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Safe Haven at the Crisis Cafe

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1 Safe Haven at the Crisis Cafe
Nick Parkin senior Commissioning Manager North East Hampshire and Farnham CCG Stanley Masawi Service Manager, Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

2 We’re here to talk about the Safe Haven and give you three reasons why we believe we should win this award – these focus on the benefit to individuals, the benefit to local mental health services and the benefit to the broader health and care system and the NHS. Set up initially as a pilot in April 2014, inside this unassuming building in an Aldershot High Street people facing or dealing with a mental health crisis are being helped and supported. We have a great track record of helping people to cope better with some of the most difficult times in their lives.

3 A year or so after launch an artist interviewed people using the service, managers and staff to get a feel for how the safe haven was making a difference – and this was a result. It was making such a difference to people’s lives that it seemed like there was a simply a black hole before it existed.

4 1. It benefits individuals
Chris will talk about his own experience

5 Individual benefits It’s accessible, safe and welcoming – and I don’t need an appointment I’m not alone – it’s a place to meet people, have a drink, even a meal It stops me going to A&E It helps me to stay out of hospital The staff provide very helpful talking therapies Chris to speak here

6 What people who use the service say
“I know if the Safe Haven had not been here I may have been dead as I have thought about killing myself.” “It’s a fantastic service and really does help during a crisis.” “I would have taken an overdose if I didn’t have the support of the Safe Haven.” “I had made serious plans to end my life and talking to **** saved me. He understood and was supportive. Without him I wouldn’t be here to write this.” “Changed my life. I don’t have to sit in A&E for four hours. Don’t know what I would do without it.” “If I hadn’t come in tonight I would have self-harmed but talking to someone has relieved my crisis and helped me understand my situation and what I need to do.”

7 2. It improves local mental health services
Stan to lead this session

8 Mental health service benefits
Co-designed in partnership with people A good alternative to A&E for people in crisis Staffed by trained professionals – supported by peer workers Statutory and voluntary sector working together Simple and easy to understand – supported by all key stakeholders Strong links to broader mental health pathways People wanted a physical place to go out of hours – We carried out significant research to establish need People prefer not to go to A&E – and they receive support from trained staff with the help of peer support workers Isolation and loneliness can be triggers – the café environment counters these and it is open until 11pm every evening Not a complicated care pathway – well known and supported by all key agencies – and supported by our broader mental health services and recovery college Not a medicalised/paternalistic response - it allows HTT workers to have a different/deeper relationship that can help if we later support someone in ‘extreme’ crisis.

9 Positive outcomes – positive results
33% - No. of reduced acute psychiatric admissions in the catchment area 758 people using it as an alternative to A&E in already in Jan and Feb 2016 2404 individual users since the April 2014 launch Stan Here are some highlights of the numbers we are achieving – which indicates positive outcomes and a big impact Figures from Mental health Strategies and attendance figures

10 3. It benefits the broader health and care system
Ros to lead this

11 Health and care system benefits
A core part of the Hampshire and Surrey Crisis Care Concordat Breaks down traditional geographical and agency boundaries Supports broader work to destigmatise mental ill health - high street café venue In line with the broader strategy of early intervention and prevention Replicable – rolled out across Surrey, to be rolled out across Hampshire, with potential nationwide People don’t want to attend A&E if they can help it – and it’s cheaper than acute beds Key points Known by all agencies as a major source of help and support for those in a crisis A great example of partnership working – and it doesn’t matter where you live or who your GP is – you are welcome without an appointment The Five year Forward View for Mental health (Feb 2016) talks about the importance of commissioning for prevention and quality care and the need to innovate in service delivery It’s been such a success that we’ve obtained funding to extend the Safe Haven to five further locations in Surrey – and it is to be rolled out across Hampshire too – and on roll out we are using same principles to develop safe havens for children and YP with 3 schools in locally..... Acute beds are an expensive option – this is

12 What others say “I am very much in support of the Safe Haven and believe this facility is exactly what Aldershot needs…I am aware that Custody Sergeants have been directing released prisoners to the project as a place to get help when it's needed.” Police Sergeant “Our goal is to prevent patients that…need mental health support, to seek help out of office hours via the Safe Haven... I have…noticed Doctors looking for the Safe Haven cards to promote this service to enable support for our mental health patients.” Mental health link nurse, Frimley Park Hospital A&E “We regularly give out business cards for the Safe Haven Café. Patients respond very favourably to the news that there is a place they can go to in a supportive environment.” Local GP Reiterating how the Safe Haven brings much broader system-wide benefits

13 The Safe Haven benefits…
Individuals: Helping people to cope in a crisis, stay away from A&E and out of hospital – described by some as a life saver Services: An easy to understand alternative to A&E that is established, well known, working well and achieving positive outcomes System: A simple, replicable model that is being extended across Surrey and Hampshire, supporting a greater focus on prevention to keep people out of hospital and save money



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