: Life Science Physical Science Earth and Space Science Technology/Engineering Grades 9 or 10: three standards in one of the following disciplines: Biology, or Introductory Physics, or Chemistry, or NOTE: Evidence for STE may be compiled over two consecutive school years. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

31 Required Portfolio Elements
Educator’s Manual, p. 27 Required Portfolio Elements Artistic Cover Portfolio Cover Sheet Student’s Weekly Schedule Consent Form for photo or video, if needed (Keep on file at school) Student’s Introduction to the Portfolio Verification Form (signed by Parent, or log of attempts) School Calendar (including holidays, summer school, snow days) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 31

32 Educators Manual, p. 28 “Core Set of Evidence” A complete Portfolio Strand must include at least the following evidence (except for ELAWriting): Strand Cover Sheet attached to each strand being submitted Data Chart showing performance of the measurable outcome on at least 8 different dates, with brief descriptions + First piece of additional primary evidence* showing performance of the measurable outcome listed on data chart Second piece of additional primary evidence* * Can be a work sample, video segment, or photograph (or series of photos) that clearly shows a final product. Evidence must be labeled with name, date, percent accuracy, and percent independence. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

33 Strand Cover Sheet Co Measurable Outcome: A specific goal chosen by the teacher based on an entry point or access skill in the strand/domain required for assessment in that grade. A measurable outcome identifies the skill to be assessed and the criteria for mastery. Evidence submitted in each portfolio strand documents the student’s performance of the measurable outcome. Check off the appropriate level of complexity, based on how the student addresses the learning standard. Moana will explain the meaning of idioms encountered in reading or having been read to with 80%accuracy and 100% independence. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

34 How to Select a Skill for the Measurable Outcome
Educator’s Manual, pp. 29–30 How to Select a Skill for the Measurable Outcome Refer to Resource Guide in the content area being assessed. Review entry points, starting with “More Complex.” Pre-testing can help narrow down the precise skill to be targeted for assessment. Try out the skill with the student  does it challenge without being overwhelming? Does it seem within the student’s range? If too challenging, adjust to lower complexity. If student masters the skill quickly, then not challenging enough. If skill is challenging and attainable, then targeted skill is just right! Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

35 Create a Measurable Outcome
Use Resource Guide to select an entry point or access skill for the student you discussed with your tablemates. Materials: Handout of entry points from the 2017 Resource Guide (also on flash drive) 2018 Educator’s Manual (“Required Assessments…” section), PowerPoint slides, or flash drive Create a measurable outcome based on the selected entry point or access skill. Add % of accuracy and % independence that would constitute mastery. (Note: percent does not need to be attained; it’s there to signal when a skill has been learned) Review the verb listed in the skill (think Bloom’s Taxonomy) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

36 A Data Chart is Required in Each Strand, except ELAWriting
Educator’s Manual, p. 40 A Data Chart is Required in Each Strand, except ELAWriting Choice of Data Chart format: Line Graph, Bar Graph, or Field Data Chart What to include on each data chart: Student’s name Learning standard at the student’s grade Measurable Outcome (skill to be assessed) Data points on at least 8 dates on which school is in session Percent accuracy and independence on each date (8 different dates required, but 10 are strongly encouraged) Brief, clear descriptions beneath each date explaining: “What” the student was asked to do (same skill as in the measurable outcome) and “How” he or she did it, reflecting varied instructional approaches and formats, where possible

37 Data Chart Educator’s Manual, pp. 34,99 Student Name Learning Standard Measurable Outcome Percent Accuracy and Independence At least 8 different dates are included on graph. Brief descriptions of each activity explaining what the student did and how he or she did it. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

38 Educator’s Manual, pp. 35, 100 Sample: Line Graph Learning Standard Student Name Student will attend visually, aurally, or tactilely to materials representing a key idea or detail in a story, poem, folktale or myth 80% accuracy and 60% independence. Measurable Outcome Percent Accuracy and Independence At least 8 different dates are included on graph. Brief descriptions of each activity explaining what the student did and how he or she did it. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

39 Response-by-response data collection
Educator’s Manual, pp. 33, Sample: Field Data art Ralph Lauren Key for data collection Response-by-response data collection Which data chart to use? Bar or Line graphs summarize tasks on each date (e.g., worksheet). Field data charts record multiple responses on each date.

