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Presentation on theme: "CHALLENGING ASPECTS IN BONE TISSUE FORENSIC TESTING"— Presentation transcript:

Dr. Cristian Bogdan Iancu Genetics Laboratory, NILM Bucharest

2 50 cases between

Lab preparation Sampling Cleaning Pulverization Weighing

4 - Removing soft tissue -
Lab preparation - Removing soft tissue - Mechanical removal of flesh+ Bacterial maceration (cold/warm) “Cooking”(boiling water, microwave) Chemical maceration (5%KOH, HClO, H2O2) Enzymatic maceration (pepsin, trypsin, laundry detergent) Intervertebrate maceration (dermestid beetles)

5 Sampling - cutting - Dry the sample Wire brush – removal of dirt
Cut the sample Sand down about 2 mm of bone surface Cut into smaller pieces

6 Cleaning 10 ml bleach invert 20 sec, discard 10 ml dH2O
1x 10 ml bleach invert 20 sec, discard 3x 10 ml dH2O 2x 10 ml absolute ethanol

7 Pulverization Weighing - cryogenic mill -
Best way of grinding (at low temperature) Easy cleaning Constant supply of liquid nitrogen NEEDED Expensive Weighing Retsch Mixer Mill MM 3xx

8 Recommendations Pulverized bone handling Record the mass
make aliquots for extractions 1 + 2 store at +4⁰C for extraction within a week store at -20⁰C for extraction within months or cover with ethanol and store in a cold place Clear all surfaces, equipment, tools with 5-10% bleach solution, autoclaving and UV not effective !!

9 Post-extraction clean-up
DNA EXTRACTION Decalcification DNA extraction Post-extraction clean-up

10 Decalcification general rule 1 g powder = 40 ml EDTA pH=8.0
aprox. 3 days at 4⁰C, in a rotor-shaker centrifugation 3-5 min at 4000g discard supernatant

11 DNA extraction PrepFiler® BTA Forensic DNA (Applied Biosystems)
magnetic particles coated with polymer 4 aliquots x mg o/n digestion standard protocol for hard tissue 50 μl elution Quick Gene Tissue Kit (Fuji Film) polymer porous membrane 4 aliquots x mg o/n digestion special protocol for hard tissue 50 μl elution

12 Post-extraction clean-up
Inhibitors Humic and fulvic acids, tannins – yellow to brown staining of the extracted DNA (detectable by fluorescence) Collagen - major component of organic material - coextracted only if digested bone powder is used for extraction. Ethanol precipitation with LPA (linear polyacrylamide) Microcon® YM ml NMWL (nominal molecular weight limit) Centricon® ml, NMWL Amicon® Ultra ml, NMWL NMWL

13 PCR & post-PCR Quantification PCR STR analysis

14 Quantification DNA amount evaluated - spectrofluorimetric method using PicoGreen® dye (Molecular Probes – Life Technologies) and NanoDrop™ 3300 (Thermo Scientific) Specific human DNA + presence of PCR inhibitors evaluation - Quantifiler® Human DNA Quantification Kit (Applied Biosystems – Life Technologies, USA).

15 PCR - I Samples are amplified in duplicates - AmpFISTR® NGM™ PCR Amplification Kit (30 cycles)– Veriti Thermal Cycler - AmpFlSTR® MiniFiler™ PCR Amplification Kit (30 cycles) GeneAmp® 9700 Thermal Cycler - AmpFISTR® Identifiler®Plus PCR Amplification Kit (29 cycles)– Veriti Thermal Cycler - AmpFISTR® Yfiler® PCR Amplification Kit (30 cycles) GeneAmp® 9700 Thermal Cycler

16 PCR - II MiniElute PCR purification kit

17 STR analyis 3130xl Genetic Analyzer – POP7 polymer
partial profiles, unbalanced peaks and allelic drop-out Consensus DNA profile from replicates Beware of contamination! 3130xl Genetic Analyzer – POP7 polymer 3100 Avant Genetic Analyzer – POP4 polymer STR profiles are analyzed using GeneMapper® ID Software v 3.2

18 Conclusions Bone tissue investigation requires a complex preparation step compaired to other samples The preparation step is essential for further genetic investigation; STR analysis have to take into account the risk of contamination or amplification artefacts.

19 Thank you!


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