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Presentation on theme: "L . . . .."— Presentation transcript:

1 L

2 Selamat Pagi Guten Morgen Good Morning

3 the Sustainable Development of Smaller Indonesian Islands
Nino Krisnan K. Indonesian – German Cooperation in Science, Education and Business Development for the Sustainable Development of Smaller Indonesian Islands Anteria Asia

4 Strong Maritime Industry
Anteria Asia Our Interest : Strong Maritime Industry supporting the Boating & Yachting Industry Our Interest : Risk Adjusted Return Planet-People-Profit Based Investments

5 People - Planet – Profit Potentials into Opportunities
Approach to Transform Potentials into Opportunities SIDI, ITS Surabaya 12 November 2013

6 Let’s think this through…

7 Understand the Big Picture First Follow Through to the Details

8 is·sue noun Issue Mapping a matter of public concern
a point or matter of discussion, debate, or dispute The essential point a culminating point leading to a decision a final outcome that usually constitutes a solution (as of a problem) or resolution (as of a difficulty)

9 Get this right from the beginning! Find the Common Interests
Issue Mapping Sense of Belonging Mine, Yours, Theirs, Ours, or Whose Issues? Get this right from the beginning! Find the Common Interests stakeholder

10 Get down to the bottom line
Issue Mapping Symptoms Diseases Root Causes stakeholder Get down to the bottom line

11 Issues (current) Deforestation Poverty Health Access to Clean Water
Climate Change Economic Crisis Education Quality Social Conflict Overfishing Pollution

12 (current issues x 1,000) Issues (future) Food –Water -Energy
Business as Usual (current issues x 1,000) or be Part of Solution?

13 “The best way to predict the future
‘Future’ oriented attitude “The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” - Alan Kay “The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is now” - Chinese proverbs

14 How should we do it?

15 Planet – People -Profit
Is it a multiple choice? either or? all of the above?

16 Planet – People -Profit
economic growth, GDP, GNI, foreign exchange reserve, IRR, efficiency, etc. vs The Externalities (too ‘difficult’ to measure and to deal with, just put them aside) : dehumanization, environment degradation, over exploitation, etc.

17 Planet People Profit Sustainable Water Food Waste Energy
our habitat, our home 4.54 billion years old People the ones who do things & make things work Profit the thing that gets everything moving Sustainable Water Food Waste Energy

18 Sustainable Island Development Initiatives (SIDI)
People Strategy? Sovereignty Planet Strategy? Habitable Quality Profit Strategy? Risk Adjusted Return

19 SIDI Output direct change Outcome behaviorial change Impact
environmental change

20 Hazardous Areas Land vulturous Water vulturous Lead to :
Fossil fuel vulturous Biological & mineral raw materials vulturous Cheap labour vulturous Lead to : Conflict & Bad Governance

21 Has anyone done this? Does it work?

22 Social Disease (rampant alcoholism & gambling)
Has anyone done this? Issue mapping : Poverty Lack of education No work opportunities Serious health issues Poor roads Lack of water Social Disease (rampant alcoholism & gambling)

23 People Sustainable Planet Profit
Has anyone done this? People women empowerment, health & education, fair trade, etc. Sustainable Planet Reducing carbon foot print, organic farming practices, etc. Profit Added value through processing, supply chain shortening, good corporate governance, etc.

24 Funding Has anyone done this?
Private Investors KKR Funding Angel Investors Friends Social Investors IIIX

25 Someone has done it! In Indonesia… so… It can be done !

26 SWOT & Basic Strategies
Strength Defense Investment Threat Opportunity Divestment Empowerment Weakness

27 Sustainable Basic Strategies People Profit Planet Defense Investment
Divestment Empowerment

28 Investment Strengths Potential Opportunity Possibility Chance
Transforming Potentials into Opportunities Investment Strengths Potential Opportunity Investment Enabling Conditions Possibility Chance Empowerment Weaknesses Opportunity Enabling Conditions

29 Do we have a common ground
Back to… SIDI Do we have a common ground over these matters?

30 Terima Kasih Danke Schön Thank You

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