40 Purpose of the Brief Descriptions
Educator’s Manual, p. 31 To document activity performed by student: What skill was assessed? Same skill in the measurable outcome, or Multiple skills listed in the measurable outcome (if applicable) How did the student demonstrate the skill. What instructional methods, approaches, or materials were used? NOTE: Generalized Performance (GP) is a scoring area that measures the use of different instructional approaches to show how the student learned the skill. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

41 Examples of Brief Descriptions
Educator’s Manual p. 31 Examples of Brief Descriptions Measurable outcome: Student will identify the major organs of the respiratory system and their functions with 80% accuracy and 100% independence. WHAT Brief description: Student identified the lungs, nose and trachea of the respiratory system and labeled their functions on an interactive whiteboard. HOW Include only the skill(s) listed in the measurable outcome in the brief description Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

42 Brief Descriptions for ELA-Reading Strand
Educator’s Manual, p. 41 Brief Descriptions for ELA-Reading Strand Note: For ELAReading, each data point must include the title of the text. If the text is teacher- created or downloaded from the web, a sample of the text is required. A separate list of published titles with corresponding dates may be included. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

43 Are the following brief descriptions acceptable?
Activity Are the following brief descriptions acceptable? (All measurable outcomes are based on entry points in the Resource Guide.) Measurable Outcome: Larry will answer comprehension questions about an informational text with 80% acc. and 100 % ind. (ELA-Reading) Brief Description: Larry read chapter 1 of the class book, then summarized the main idea. Measurable Outcome: Pasqual will connect money to decimals by rounding to the nearest dime with 80% acc. and 100 % ind. (Math-NOB) Brief Description: Pasqual rounded to the nearest dollar to buy lunch. Measurable Outcome: Sophia will demonstrate the meaning of a newly created compound word with 80% acc. and 100% ind. (ELA-Lang.) Brief Description: Using Styrofoam cups she created compound words. (butter + fly) Measurable Outcome: Yi will distinguish between parallel and intersecting lines with 80 % acc and 100% ind. (Math-Geometry) Brief Description: Worked on EDM during morning group with Miss Sue, identified parallel lines, 3/5 prompted. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

44 Are the following brief descriptions acceptable?
Activity Are the following brief descriptions acceptable? Measurable Outcome: Larry will answer comprehension questions about an informational text with 80% acc. and 100 % ind. (ELA-Reading) Brief Description: Larry read chapter 1 of the class book, then summarized the main idea. Measurable Outcome: Pasqual will connect money to decimals by rounding to the nearest dime with 80% acc. and 100 % ind. (Math-NOB) Brief Description: Pasqual rounded to the nearest dollar to buy lunch. Measurable Outcome: Sophia will demonstrate the meaning of a newly created compound word with 80% acc. and 100% ind. (ELA-Lang.) Brief Description: Student used Styrofoam cups to create compound words. (butter + fly) Measurable Outcome: Yi will distinguish between parallel and intersecting lines with 80 % acc and 100% ind. (Math-Geometry) Brief Description: Worked on EDM during morning group with Miss Sue, identified parallel lines, 3/5 prompted. Not Acceptable Not Acceptable Not Acceptable Not Acceptable Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

45 Write a Brief Description
Use the measurable outcome you created earlier from the entry point or access skill. Identify two instructional activities that align with the measurable outcome. Write brief descriptions that include “what the student did” (based on the entry point) and “how he/she did it” (instructional approach and materials) for each activity. Do your brief descriptions address the skill in the measurable outcome? Is the “action verb” synonymous with the verb in the measurable outcome? Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

46 “Time” for a break Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

47 Required Information on Primary Evidence
Educator’s Manual, pp. 36, 95 Required Information on Primary Evidence Student’s Name Date % Independence (Brief description of the activity: what and how?) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

48 Primary Evidence #1 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

49 Work Sample Description Label
Educator’s Manual, pp. 36, 95 Work Sample Description Label Massachusetts DeHpartment of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

50 Primary Evidence #2 Primary evidence was produced by the student, but was scribed by the teacher. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

51 Self Evaluation Educator’s Manual, pp. 39, 72
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

52 What is Self-Evaluation?
Educator’s Manual, pp. 39, 72 What is Self-Evaluation? Evidence of choices or reflection by the student about his/her work. For example, the student: Reflected on his or her performance What did I work on? How did I do? Where do I need help? Selected work for the portfolio Chosen materials/activities Set own goal(s) for learning Graphed own performance Monitoring accomplished tasks on a checklist Used a scoring rubric to rate own performance Self-corrected mistakes/editing of writing Self-evaluation must be done by the student, not by the teacher. Stickers placed on work are not examples of self-evaluation Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

