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When Expecting the Worst is for the Best

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Presentation on theme: "When Expecting the Worst is for the Best"— Presentation transcript:

1 When Expecting the Worst is for the Best
Benefits of Pessimism at the Moment of Truth Kate Sweeny, PhD Department of Psychology

2 Acknowledgements James Shepperd Zlatan Krizan
Collaborator University of Florida Zlatan Krizan Collaborator Iowa State University Sara Andrews, Mike Dooley, & Angelica Falkenstein Current graduate students University of California, Riverside Chandra Reynolds Collaborator University of California, Riverside


4 Embracing negative thinking
Bracing for the worst Meta-analysis: 71 samples, 3,451 Ps (distant) – (proximal) d = .40, 95% CI [.36, .45] (Sweeny & Krizan, 2013) (from Shepperd et al.,1996)

5 Overview Study 1 Study 2 Study 3 Students awaiting a midterm grade
Law graduates awaiting bar exam results Study 3 California voters awaiting election results

6 Study 1 Method 77 students in a psychology course
2 questionnaires (within-subject): Moment of truth (pre): Grade estimate, negative affect After news (post): Actual grade, negative affect Questions: Is pessimism costly at the moment of truth? Multiple regression predicting affect (pre) from grade estimate, controlling for actual grade Is pessimism beneficial following news? Multiple regression predicting affect (post) from grade estimate, controlling for actual grade and affect (pre) (Sweeny & Shepperd, 2010)

7 Study 1 Results Is pessimism costly at the moment of truth?
Conclusion: Pessimism has minimal cost at the moment of truth. Is pessimism beneficial following news? β = .40, p < .0001 Conclusion: Pessimism confers benefit once the news arrives. (Sweeny & Shepperd, 2010)

8 Study 2 Method 230 law graduates taking the July 2013 California bar exam 10 questionnaires (within-subject): Before exam: Trait and baseline measures Waiting period (8 questionnaires): Outcome prediction, expectation strategies (bracing, optimism) After news: “Denial”, unpleasant surprise (if failed); pleasant surprise (if passed) Question: Does pessimism improve reactions to failure and success? (Sweeny, Reynolds, Falkenstein, Andrews, & Dooley, under review)

9 Study 2 Results Multiple regressions predicting outcomes from…
Average outcome prediction (controlling for baseline prediction) Average bracing (controlling for defensive pessimism) Average optimism (controlling for dispositional optimism) Gratitude = Better than I deserved (Sweeny, Reynolds, Falkenstein, Andrews, & Dooley, under review)

10 Response to Failing (n = 33) Response to Passing (n = 184)
Study 2 Results Response to Failing (n = 33) Response to Passing (n = 184) Denial β (95% CI) Active Responding β (95% CI) Unpleasant Surprise β (95% CI) Pleasant Surprise β (95% CI) Outcome prediction .39* (.08, .70) -.33* (-.66, -.01) .25 (-.08, .58) -.53* (-.73, -.32) Bracing -.24 (-.59, .11) .39* (.03, .75) -.14 (-.51, .23) .49* (.36, .62) Optimism .28* (.07, .49) -.03 (-.28, .22) .27* (.04, .49) -.04 (-.21, .14)

11 Study 3 Method 158 California voters
5 questionnaires (within-subject): Baseline: Outcome preference, prediction Prior to Election Day: Outcome prediction After election: Voting behavior, disappointment Question: Is a shift toward pessimism beneficial for responses to a disappointing election outcome? Latent growth curve modeling predicting voting behavior and disappointment from slope of predictions (Krizan & Sweeny, 2013)

12 Study 3 Results Is a shift toward pessimism beneficial?
Steeper slope = less disappointment b = 2.94, SE = 1.27, p < .05 Conclusion: Supporters who maintained optimism were more disappointed when the Proposition failed. BUT… Steeper slope = less likely to vote (57% voted) b = .92, SE = .44, p < .05 Conclusion: Maintaining optimism is motivating but emotionally costly if the news is bad. (Krizan & Sweeny, 2013)

13 Summary A dose of pessimism at the moment of truth:
Carries little emotional cost in the moment (but may have motivational costs) Buffers disappointment over failure Enhances pleasure over success

14 Thank you!

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