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Addition of water, H - OH + H2O major product 2-methyl-2-butene

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Presentation on theme: "Addition of water, H - OH + H2O major product 2-methyl-2-butene"— Presentation transcript:

1 Addition of water, H - OH + H2O major product 2-methyl-2-butene
minor product

2 Mechanism of hydration
step 1 H+ + H2O catalyst nuclophile  e- electrophile add H+ H+

3 Mechanism of hydration
step 2 .. + H O electrophile nucleophile step 3 oxonium ion + H+ alcohol

4 Addition of Br2 .. .. .. bromination Br C Br-Br C Br C C step 1 Br
+ C C Br .. step 1 Br .. + + bromonium ion - - .. Br

5 Addition of Br2 .. .. .. “anti” addition stereospecific trans isomer -
+ step 2 “anti” addition stereospecific trans isomer

6 Addition of H2 hydrogenation C H H-H alkenes  alkanes
+ alkenes  alkanes heterogeneous catalyst Pt C H “syn” addition cis isomer H - H stereospecific

7 . . . . Polymerization monomer polymer small molecule
large molecule built of monomers catalyst . CH2 – CH2 . ( )– n CH2 – CH2 . . CH2=CH2 polyethylene ethylene H H –(CH2 – CH – CH2 – CH)– n C6H5 C H5C6 H styrene polystyrene

8 Review - Alkenes addition reactions Y - Z H - X hydrohalogenation
+ Y - Z H - X hydrohalogenation Markovnikov no catalyst H - OH hydration Markovnikov H+ catalyst homogeneous

9 Review - Alkenes addition reactions Y - Z H - H hydrogenation
+ Y - Z H - H hydrogenation “syn” addition heterogeneous catalyst cis- isomer Br - Br bromination “anti” addition trans- isomer polymerization free radical mechanism

10 Alkynes sp hybridized carbons s p C H eth yne = acetylene
addition reactions 2 equivalents Markovnikov

11 Aromatics C6H6 benzene sp2 hybridized carbons resonance structure
6  electrons delocalized very stable unreactive no addition reactions

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