53 Examples of Self-Evaluation
Educator’s Manual, pp. 39, 72 Examples of Self-Evaluation Student used symbols and text to respond to questions about his/her work. Student used symbols and a bingo marker to respond to simple questions about his/her work. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

54 Dates for Evidence Collection
Educator’s Manual, p. 31 Dates for Evidence Collection Dates must be from current school year for ELA and Math (i.e., 7/1/17 - 3/29/18) Dates can be from current and/or one previous school year for Science and Tech/Eng (i.e., 7/1/16 - 3/29/18) Dates for classroom work must reflect days on which school was in session No dates on weekends, holidays, during school vacations, snow days, etc., unless marked “homework” Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

55 Primary Evidence: “Teacher-Scribed Work Sample”
Educator’s Manual, p. 37 For students who do not produce written work Documents a series of trials conducted at the same time Includes more information than a field data chart Specifically describes the materials/context of the activity Indicates the student’s response (accuracy, independence) to each item/trial using his mode of communication Labeled with name, date, accuracy, independence, other information as needed. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

56 Example of a Teacher-Scribed Work Sample
Educator’s Manual, p. 37 Example of a Teacher-Scribed Work Sample Specifically describes the activities, including materials Standard-based activity Accuracy and Independence Series of trials conducted at the same time Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

57 Photographs Can Be Primary Evidence
Educator’s Manual, p. 36 Photographs Can Be Primary Evidence Name: Date: Acc Ind. Harvey Student 9/22/ % % Brief description: Harvey identified the life cycle of a frog by matching the name of the correct stage with its visual representation. Photo clearly shows the end product of instruction, and may also show a sequence of steps leading to the final product. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

58 Primary evidence must address the skill and document the student’s performance
Educator’s Manual, p. 36 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

59 Determining Accuracy and Independence
Educator’s Manual, p. 38 Determine the outcome – What are you asking the student to do? Determine the activity – How will the student perform the skill? Divide the activity into “items”– Each opportunity to perform the skill Use a system to mark each “item” – For example, +, —, I, P Sample Brief Description: Student answered five comprehension questions about Wayside School read aloud in class. Question Number Accurate (Correct) or Inaccurate (+, —) Independent or Prompted (I, P) Question 1 + (Correct response) P (Verbal prompt) Question 2 — (Incorrect response) Question 3 P (Gestural prompt) Question 4 Question 5 I (No prompt) Overall Percent 60% accuracy (3 of 5 correct) 20% independence (1 of 5 independent) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Note: Any prompted response = Not independent 59

60 Accessing Your Digital Resources
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

61 Flash Drive Tablets Laptops/computers
open PDF version of documents iPads: “Open in” iBooks to save Laptops/computers Windows: My Computer> find drive with flashdrive MAC: Desktop> flashdrive “MCAS-Alt” Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

62 View Flash Drive Contents
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

63 Flash Drive You Received Today: Contents
Includes: Fall 2017 Resource Guides (Updated) English Language Arts and Literacy Mathematics Science and Technology/Engineering 2018 Educators’ Manual for MCAS-Alt PowerPoint Presentations Math and ELA Glossary Writing Scoring Rubrics Literature and Informational Text List, with authors Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Resources Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

64 Search Text Comment Magnify Quick Tips
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

65 Forms and Graphs Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

66 Where to find: Forms and Graphs Online:
Registration for trainings in January and February Registration flyer will be posted to under the heading Statewide Training Registration site is at Flyer will be faxed to your school. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

67 Forms and Graphs Available at
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

68 Acceptable Digital Evidence for the Portfolio
Educator’s Manual, p. 36 Submit separate CD, DVD, or flash drive for each student Acceptable digital evidence includes: PowerPoint Word document .pdf files .txt files .jpg (JPEG) DVD or standard movie formats. Reminder: Video evidence must be 3 minutes or less and have clear audio-visual quality or be transcribed in writing. Video work description label available in Forms/Graphs or Educator’s Manual. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

69 Technical Support By telephone (toll-free):
(Measured Progress Tech Support) By When requesting support, have available: Your name, school, and district Your computer platform (Windows or Macintosh) A summary of the problem you are experiencing Expect a response within 24 hours (or sooner). Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

70 ELAWriting Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

71 Assessing ELAWriting
Use the student’s primary mode of communication to express, recount/retell, explain, clarify, argue, persuade, or summarize, based on a text or topic. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

