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Martha Gomez Language Services and Student Programs

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1 Martha Gomez Language Services and Student Programs
Dual Immersion Update Martha Gomez Language Services and Student Programs

2 Schools with Dual Immersion.
Sunnyslope Stone Avenue K-6th K-4th Jurupa Middle School Patriot High School * AP Spanish 7th and 8th Pedley

3 How does it work at the elementary level?
10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Grade K Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grades 4-6 The pie charts represent the amount of time students at the various grades are taught in English and the target language.

4 How does middle school work?
Six classes minimum English Mathematics Social Studies Physical Education (PE) Science Electives Music AVID Art Etc. Choices! Choices! Choices!

5 Options for Dual Immersion students
English Spanish Language Arts Mathematics Social Studies (Spanish) Sciences Physical Education(PE) Electives Band Choir AVID Art Etc. 0. PE English Spanish Language Arts Mathematics Social Studies (Spanish) Sciences Physical Education(PE) Electives Band Choir AVID Art Etc. And more choices!!!

6 What are the Spanish Language Arts classes?
Seventh Grade Eighth Grade Honors Spanish Two options Spanish 3 Spanish 4 (AP)* More choices you say? Continue with Spanish? Pick up a third language? Students can make their education what they want, the sky is the limit!

7 And what of the high school?
Minimum of two classes in Spanish. Spanish Language Arts Possibilities for second class: Biology Health Math *PE

8 How will this help students in high school and college?
A-G requirements

9 ELA CSTs – District Comparison

10 Math CSTs – District Comparison

11 ELA CSTs - Sunnyslope

12 Math CSTs - Sunnyslope

13 2014 Spanish Standardized Language Arts Test

14 2014 Spanish Standardized Math Test

15 Aprenda Total Reading 2014-15





20 Alexandra Mullen 9 years old – 4th grade
3rd Grade District Science Fair Winner

21 My experiences with the DI Program
By Kevin Monares

22 Who am I? My name is Kevin Monares and I am of the first generation of Dual Immersion students of JUSD. I'm currently an eighth grader at Jurupa Middle School and take a class at Patriot High School; that of which is AP Spanish IV.

23 My past It all started in 2007 at Sunnyslope Elementary. I was enrolled into the program because my parents wanted me to maintain my Spanish. Starting in kindergarten, I learned subjects such as language arts, math, science, and history in Spanish as well as English. Ever since then, I've gained recognition because of this program. And not only that, but I've many friends through these classes.

24 My present About a year ago, our Dual Immersion class was given a test that at the time we didn't expect too much of. It turned out that me and two other friends were accepted into an AP class at Patriot High School because of our Spanish abilities. I take Honors U.S. History 8 in Spanish at Jurupa Middle School along with my previously mentioned DI companions.

25 My future I don't really know what to expect but I hope the best for my future and the future of the Dual Immersion program. I personally hope to use my bilingual abilities to help people in the future and to maybe use this skill to learn more languages. As for the DI program, I hope that there will be more languages to offer in the JUSD area.

26 Final Words I've talked about my past, present, and what might be of myself regarding this program. I personally think it’s a great program and it’s no wonder why Dual Immersion is beginning to rapidly grow where it is available. If you have a kid enrolling into their first year of elementary, please consider entering them into Dual Immersion. You may be surprised by the result.

27 Questions?

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