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Final Review Econ 240A.

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1 Final Review Econ 240A

2 Outline The Big Picture
Processes to remember ( and habits to form) for your quantitative career (FYQC) Concepts to remember FYQC Discrete Distributions Continuous distributions Central Limit Theorem Regression

3 The Classical Statistical Trail
Rates & Proportions Inferential Statistics Application Descriptive Statistics Discrete Random Variables Binomial Probability Discrete Probability Distributions; Moments

4 Where Do We Go From Here? Regression Contingency Tables Properties
Assumptions Violations Diagnostics Modeling Count ANOVA Probability

5 Processes to Remember Exploratory Data Analysis
Distribution of the random variable Histogram Lab 1 Stem and leaf diagram Lab 1 Box plot Lab 1 Time Series plot: plot of random variable y(t) Vs. time index t X-y plots: Y Vs. x1, y Vs. x2 etc. Diagnostic Plots Actual, fitted and residual

6 Concepts to Remember Random Variable: takes on values with some probability Flipping a coin Repeated Independent Bernoulli Trials Flipping a coin twice Random Sample Likelihood of a random sample Prob(e1^e2 …^en) = Prob(e1)*Prob(e2)…*Prob(en)

7 Discrete Distributions
Discrete Random Variables Probability density function: Prob(x=x*) Cumulative distribution function, CDF Equi-Probable or Uniform E.g x = 1, 2, 3 Prob(x=1) =1/3 = Prob(x=2) =Prob(x=3)

8 Discrete Distributions
Binomial: Prob(k) = [n!/k!*(n-k)!]* pk (1-p)n-k E(k) = n*p, Var(k) = n*p*(1-p) Simulated sample binomial random variable Lab 2 Rates and proportions Poisson

9 Continuous Distributions
Continuous random variables Density function, f(x) Cumulative distribution function Survivor function S(x*) = 1 – F(x*) Hazard function h(t) =f(t)/S(t) Cumulative hazard functin, H(t)

10 Continuous Distributions
Simple moments E(x) = mean = expected value E(x2) Central Moments E[x - E(x)] = 0 E[x – E(x)]2 =Var x E[x – E(x)]3 , a measure of skewness E[x – E(x)]4 , a measure of kurtosis

11 Continuous Distributions
Normal Distribution Simulated sample random normal variable Lab 3 Approximation to the binomial, n*p>=5, n*(1-p)>=5 Standardized normal variate: z = (x-)/ Exponential Distribution Weibull Distribution Cumulative hazard function: H(t) = (1/) t Logarithmic transform ln H(t) = ln (1/) +  lnt



14 Central Limit Theorem Sample mean,

15 Population Random variable x Distribution f(m, s2) f ? Pop. Sample Sample Statistic Sample Statistic:

16 The Sample Variance, s2 Is distributed chi square with n-1 degrees of
freedom (text, 12.2 “inference about a population variance) (text, pp , Chi-Squared distribution)

17 Regression Models Statistical distributions and tests Assumptions
Student’s t F Chi Square Assumptions Pathologies

18 Regression Models Time Series
Linear trend model: y(t) =a + b*t +e(t) Lab 4 Exponential trend model: y(t) =exp[a+b*t+e(t)] Natural logarithmic transformation ln Ln y(t) = a + b*t + e(t) Lab 4 Linear rates of change: yi = a + b*xi + ei dy/dx = b Returns generating process: [ri(t) – rf0] =  + *[rM(t) – rf0] + ei(t) Lab 6

19 Regression Models Percentage rates of change, elasticities
Cross-section Ln assetsi =a + b*ln revenuei + ei Lab 5 dln assets/dlnrevenue = b = [dassets/drevenue]/[assets/revenue] = marginal/average

20 Linear Trend Model Linear trend model: y(t) =a + b*t +e(t) Lab 4

21 Lab 4

22 Lab Four F-test: F1,36 = [R2/1]/{[1-R2]/36} = 196
= Explained Mean Square/Unexplained mean square t-test: H0: b=0 HA: b≠0 t =[ – 0]/ = -14

23 Lab 4

24 Lab 4

25 Lab 4 2.5% -14 -2.03

26 Lab Four 5% 4.12 196

27 Exponential Trend Model
Exponential trend model: y(t) =exp[a+b*t+e(t)] Natural logarithmic transformation ln Ln y(t) = a + b*t + e(t) Lab 4

28 Lab Four

29 Lab Four

30 Percentage Rates of Change, Elasticities
Cross-section Ln assetsi =a + b*ln revenuei + ei Lab 5 dln assets/dlnrevenue = b = [dassets/drevenue]/[assets/revenue] = marginal/average

31 Lab Five Elasticity b = 0.778 H0: b=1 HA: b<1
t-crit(5%) = -1.71

32 Linear Rates of Change Linear rates of change: yi = a + b*xi + ei
dy/dx = b Returns generating process: [ri(t) – rf0] =  + *[rM(t) – rf0] + ei(t) Lab 6

33 Watch Excel on xy plots! True x axis: UC Net

34 Lab Six rGE = a + b*rSP500 + e

35 Lab Six

36 Lab Six

37 View/Residual tests/Histogram-Normality Test

38 Linear Multivariate Regression
House Price, # of bedrooms, house size, lot size Pi = a + b*bedroomsi + c*house_sizei + d*lot_sizei + ei

39 Lab Six price bedrooms House_size Lot_size

40 Price = a*dummy2 +b*dummy34 +c*dummy5 +d*house_size01 +e

41 C captures three and four bedroom houses
Lab Six C captures three and four bedroom houses

42 See Project I PowerPoint application to lottery with Bern variable
Regression Models How to handle zeros? Labs Six and Seven: Lottery data-file Linear probability model: dependent variable: zero-one Logit: dependent variable: zero-one Probit: dependent variable: zero-one Tobit: dependent variable: lottery See Project I PowerPoint application to lottery with Bern variable

43 Regression Models Failure time models Exponential Weibull
Survivor: S(t) = exp[-*t], ln S(t) = -*t Hazard rate, h(t) =  Cumulative hazard function, H(t) = *t Weibull Hazard rate, h(t) = f(t)/S(t) = (/)(t/)-1 Cumulative hazard function: H(t) = (1/) t Logarithmic transform ln H(t) = ln (1/) +  lnt

44 Applications: Discrete Distributions
Binomial Equi-probable or uniform Poisson Rates & proportions, small samples, ex. Voting polls If I asked a question every day, without replacement, what is the chance I will ask you a question today? Approximate the binomial where p→0

45 Aplications: Discrete Distributions
Multinomial More than two outcomes, ex each face of the die or 6 outcomes

46 Applications: Continuous Distributions
Normal Equi-probable or uniform Students t Rates & proportions, np>5, n(1-p)>5; tests about population means given 2 Tests about population means, 2 not known; test regression parameter = 0

47 Applications: Continuous Distributions
F Ch-Square, 2 Regression: ratio of explained mean square to unexplained mean square, i.e. R2/k÷(1-R2)/(n-k); test dropping 2 or more variables (Wald test) Contingency Table analysis; Likelihood ratio tests (Wald test)

48 Applications: Continuous Distributions
Exponential Weibull Failure (survival) time with constant hazard rate Failure time analysis, test whether hazard rate is constant or increasing or decreasing

49 Labs 7, 8, 9 Lab 7 Failure Time Analysis
Lab 8 Contingency Table Analysis Lab 9 One-Way and Two-Way ANOVA

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