72 How does your student communicate?
Educator’s Manual, p. 21 How does your student communicate? Oral language Sounds Symbols (photos, icons) Objects Gestures Sign language Eye gaze High tech device (e.g., Dynavox) Low tech device (e.g., communication book) Other Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

73 ELAWriting Requirements
Educator’s Manual, p. 21 ELAWriting Requirements Three different writing samples with valid dates, and percentage of independence recorded. Any combination of the following text types: Argument/opinion: States a claim or preference, based on a text or topic. Informative/explanatory text: Conveys facts or ideas, based on a text or topic. Narrative: Tells a story, based on real or imagined events. Poetry: Uses figurative language, imagery, sound of words, meter, etc. to express emotion or tell a story. One baseline sample is required. Three pre-scored state-provided rubrics (1 for each final sample) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

74 Required Elements for Writing
Educator’s Manual, pp Required Elements for Writing Writing Sample (not scored) Baseline writing sample + 1 Work Description for each Final Writing Sample 3 Writing Samples Rubrics (scored) + X 90 + Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

75 Using the Rubric to Score the Writing Samples
Educator’s Manual, pp Using the Rubric to Score the Writing Samples Scoring rubrics include the following areas: Level of Complexity (access skills or entry points) Demonstration of Skills and Concepts Expression of Ideas and Content Use of Vocabulary Text Structure (words, phrases, sentences) Knowledge of Conventions Independence (frequency of prompts) Self-Evaluation Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

76 Using the Rubric to Score the Writing Samples
Educator’s Manual, pp Using the Rubric to Score the Writing Samples Teachers will pre-score their students’ final writing samples, using standardized scoring rubrics. Carefully review the criteria in the rubric. Scorers will verify the teacher’s scores and will change only when scores do not reflect evidence submitted. Score is lower if the teacher provides the text, uses a fill-in- the blank worksheet or sentence starter, or if the student uses single word/picture or lists of words. Student working on access skills will score 1 in Demonstration of Skills and Concepts. Percent of independence is based on number of prompts relative to the total number of words or sentences. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

77 Scoring a Final Writing Sample
1 2 3 4 Demonstration of Skills and Concepts Expression of Ideas and Content Opinion/argument was not submitted; contained insufficient information to determine a score; was written in a language other than English; or could not be read or understood. No clear opinion/claim, preference, or point of view; or was off-topic; or student used only pictures, symbols, or single words to express ideas; or all text provided by teacher. Piece related to assignment minimally; or student used pictures or picture sequence to express ideas; included little or no evidence or information to support opinion/claim. Piece expressed an opinion/ claim, preference, or point of view; evidence and information in support of opinion/claim were limited, sometimes repetitive, or irrelevant. Meaning was clear; three or more accurate and relevant details and/or reasons were included to support opinion/claim Knowledge of Conventions Little or no original text; or used pictures or isolated words; or could not be understood due to errors in grammar and/or usage. General meaning could be determined; grammar was limited and/or contained errors or run-on sentences. Meaning was mostly clear; use of grammar was effective, with occasional errors. Meaning was clear, with rare or no errors in grammar and overall usage. Text Structure Used single words, pictures, symbols without text; or all text provided by the teacher. Sentence fragments (phrases) with occasional complete sentence used to express ideas. At least two complete sentences were used to express ideas. A paragraph of at least three related, well-constructed sentences was used to express ideas. Use of Vocabulary Vocabulary was largely unrelated to assignment; or vocabulary was provided by the teacher. Vocabulary was related to assignment, but word choice was limited and/or sometimes inappropriate. Vocabulary was functional and relevant; used basic common words with some descriptive language. Vocabulary was clear and precise, using descriptive language, modifiers, connecting words, and/or phrases. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

78 Supporting Documentation
Educator’s Manual p.40 Supporting Documentation Dynamic display shows student’s ability to express themselves. Topic Board shows a different level of communication. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

79 Reminders: ELA–Writing
Educator’s Manual, p. 22 Reminders: ELA–Writing No data chart is required. Include completed Work Sample Description label for each sample. Recommend using Online Forms and Graphs for more efficient completion of the ELAWriting strand. Final samples should reflect communication generated by student. Teacher-scribed work samples for students at access skill level must include a final written product representing how the student participated in the creation of the sample. Writing samples that include bathroom-related routines will not be scored nor will they be counted toward the minimum requirement. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

