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Q Fever is also called Query Fever, It is a bacterial Infectious caused by the bacterial Coxiella Burnetti. The bacteria are most commonly found in cattle,

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Presentation on theme: "Q Fever is also called Query Fever, It is a bacterial Infectious caused by the bacterial Coxiella Burnetti. The bacteria are most commonly found in cattle,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Q Fever is also called Query Fever, It is a bacterial Infectious caused by the bacterial Coxiella Burnetti. The bacteria are most commonly found in cattle, sheep and goats around the world .

2 Mode of transmission Human typically get Q fever when they breathe in the dust that was contaminated by infected animals. Aerosols Direct contact Milk fomites Prevention Properly disinfect and decontaminate exposed areas. Wash your hands properly. Quarantine infected animals. Make sure the milk you drink is pasteurized Test animals routinely for infection Restrict the airflow from barnyards and animal holding facilities to other areas.

3 Treatment Doxycycline is the antibiotic of choice for all adults and children with severe Q fever. Standard duration of treatment is two to three weeks. Antibiotics are typically given for 18 months you have

4 Fish tank granuloma Prevention
Rare skin infection caused by Mycobacterium marinum, a non- tuberculosis mycobacterium. The organism is found worldwide in stagnant freshwater and saltwater environments including lakes, inadequately chlorinated swimming pools, and aquariums. Prevention The skin condition may be prevented by using waterproof gloves when handling raw fish or fish tanks, washing thoroughly after exposure to standing water, limiting exposure of open sores to standing water, and by adequately chlorinating swimming pools.

5 Treatment Monotherapy with minocycline, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, clarithromycin, or doxycycline has proven effective for treatment of superficial skin infections. The use of two antibiotics at the same time, such as ethambutol and rifampin, often become necessary because of the M. marinum’s tendency for multidrug resistance. Antibiotics are continued for one to two months after symptoms resolve, with treatment duration ranging from four months to two years.

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