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Agreement Trial GCSE CONSTRUCTION 2016 November.

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Presentation on theme: "Agreement Trial GCSE CONSTRUCTION 2016 November."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agreement Trial GCSE CONSTRUCTION 2016 November

2 9.30 Registration and Introduction Electronic CRS
Agenda Registration and Introduction Electronic CRS Unit 2 & Unit 3 Principal Moderators Report Questions Controlled assessment tasks 2016/ Questions 10: Tea/Coffee 12: Lunch Controlled assessment tasks 2016/2018 Questions/filling out of travel claim forms Gareth Haughey Gareth Haughey Unit 2. Charlie Byrne Marking of Craft folders Unit 3. Paul Crawford Marking of CAD folders

3 E-Moderation – 2016-2017 eCandidate Record Sheets (eCRS) Agreement Trial Autumn 2016

4 What has changed? E-Moderation Handout in your Agreement Trial pack includes: ‘What has changed?’ document Key Points / Reminder document A copy of this presentation The ‘What has changed?’ document will also be accessible through the eCRS screen. Details of unit-specific changes will be communicated to registered users.

5 Changes: Lead Teachers only
•Internal Standardisation: additional statements to confirm before submission is allowed; box provided to record name(s) of teacher(s) not marking but involved in Internal Standardisation (optional).

6 Changes to Internal Standardisation

7 Changes: Lead Teachers only
•Authentication: printout from authentication tab: teacher authentication statement added to be signed by teacher(s); additional statements to confirm before submission is allowed. Reminder: Signed statements by candidates and teachers must be retained in the centre for CCEA use and/or inspection purposes.

8 Changes to Authentication

9 Authentication Document

10 2017 information Updated eCRS available:
January th October 2016 Summer 2017 existing units - 7th November 2016 Summer 2017 new AS units - 5th December 2016 Your login details used in summer 2016 are valid. If you do not have a login the Exams Officer in your centre can register you for the unit(s).

11 Support & Help with eCRS
Refer to the E-Moderation Handout in your Agreement Trial pack. View E-Moderation microsite. (CCEA home page > Qualifications > E-Moderation) In the eCandidate Record Sheet section: View the online tutorial (lasts 5 minutes). Refer to the quick start guide and detailed user manual. Any queries or need for additional support can be ed to



14 Principal Moderators Report
2016 Handouts/Questions

15 Snap shot of PM report E-Candidate Record Sheets (eCRS) and online E-Standardisation The online E-Standardisation completed by all centres was excellent. All centres provided very good annotation on the Electronic Candidate Record Sheets (eCRS). It is important that all centres provide annotation to justify their marking and internal standardisation. Good annotation also speeds up moderation of unit 3 CAD. Candidate Record Sheets must remain in the centre for unit 2 (craft project) and they must be made available during visiting moderation. Unit 2 Craft Project Generally internal standardisation was completed well by the centres. Only two centres were adjusted for this section of controlled assessment and one of these was a positive adjustment. Unit 3. Computer Aided Design There was a number of scaling issues throughout the samples provided by the centres. All drawings that are required in this controlled assessment area have an attached scale. On a few occasions the scale that was stated on the title block did not match the drawing that was completed. As a result candidates lost marks. On a small number of occasions centres printed the candidates work in colour. This made it difficult for the moderators to see any details in the drawings. The moderation team would encourage the use of black and white A3 prints only for candidates work. Also a small number of centres were printing drawings from screen captures, As it was difficult to moderate, see the quality & detail of the work and the drawings were not printed to the required scale, it is not accepted as completed work. Areas in which candidates lost marks: Scaling of drawings Trimming issues Lack of dimensions Inappropriate chimney sizes and chimney positions Unsuitable hatching of the roof section or incorrect window and door openings. No steps or ramp present on drawings. No stairs or fireplaces on plan view. Front view not symmetrical due to the position of doors, windows and chimneys. 7 Centres were adjusted

16 Controlled assessment tasks
GCSE Construction Controlled assessment tasks Unit 2 Craft Project September 16 – June 18 Mr Charles Byrne



19 Marking Criteria Construction processes
The production stages (e.g. flow diagram & at least 5 photographs): (4) A list of materials (1) and tools required and their use for project (1) A simple costing (1) Health and safety issues (2) Spelling, grammar and punctuation (-1) Self Evaluation An evaluation of their completed project. (6 well structured areas to be clearly evaluated, stating problem areas and explaining how they were overcome) (6) Spelling, grammar and punctuation. Clear and coherent form and style of evaluation (-2) Tolerances: (6 x 2.5 marks) (15) Suitability and standard of joints, fixings, components and processes involved and assembly accuracy: To obtain maximum marks; tight joints carcase square, the assembly of the product is excellent, box lid and internal storage areas fit perfectly, Good quality edging where appropriate . (20) Quality of finish: Preparation, well sanded, no obvious scratches or pencil lines. No glue stains, quality of application of finish varnish / lacquer. (10)












31 GCSE Construction Unit 3: CAD Project September 16 – June 18
Mr Paul Crawford



34 CAD Candidate record sheet

35 GCSE Construction Unit 3: CAD Project September 15 – June 18










45 Exemplar CAD Folder














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