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Spatial analysis of ozone exceedances and its precursor emissions in HG area Junsang Nam 11/18/03.

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Presentation on theme: "Spatial analysis of ozone exceedances and its precursor emissions in HG area Junsang Nam 11/18/03."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spatial analysis of ozone exceedances and its precursor emissions in HG area
Junsang Nam 11/18/03

2 Ozone Exceedances Ozone Formation HG area (TCEQ Reg. 12)
44 monitoring stations Annual ozone exceedances from 1999 to 2003

3 Precursor Emission - VOC
Point Sources - PSDB (Ethene, Propene, Isobutane, Trans-2-butene, Cis-2-butene) Biogenic Sources - Vegetation Source : TCEQ

4 Precursor Emission - NOx
Point Sources - PSDB - 4,317 sources On-road mobile - Major highways Source : TCEQ

5 HG area map TX general land office NAD 83 Albers equal area

6 Ozone Exceedances - 2003 44 monitoring stations
Ordinary kriging in Geostatistical Analyst

7 VOC – Point sources Ethene 2,003 point sources (Stack)
Concentrated in the Ship Channel area Tons/yr

8 VOC - Biogenic 1,533 objects 47 vegetation code 11 lumped code
Large forest areas right north of the Ship Channel area

9 NOx – Point Sources 4,317 point sources (Stack)
Concentrated in the Ship Channel area Tons/yr

10 Future Work Ozone exceedances – 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002
VOC (PSDB) – Propene, Isobutane, Trans-2-butene, and Cis-2-butene NOx – On-road mobile Correlation analysis of ozone exceedances and precursor emissions

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