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Youth focus group/survey

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1 Youth focus group/survey
These questions were asked of a group of middle-schoolers in Washington court house, ohio

2 How many times during the school year have you seen or heard educational information about drug or alcohol use?

3 How frequently have you seen/heard information about alcohol & drugs from the following sources:

4 30 day use projections – average student

5 How youth obtain alcohol:

6 How youth obtain marijuana:

7 Contributing factors alcohol marijuana “Rite of Passage”
Multigenerational Use General Acceptance General Acceptance “Rite of Passage” Multigenerational Use & Availability

8 Comments What else do you think that we should know?
Drugs are bad! A lot of stores in town do not ID for alcohol. Some coworkers provide alcohol to minors that work with them. You should know that a lot of teens use drugs. I get offered weed/pot every day, but I turn it down. I’d like to focus on my future and not get a record. I do drink, but only around responsible family members. Never use meth! Drugs are easy to come by. Stop heroin. Go weed. They need to help all the kids addicted to drugs. 2- Nonsense “goofy” answers 8- Warnings about popularity, with obvious disapproval 3 – 2 written and one verbal – admitting to use 2 – Additional comments that they do not use either drugs or alcohol 5 – Clear legalization advocates Marijuana doesn’t kill. It is medical. I suck at life. I need vodka. Put cameras in alleys and behind stores.

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