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Geologic Eras Today’s Goal
I can list the four major divisions of geologic history in order and describe them Homework Finish Precambrian questions at the end of the notes
Day 1 Complete the Geologic Time Jigsaw Activity 15 minutes max
Geologic Time Jigsaw ANSWER KEY
Precambrian Time (pg 142-143)
1. What length of time does the Precambrian cover? 4.6 BYA to 543 MYA 2. List TWO ways the earth was different during the Precambrian time compared to today. different gases in atmo; volcanic eruptions; meteor impacts; violent storms; intense radiation 3. How do scientists think life got started? simple chemicals from oceans and atmosphere 4. What gas was missing in the early atmosphere that the first organisms did not need? oxygen 5. Why was the evolution of cyanobacteria important? carried out photosynthesis; produced oxygen; used sun’s energy to make food 6. Why was the formation of the ozone layer important? protects life against harmful UV rays 7. Eukaryotes evolve about one billion years ago. How were they different from prokaryotes? larger size; has a nucleus; lead to multicellular life
Paleozoic Era (pg 144) 8. What length of time does the Paleozoic Era cover? MYA 9. What are rocks of this era rich with? fossils 10. What does “Paleozoic” mean? Ancient life 11. What were the first vertebrate animals to evolve? fish 12. Which major plant group did NOT evolve during this era? Flowering plants 13. What were the first animals on land? Insects were first and then eventually amphibians 14. When did reptiles evolve during this era? Late Paleozoic Era 15. What happened at the end of the era? Mass Extinction
Mesozoic Era (pg 145) 16. What length of time does the Mesozoic Era cover? 248 to 65 MYA 17. What does “Mesozoic” mean? Middle life 18. What was the Mesozoic Era commonly known as? Age of the reptiles 19. How long did dinosaurs dominate the Earth? 150 MYs 20. What group of organisms around today likely evolved from a group of dinosaurs? birds 21. When did flowing plants evolve during the Mesozoic Era? Late Mesozoic Era 22. Describe the hypothesis that explains how the dinosaurs went extinct. meteor hits earth, dust from the impact circles earth blocking out sun for long period of time 23. Who survived the mass extinction at the end of the Mesozoic Era? Mammals and birds
Cenozoic Era (pg ) 24. What length of time does the Cenozoic Era cover? MYA to Present 25. What does “Cenozoic” mean? Recent Life 26. Provide THREE examples of groups of organisms that appeared in the Cenozoic Era. mammals; birds; insects; flowering plants 27. What is the Cenozoic Era commonly known as? Age of Mammals 28. How did mammals change during the Cenozoic Era? they became larger 29. List THREE types of mammals that existed during the Cenozoic Era but no longer exist. Mastodons; Saber-toothed cats; Giant ground sloths; Small horses 30. How did the climate change during the Cenozoic Era? Ice Age periods
Earth’s History in a Year
Purpose: To gain a perspective on the vast amount of time required for life on Earth to evolve. The scale of geologic time is vast, currently estimated at nearly 4.6 billion years. During that time, life evolved into the familiar forms we see today. These materials are provided to assist in understanding time relationships and how life on Earth changed through time. The dates shown were compiled from several available sources. TABLE 1 shows some important events in Earth history, presented in the order in which they occurred. The data are also shown on the scale of a calendar year. When geologic time is compressed to the scale of a calendar year…. 1 day =12,600,000 years 1 second = about 146 years At this scale, World War II began about 0.4 second before midnight on December 31.
Procedures: 1. On your worksheet “calendar” label all of the events listed on TABLE 1 on your calendar at the correct date. Using FOUR different colored pencils, shade the time span of each of the four ERAs listed on TABLE 2 (Cenozoic, Mesozoic, Paleozoic, Precambrian) on your calendar. Shade each ERA a different color. Label each of the Eras on your calendar by using a key located at the top of the calendar.
Precambrian Era Today’s Goal Homework Answer Paleozoic Questions
I can explain how life starts I can describe earth’s early atmosphere I can understand the importance of cyanobacteria Homework Answer Paleozoic Questions
Precambrian Time accounts for 85% of Earth’s History!!
The Geologic Time Scale The standard method used to divide the Earth’s long natural history into manageable parts Precambrian Time accounts for 85% of Earth’s History!!
The center of Earth was melted by great pressure and intense heat.
Oldest rock found in Western Australia An atmosphere formed as Earth cooled. primitive atmosphere forms from volcanic eruptions Did NOT contain oxygen gas Oceans form from water vapor released in eruptions & maybe comets 4.1BYA The surface of Earth cooled forming the crust The Earth Forms 6 BYA The Solar system formed from swirling gases and dust 4.5BYA Rocks in the solar system condensed to form Earth
Comparison of Atmospheres
Where did Life Start? Ocean covered in Ice Meteorites or Comets
Hydrothermal Ocean Vents nutrient rich, possibly with complex molecules which may have joined together to form structures such as cells Ocean covered in Ice extra protection from UV radiation Meteorites or Comets rich with building blocks of life
What does it mean to be living?