80 Reminders: Entry Points
Educator’s Manual, p. 41 Reminders: Entry Points Use entry points listed in the Resource Guide to create measurable outcomes, with minor modifications, if necessary. Call the Department for approval if: entry point is not found in the Resource Guide, extreme modifications will be made to the entry point using all or part of the “standard as written” to create a measurable outcome Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

81 Reminders: Entry Point (cont’d)
Educator’s Manual, p. 41 Reminders: Entry Point (cont’d) If an entry point includes multiple related skills: Option 1: Use entry point “as is” with both skills. Example: “Student will solve number sentences that represent one- step multiplication and division word problems with 80% accuracy and 100% independence” All work samples and data points must show “solving number sentences involving one-step multiplication and division problems.” OR Option 2: Modify the entry point to address only one of the skills. Example: “Student will solve number sentences that represent one-step multiplication word problems with 80%accuracy and 100% independence” All work and all data points must show “solving number sentences involving multiplication” Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

82 Reminders: Entry Point (Cont’d)
Educator’s Manual, p. 41 Reminders: Entry Point (Cont’d) If conditions are listed in the entry point, determine whether condition is necessary to address the skill. Example: …using real-life examples, manipulatives, a visual model, arrays, number sentences, in a real-world problem, etc. If unnecessary, then entry point can be deleted in the measurable outcome. Examples: Entry point: Round whole three-digit numbers to the nearest 100 using place value materials. (If “…using place value materials” is unnecessary to address the skill, it can be deleted.) Entry point: Locate unit fractions on a number line. ( “…on a number line” is a necessary condition, so it must be included.) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

83 Reminder: Entry Point (Cont’d)
Review the verb linked to the skill (e.g., describe, identify, match, etc.) Select your entry point carefully! Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

84 Reminders: Brief Description
Educator’s Manual, p. 41 Reminders: Brief Description Review your brief descriptions. Do they include the same or synonymous verb as the measurable outcome? Identify: Label, name, point Sort: Categorize, organize, classify Match: Correspond, same as, similar to, equal to Describe: Explain, give details, portray, express Compare: Contrast, list similarities and/or differences, describe characteristics on a list, table, or Venn diagram, distinguish between 2017 MCAS-Alt Scorer Training

85 Educator’s Manual, p. 41 Reminders (cont’d): ELAReading strands must include the name of the published text, or a photocopy, if it is teacher-created or downloaded from the web. (e.g., Reading A-Z) Use the ELA supplemental reading list on the flashdrive to determine if you need to provide a copy of the informational text. ELAReading strands must be based either on Literature or Informational text, but not both. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

86 Reminders: Data Charts
Educator’s Manual pp. 31,41 Reminders: Data Charts 100% accuracy and independence IMPORTANT: Data charts that begin at or above 80% in both accuracy and independence are not scorable. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

87 Reminders: Data Charts (cont’d):
Educator’s Manual p. 31 Reminders: Data Charts (cont’d): Data points listed as 0 percent for both accuracy and independence are not considered valid data points and will not be scored or included in the minimum of eight data points that address the measurable outcome. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

88 Use Age-Appropriate Materials
Educator’s Manual, p. 73 Use Age-Appropriate Materials The example below, and others like them, are inappropriate to include in student portfolios at grade 6 or higher. Found in a Grade 10 portfolio Use materials and activities that are respectful, meaningful, and developmentally appropriate. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

89 Educator’s Manual, p. 3 Portfolio Submission Portfolios must be picked up from your school by UPS on or before Thursday, March 29, 2018. Late portfolios will not be scored! Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

90 Educator’s Manual, p. 2 Contact Information MA Dept. of Elementary and Secondary Education Daniel Wiener, Administrator of Inclusive Assessment Debra Hand, MCAS-Alt Program Specialist Website: Resources and information: Measured Progress Kevin Froton, Project Manager Tech Support for Forms and Graphs Online: (toll-free) Register for trainings: Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

91 Steps in Assessing Your Student
Identify the assessment requirements for a student in that grade (Educator’s Manual, pp ). Identify a standard in the required strand at the grade level of the student (Resource Guide). Identify an entry point or access skill for the standard (Resource Guide). Pre-test to find the correct level of difficulty to begin assessing the student. Create the measurable outcome from the selected entry point (or access skill) by adding criteria for mastery (e.g., 80% accuracy and 100% independence) Collect and label evidence based on measurable outcome. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

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