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Dr. Michael Featherstone

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1 Dr. Michael Featherstone
Intro to E-Commerce Dr. Michael Featherstone

2 Skype – my username = mfeatherst1
Introduction COMMUNICATION MODES The IME375 Assignment page GOOGLE ‘IME375’  BING ‘IME375’ Google ‘Mike Featherstone’ Listen/watch lectures – Lectures are available on the Assignment Page (Video Lectures). Review associated lecture notes – they will be on the Assignment Page as well (Lecture Notes/PowerPoints). Skype – my username = mfeatherst1  Use Skype to call Use Skype to IM Text – – I haven’t used it much in the past, but will if requested.

3 Introduction: Administrative details
Tools. BlackBoard – MOSTLY FOR TESTS Our ‘text’ is the Assignment Page. Wall Street Journal Blogs (links on assignment page) SKYPE – You may it to contact me. – Practice your best etiquette. ALWAYS include ‘ime375’ in the subject line. Sign with your full name. Use the Spell checker and grammar checker (i.e. it’s smart to compose your to me in Word first) The quality (or absence thereof) will have an impact on your grade Hours – schedule. Text first for appointment!!! I’m available for calls Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 11:00-12:30 and 1:30-3:00..

4 Introduction - Tools for you
WSJ Subscription info on Assignment page. Evernote

5 Introduction CLASS EVENTS
Expect about 5 or 6 tests and a comprehensive final exam. That means it is IMPERITIVE that you keep up with the assigned readings. I usually DO NOT lecture specifically on readings I assign, so that means if you have questions about them, you need to ask about them (txt or ) Tests are “open web” and time constrained Going over the allotted time by more than ONE MINUTE may result in a significant penalty Review assigned videos BE FAMILIAR WITH THE LECTURE POWERPOINTS.

6 Introduction How will your grade be determined?
I don’t “give” grades. You earn your grade. My experience is that students may choose to do extraordinary work in a class and earn an exemplary grade. I also understand that each student has differing priorities and/or schedule conflicts. These may impede your work in the class, and thus you may not earn the grade you might otherwise have. Finally some students may simply choose not to put forth the effort required to obtain a passing grade. I leave that choice to the student. 6

7 Introduction – Course Objectives – Overview (high level)
To develop factual knowledge (terminology, classifications, methods, trends). To develop Web research skills (beyond Wikipedia). To develop the ability to apply course material and Tech tools to improve rational thinking, problem solving and decision making. To enable students to understand the Internet's significant events and its evolution from a historical perspective. To enable students to better understand the business environment of the Web and provide a ‘theoretical underpinning' To enable students to better understand the fundamental revenue mechanisms driving the current expansion of e-Commerce and e-Business websites. To enable students to better understand current e-Commerce marketing strategies 7

8 Introduction – Course Objectives – Detailed Guidelines
Discuss the origins and growth of PC’s, the Web, and e-Commerce Describe some ways e-Commerce differs from ‘pre-Web’ business Recognize and discuss new Web business applications Describe types of e-Commerce business models Understand the evolution of e-Commerce For example – Give an overview of the current state of the conduct of business on the Web and study the ‘Major Players’ Google, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, E-bay Describe current and new marketing strategies for e-businesses Discuss the present extraordinary change in user access to the Web Think “Bandwidth Understand the term Cloud computing and it’s impact on design of sites Impact of iPads and Tablet computers Impact of other Mobile devices - iPhone, Androids, et. al. - and the concept of convergence

9 Introduction – E-Commerce
So that is what we are going to learn. Here is how we are going to learn it. Video Lectures Podcasts Power points (lecture notes) Other media Blogs Vlogs Streaming video Various websites

10 Introduction – E-Commerce
A reporter interviewed Albert Einstein. At the end of the interview, the reporter asked if he could have Einstein's phone number so he could call if he had further questions. “Certainly” replied Einstein. He picked up the phone directory and looked up his phone number, then wrote it on a slip of paper and handed it to the reporter. Dumbfounded, the reporter said, "You are considered to be the smartest man in the world and you can't remember your own phone number?” Einstein replied, “Why should I memorize something when I know where to find it?”

11 Introduction – E-Commerce
Today one can find everything on the web… and most everything on YouTube. Thanks to our (your) data exhaust (Data exhaust is the data generated as a byproduct of people's online actions and choices. Data exhaust consists of the various files generated by web browsers and their plug-ins such as cookies, log files, temporary internet files and and .sol files (flash cookies) Google alone processes 24 petabytes of data every day. And that was in Facebook gets more than 10 million new photos uploaded every hour. WAIT, WHAT???

12 Introduction – E-Commerce
A BYTE is a character of information. This sentence consists of 54 bytes (including spaces). A K- BYTE (Kilobyte) is 1000 characters of information

13 Introduction – E-Commerce
A BYTE is a character of information. This sentence consists of 54 bytes (including spaces). A K- BYTE (Kilobyte) is 1000 characters of information A Megabyte is a million characters of information (1000 K-bytes)

14 Introduction – E-Commerce
A BYTE is a character of information. This sentence consists of 54 bytes (including spaces). A K- BYTE (Kilobyte) is 1000 characters of information A Megabyte is a million characters of information (1000 K-bytes) A Gigabyte is 1000 Megabytes

15 Introduction – E-Commerce
A BYTE is a character of information. This sentence consists of 54 bytes (including spaces). A K- BYTE (Kilobyte) is 1000 characters of information A Megabyte is a million characters of information (1000 K-bytes) A Gigabyte is 1000 Megabytes A Terabyte is 1000 Gigabytes

16 Introduction – E-Commerce
A BYTE is a character of information. This sentence consists of 54 bytes (including spaces). A K- BYTE (Kilobyte) is 1000 characters of information A Megabyte is a million characters of information (1000 K-bytes) A Gigabyte is 1000 Megabytes A Terabyte is 1000 Gigabytes A Petabyte is 1000 Terabytes Here is the numerical representation of a Petabyte 1,000,000,000,000,000

17 Introduction – E-Commerce
A BYTE is a character of information. This sentence consists of 54 bytes (including spaces). A K- BYTE (Kilobyte) is 1000 characters of information A Megabyte is a million characters of information (1000 K-bytes) A Gigabyte is 1000 Megabytes A Terabyte is 1000 Gigabytes A Petabyte is 1000 Terabytes Here is the numerical representation of a Petabyte 1,000,000,000,000,000 An Exabyte is 1000 Petabytes

18 Introduction – E-Commerce
Some terms used to describe e-Commerce New Disruptive Exponential change Paradigm shift Punctuated equilibrium M-Commerce Media Convergence

19 Introduction – E-Commerce
Some ways E-Commerce affects the business environment for Small and Medium size Enterprises (SME’s) They no longer need to depend on a small number of customers They are able to spread risk by operating across more geographies They have direct access to international suppliers and customers

20 This Concludes This Lecture
Thank you for your attention 20

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