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PowerPoint #2 “Third Parties”

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1 PowerPoint #2 “Third Parties”
Government Unit 2 PowerPoint #2 “Third Parties”

2 Essential Questions What are challenges facing third parties? Do you ever see a way that they could break into the main stream of politics - why or why not? 2016 Tird Party Canidates: Green Party: Dr. Jill Stein Libertarian Party: Gary Johnson Constitution Party: Darrell Castle Transhumanist Party: – Zoltan Istvan

3 What are Third Parties? Any party other than the two major parties is known as a third party No third party has ever gained control of the White House They have had success in Congress Offices in lower levels of government When smaller groups challenge the two major parties, they can change the outcome of elections

4 Three Types of Third Parties
Ideological Single Issue Economic Protest Splinter

5 1. Ideological Based on a particular set of beliefs
A comprehensive view of social, economic, and political matters Usually focus on overall change in society Examples: Communist Socialist Libertarian

6 Example: Socialist Party Socialist Core Values

7 2. Single Issue Parties Single issue parties concentrate on only one public-policy matter The issue could be one economic, or one social, or one moral issue. They are usually short-lived – only exist while the issue is important or until a major party adopts the issue. Examples: Free Soil - issue was against slavery Prohibition – issue was against alcohol Right to Life - anti-abortion Transhumanist Party – death is a disease

8 3. Economic Protest Parties
Third parties who base their political platform on economic problems Examples: Greenback Party Populist Party Tea Party

9 Example: Tea Party Tea Party Core Values
Illegal aliens are here illegally. Pro-domestic employment is indispensable. A strong military is essential. Special interests must be eliminated. Gun ownership is sacred. Government must be downsized. The national budget must be balanced. Deficit spending must end. Bailout and stimulus plans are illegal. Reducing personal income taxes is a must. Reducing business income taxes is mandatory. Political offices must be available to average citizens. Intrusive government must be stopped. English as our core language is required. Traditional family values are encouraged.

10 4. Splinter Parties These parties split from a major party because of a disagreement. Examples: Bull Moose – split from Republicans in 1912 (Teddy Roosevelt) Progressives in 1924 Dixiecrats – State’s Rights Party split from Democrats in 1948 American Independent Party in 1968

11 Analyze the issues during this time period (1912)
Which issues do we no longer worry about? Which issues are still “on the table?”

12 The Importance of Third Parties
Impact – “spoiler role”, critics or innovators, bring certain issues to major parties/public agenda, BUT take needed votes from the two major parties. 2016 Third Party Presidential Candidates: Jill Stein – Green Party = 1,207,141 votes Gary Johnson – Libertarian = 4,042,291 See next two slides for examples of “spoilers”

13 Two Examples of 3rd Party “Spoilers”
Ralph Nader Green party candidate in 2000 Took votes from the democratic party Florida was the tipping point for the victory of George W. Bush over Al Gore by 537 votes. Nader received 97,421 votes in Florida, which led to claims that he was responsible for Gore's Presidential defeat.

14 Two Examples of 3rd Party “Spoilers”
Ross Perot An independent candidate 1992 In the 1992 election, Perot received 18.9% of the popular vote - largest votes received by a 3rd party candidate, - 19,741,065 votes. Took votes from the republican party He is believed to be responsible for Bill Clinton, a democrat, in winning the election over incumbent President Bush

15 Analyze the Libertarian Platform
Notice that Libertarians are in the Yellow area but the graph shows how their beliefs line up with Democrats and Republicans

16 Some Parties Start as a Single Issue Party, then Evolve to an Ideological Party

17 Analyze how the Green Party has Changed over the Years
2016 Green Party Platform The first members met in 1984. They were: social ecologists deep ecologists eco-feminists anarchists Socialists Most of their issues were focused around the environment

18 Challenges Facing Third Parties
Third parties do not get the media coverage needed to challenge the two major parties. Third parties find it hard to raise money It is very difficult to gain enough broad based support.

19 Third Party Candidates
Answer questions on the worksheet

20 Some of the U.S.’s Third Parties
Communist Party USA Freedom Socialist Party Party for Socialism and Liberation Peace and Freedom Party Justice Party USA Socialist Action Socialist Equality Party Socialist Alternative Socialist Party USA Socialist Workers Party Workers World Party Working Families Party Green Party Libertarian Party America's Party Constitution Party Independent American Party American Solidarity Party Citizens Party Modern Whig Party Reform Party of the United States of America Unity Party of America Veterans Party of America United States Pirate Party

21 Essential Questions What are challenges facing third parties? Do you ever see a way that they could break into the main stream of politics - why or why not? 2016 Tird Party Canidates: Green Party: Dr. Jill Stein Libertarian Party: Gary Johnson Constitution Party: Darrell Castle Transhumanist Party: – Zoltan Istvan

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