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Web Office-Teams von Uni & ETH
8. WWW-Workshop Welcome! Web Office-Teams von Uni & ETH Welcome! Bitte zuerst mittlere Plätze besetzen – es könnte ziemlich voll werden. Danke. October 15th, 2002, 13:00-17:00. ETH Zurich, HG F 5 ETH Web Office - Design 8. WWW-Workshop 15. October 2002
8. WWW-Workshop, October 15th, 2002, 13:00-17:00. ETH Zurich, HG F 5
Welcome! 8. WWW-Workshop, October 15th, 2002, 13:00-17:00. ETH Zurich, HG F 5 Pause um 14:45. Während des Workshops bitte hintere Türen benutzen (von der Haupthalle her) Zum Hörsaal HG F 5 ETH Web Office - Design 8. WWW-Workshop 15. October 2002
W3C Membership Jakob Lindenmeyer ETH Web Office – Design
8. WWW-Workshop October 15th, 2002 ETH Zurich ETH Web Office - Design 8. WWW-Workshop 15. October 2002
W3C – The WWW-Consortium
International standardization organisation for web-technologies and protocols ETH Zurich is new W3C-member since July 1st, (Thanks to contacts & discussions in Honolulu (WWW2002) and thanks to financial support from D-INFK, D-ITET, Inst. Kartographie, Informatikdienste, Corporate Communications and ETH World.) ETH Web Office - Design 8. WWW-Workshop 15. October 2002
Goals of the W3C Universal Access: Independent of culture, language, education, resources, ... Semantic Web: To develop Software to make the best use of the web Web of Trust: To monitor and guide the legal, commercial and social issues of the new technology „Web“ ETH Web Office - Design 8. WWW-Workshop 15. October 2002
W3C Motto: Leading the Web to its Full Potential...
Founded: October 1994 Located: MIT (Boston, USA), INRIA (France), Keio (Japan) Members: ~500 (companies, universities, governments) Organisation: W3C-Team (72 people), directed by Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the web (1989) Website: ETH Web Office - Design 8. WWW-Workshop 15. October 2002
Tim Berners-Lee... (...on a banquet in Honolulu, Hawaii. Pictured by Reto Ambühler) Invented the World Wide Web 1989 at the CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. Director of the W3C More: Homepage of Tim Berners-Lee ETH Web Office - Design 8. WWW-Workshop 15. October 2002
Benefits of the Membership
Access to the W3C-Member-Website (software, forum, ...) Participation in working groups, workshops and more... A seat on the W3C Advisory Committee (Actual AC-Representative: Prof. Bernhard Plattner, ETH World) W3C news services => ETH Webboard-list More... ETH Web Office - Design 8. WWW-Workshop 15. October 2002
ETH Organisation of conferences => e.g. “SVG Open” by Andreas Neumann (D-BAUG) Contribution to Recommendations => e.g. APPEL 1.0 (P3P) Editor: Marc Langheinrich (D-INFK) Submission of publications, documents, comments, … => e.g. XML: Eric Wilde (D-ITET) Participating in the annual Web conference => e.g. the Web Offices of Uni and ETH (presentation WWW8) (next conference: May 2003 in Budapest) ETH Web Office - Design 8. WWW-Workshop 15. October 2002
ETH Webboard-list „W3C“
ETH Web Office - Design 8. WWW-Workshop 15. October 2002
ETH Website „“
ETH Web Office - Design 8. WWW-Workshop 15. October 2002
Slides: Online available
All slides of the WWW-Workshop are on the web under: ETH Web Office - Design 8. WWW-Workshop 15. October 2002
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