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Assessment 10/12/2016.

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1 assessment 10/12/2016

2 Preschooler Room 1 Web cam setup for speech recording of Conversation, Monologue, & Reading Play dyad w parent Book reading/retell w parent (encourage child to tell story or spend time describing) Play dyad w clinician w option for high pressure play to stimulate more stuttering PPVT w child (good control variable & gives hint into some language processing) Room 2 Record with overhead camera Parent interview w all hx questions (need separate room & 2 clinicians for this part of session) Review w parent how to fill-out ISPP & give copies for parents & grandparents (any available caregiver that spends time w child)

3 School-age Room 1 Web cam setup for speech recording of Conversation, Monologue, & Reading Play dyad w parent Book reading/retell w parent (encourage child to tell story or spend time describing) Play dyad w clinician w option for high pressure play to stimulate more stuttering TOCS w child SSI-4 will receive speech sample data—might need reading sample PPVT w child (good control variable & gives hint into some language processing) Introduce OASES to child while parent in other room Review w parent & child how to complete OASES together (child’s perspective) Room 2 Record session with overhead camera Parent interview w all hx questions (need separate room & 2 clinicians for this part of session) Review w parent how to fill-out ISPP & give copies for parents & grandparents (any available caregiver that spends time w child) Review TASCC with parent for school personnel to complete Review TOCS Observation rating for parent & school personnel to complete

4 Adolescent/teen Room 1 Room 2
Web cam setup for speech recording of Conversation, Monologue, & Reading Interview questions for hx Speech samples: monologue, conversation, phone? SSI-4 will receive speech samples—might need reading passages (for reading speech sample) Be prepared to offer basic educational information about stuttering Causes (genetics & brain); universal fluency enhancing behaviors; famous people; Basic treatment progression: educate, identify, desensitize, modify, transfer, generalize Treatment options: all evid-based programs include active home program  personal trainer analogy We can discuss tx options later…introduce Comprehensive Integrated Approach to stuttering therapy Comprehensive: WHO-ICF; Stutt/stutt Integrated: FS + SM + CBT Review OASES for accurate completion but use today as conversation starters Room 2 Interview questions for parent as well as teen can get from our class. We need good hx.

5 adult Room 1 Web cam setup for speech recording of Conversation, Monologue, & Reading Interview questions for hx Speech samples: monologue, conversation, phone? SSI-4 will receive speech samples—might need reading passages (for reading speech sample) Be prepared to offer basic educational information about stuttering Causes (genetics & brain); universal fluency enhancing behaviors; famous people; Basic treatment progression: educate, identify, desensitize, modify, transfer, generalize Treatment options: all evid-based programs include active home program  personal trainer analogy We can discuss tx options later…introduce Comprehensive Integrated Approach to stuttering therapy Comprehensive: WHO-ICF; Stutt/stutt Integrated: FS + SM + CBT Review OASES for accurate completion but use today as conversation starter Any family members/partners interested & available to participate someday?

6 Speech samples: Round one
IF parent indicates that stuttering was representative during play dyad/story retell….then we can proceed 1st week post-dx (within 7days of dx session*) 1st & 2nd year review video clips & identify best section of video to analyze ( syll) 1st year transcribes; 2nd year reviews & provides feedback *always communicate w me re:timing, schedule, stress

7 Speech samples: round two
2nd week post-dx: day 7-14 1st year codes stuttering behaviors as best they can (see next slide for initial codes to use) 2nd year reviews & adds to coding (via class notes & MMA manual), discusses w 1st year both students meet w Jessica to review coding both students work together to compile data into table (get full report template from Jessica)

8 Initial round of coding by 1st year
Try going back now and determining what type of stutter behavior each stutter is…you can put the following codes immediately after the event: [B] = block with a slash to indicate the sound that got stopped à like p/izza[B]; funny g/uy[B] [P] = prolongation with periods to indicate the sound that got sustained à he is…[P]; let’s w…ait[P]; [SR] = sound rep with dashes to show number of iterations & a number to show the number of repeated sounds before the actual wordà like p-p-p-pizza[SR3] [WR] = word rep w dashes to show number of iterations à I like-like-like[WR2] pizza [PR] = phrase rep w dashes to show number of iterationsà he knew-he knew-he knew[PR2] him Note: in a repetition, the final production of anything repeated doesn’t get counted as a repeated unit because it links to the final & target unit.

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