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Integrated Marketing Communications

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1 Integrated Marketing Communications
Chapter 1 Integrated Marketing Communications

2 Chapter Objectives To review the various elements of the promotional mix To summarize the IMC planning process and examine the steps in a marketing communications program Chapter 1: IMC

3 Chapter Objectives To introduce the concept of integrated marketing communications To examine how various elements must be coordinated to communicate effectively with the IMC perspective Chapter 1: IMC

4 Elements of the Promotional Mix
Figure 1-1 Chapter 1: IMC

5 The Marketing & Promotional Mixes
Product or service Pricing policy Distribution method Marketing communications mix Advertising Direct marketing Sales promotion Publicity/public relations Personal selling Chapter 1: IMC

6 Advertising Any paid form of nonpersonal communication about an organization, product, service, or idea by an identified sponsor. Cost effective for communicating to a large audience. Creates brand images and symbolic appeal. Strikes a responsive chord with consumers, popular campaigns get attention. Chapter 1: IMC

7 Classifications of Advertising
National advertising Retail/local advertising Advertising to increase demand Primary demand for the product category Selective demand for a specific brand Business & professional advertising Business-to-business advertising Professional advertising Trade advertising Chapter 1: IMC

8 Sales Promotion Marketing activities that provide extra value or incentives to the sales force, distributors, or ultimate consumers and can stimulate immediate sales. Chapter 1: IMC

9 Types of Sales Promotion
Customer-oriented Targeted to the ultimate users of a product or service Coupons, sampling, premiums, rebates, contests, sweepstakes, POP materials Trade-oriented Targeted toward marketing intermediaries such as retailers, wholesalers, or distributors Promotion allowances, merchandise allowances, price deals, sales contests, trade shows Chapter 1: IMC

10 Public Relations The management function which evaluates public attitudes, identifies the policies and procedures of an individual or organization with the public interest, and executes a program of action to earn public understanding and acceptance. Tools used by public relations. Publicity. Special publications. Community activity participation. Fund-raising. Special event sponsorship. Public affairs activities. Chapter 1: IMC

11 Publicity Non-personal communications regarding an organization, product, service, or idea not directly paid for or run under identified sponsorship. Publicity is NOT advertising. Advertising. Paid, sponsor-identified, non personal (media) communications. Publicity. Non-paid, unsponsored, non personal (media) communications. Chapter 1: IMC

12 Publicity Vehicles News releases: Feature articles: Captioned photos:
Single-page news stories sent to media who might print or broadcast the content. Feature articles: Larger manuscripts composed and edited for a particular medium. Captioned photos: Photographs with content identified and explained below the picture. Press conferences: Meetings and presentations to invited reporters and editors. Special events: Sponsorship of events, teams, or programs of public value. Chapter 1: IMC

13 Direct Marketing Organizations communicate directly with target customers to generate a response and/or transaction. Direct marketing methods. Direct mail. Cataloging. Telemarketing. Direct response ads. Internet sales. Chapter 1: IMC

14 Interactive/internet Marketing
Interactive media allow for a back and forth flow of information whereby users can participate in and modify the form and content of the information they receive in real time. Chapter 1: IMC

15 Interactive/internet Marketing
Multiple internet roles As a persuasive advertising medium As a means to educate or inform customers As a sales tool or an actual sales vehicle To obtain customer database information To communicate and interact with buyers To provide customer service and support To build and maintain customer relationships Chapter 1: IMC

16 Personal Selling A form of person-to-person communication in which a seller attempts to assist and/or persuade prospective buyers to purchase to company’s product or service or act on an idea. With this type of interaction the flexibility exists to tailor the message to the customers specific need or situation. Chapter 1: IMC

17 Integrated Marketing Communications
Coordinating the various promotional elements and other marketing activities that communicate with the firm’s customers. Chapter 1: IMC

18 Integrated Marketing Communications
A plan that evaluates the strategic roles of several communications disciplines: General advertising Direct response Sales promotion Public relations Combines the disciplines to provide: Clarity Consistency Maximum communications impact Chapter 1: IMC

19 Reasons for Growth of IMC
Planning efficiency and effectiveness. By coordinating marketing communication efforts companies avoid duplication, take advantage of synergy, and develop more efficient and effective programs. Consumer adoption of technology and media. Consumers lifestyles and purchasing behavior are changing as they adopt new technologies. Traditional media are facing declining audiences and less responsive consumers. Chapter 1: IMC

20 Reasons for Growth of IMC
Innovative marketing practices. A shift in marketplace power from manufacturers to retailers. A shifting of marketing dollars from media advertising to other forms of promotion. A movement away from relying on advertising- focused approaches to solve communication problems. Chapter 1: IMC

21 Reasons for Growth of IMC
Innovative Marketing Practices. The rapid growth and development of database marketing. Demands for greater accountability from ad agencies and changes in compensation. Rapid growth of the internet. Chapter 1: IMC

22 Importance of IMC Customer’s point of view.
All elements of the promotional campaign have to be carefully linked in some manner so that the message is clear and does not misrepresent the brand. Chapter 1: IMC

23 Importance of IMC Relationship marketing.
Creating, maintaining, and enhancing long-term relationship with individual customers as well as other stakeholders for mutual benefit. Marketers must recognize which tools within the promotional mix are enhancing the relationship. Chapter 1: IMC

24 Planning for IMC: Promotional Management
Coordinating the promotional mix elements to develop a controlled, integrated program of effective marketing communications. Considerations for developing the promotional mix include: Type of product. Buyer’s decision process. Stage of product life cycle. Channels of distribution. Chapter 1: IMC

25 The Marketing Plan 1. A detailed situation analysis
2. Specific marketing objectives 3. A marketing strategy and program 4. A program for implementing the strategy 5. A process for monitoring and evaluating performance Chapter 1: IMC

26 Situation Analysis Internal analysis. Internal factors.
Assesses relevant areas involving the product/service offering and the firm itself. Internal factors. Assessment of the firm’s promotional organization and capabilities. Review of the firm’s previous promotional programs. Assessment of firm or brand image and implications for promotion. Assessment of relative strengths and weaknesses of product/service. Chapter 1: IMC

27 Situation Analysis External factors. External analysis.
Focuses on factors such as characteristics of a firms customers, market segments, environment and competitors. External factors. Customer analysis. Competitive analysis. Environmental analysis. Chapter 1: IMC

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