Be able to reproduce Uses energy Composed of one or more cells Contains genetic information
3.0 - 3.5 BYA Oldest fossils of bacteria (prokaryotes). Lack a nucleus
Do not need oxygen to survive
3.0 BYA Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) evolve
creates energy from photosynthesis gives off oxygen gas (beginning to form the atmosphere of today) Form large stromatolites (below)
1.5 BYA Eukaryotes contain a nucleus Evolved from prokaryotes
630 MYA Multicellular organisms evolve with soft bodies
Species include: jelly fish; coral stalks; segmented worms; algae
Order of Events
Precambrian Time Earth’s Crust cools Sun forms
Left over material from our sun collides to form the planets Earth was entirely molten Atmosphere & oceans form Eukaryotes (cells with a nucleus) Oldest known rock Cyanobacteria (photosynthetic) Bacteria or prokaryotes (cells without a nucleus) Multicellular life (examples: sponges)
Precambrian Time (Answers)
Sun forms Left over material from our sun collides to form the planets Earth was entirely molten Earth’s Crust cools Atmosphere & oceans form Oldest known rock Bacteria or prokaryotes (cells without a nucleus) Cyanobacteria (photosynthetic) Eukaryotes (cells with a nucleus) Multicellular life (examples: sponges)
Day 2 What are the four major divisions of geologic history?
Using a scrap piece of paper, put your name on it and number 1-5 and answer the following challenge questions What are the four major divisions of geologic history? What were the first living organisms called? (HINT they did not need oxygen to survive!) What does the word Paleozoic mean? Mesozoic era is commonly called the _________________. What period are we currently living in today?
Paleozoic Era Today’s Goal Homework NONE
I can list the 6 periods in the Paleozoic Era and events that happen in each Homework NONE
Precambrian Recap!
Paleozoic Era Means “Ancient Life”
Life starts in the seas and moves onto land Six periods: Cambrian Ordovician Silurian Devonian Carboniferous Permian
Cambrian Period (570-500 MYA)
Cambrian Explosion – Most major animal phyla are found in the fossil record mostly aquatic invertebrates with exoskeletons Burgess Shale – major fossil site located in Canadian Rockies
Ordovician Period (500-435 MYA)
1st vertebrates - jawless fish (filter feeders) The vertebrate protects the spinal cord, which carries signals from the brain throughout the body. The lamprey of today is a parasite The hagfish is a scavenger
Silurian Period (435-395 MYA)
1st jawed fish later evolved into sharks- made of cartilage Ozone (O3) layer formed which blocks harmful UV radiation life could evolve on land 1st land plants mosses & ferns
Devonian Period (395-345 MYA)
“Age of the Fish” 1st bony fish scales and swim bladder for buoyancy 1st insects Arthropods-spiders & scorpions 1st vertebrates on land Amphibians Evolved from the lobed-fin fish which include some species of lungfish
View of Earth—Devonian Period (410 MA)
Carboniferous Period (345-280 MYA)
North America is at the equator Tropical swamps form coal deposits Climate is very warm Amphibians & insects dominate and become large Dragon flies (1 m wing span) Cockroaches (10 cm long) 1st reptiles
View of Earth—Carboniferous Period (330 MA)
Permian Period (280-225 MYA) Reptiles dominate Pangaea begins to form
Ancestral North America collided with Africa to produce Appalachian Mountains dry climate ice age in the southern hemisphere Mass Extinction More than 90% of all marine invertebrates go extinct 70% of all land species go extinct
Order of Events
Paleozoic Era Invertebrate on land (ex. Insects & Scorpions)
Jawless fish (ex. Lamprey) Ocean invertebrates made of soft tissue (ex. Jellyfish) Bony fish (ex. Salmon & Flounder) Ocean invertebrates made of an exoskelton (ex. Trilobite) Jawed fish (ex. Shark) Invertebrate on land (ex. Insects & Scorpions) Greatest Mass Extinction Land Plants Reptiles Amphibians Ozone layer
Paleozoic Era (Answers)
Ocean invertebrates made of soft tissue (ex. Jellyfish) Ocean invertebrates made of an exoskelton (ex. Trilobite) Jawless fish (ex. Lamprey) Jawed fish (ex. Shark) Bony fish (ex. Salmon & Flounder) Ozone layer Land Plants Invertebrate on land (ex. Insects & Scorpions) Amphibians Reptiles Greatest Mass Extinction
Mesozoic Era Today’s Goal Homework Answer Homework Questions
I can list the 3 periods in the Mesozoic Era and events that happen in each Homework Answer Homework Questions
Homework Questions What are the 6 periods of the Paleozoic Era in order? What period did jawless fish begin to appear? What period did the ozone layer form? What period is considered to be “the age of the fish”? What period did the first reptiles show up in?
Mesozoic Era (Age of the Reptiles)
248 million years ago to 65 million years ago Pangaea separates Three Periods Triassic Jurassic Cretaceous
View of Earth—Permian Period (260 MA)
Mesozoic Era (Age of the Reptiles)
248 million years ago to 65 million years ago Three Periods Triassic Jurassic Cretaceous
Triassic Period (225-180 MYA)
Pangaea (supercontinent) formed
Triassic Period (225-180 MYA)
First Dinosaurs (small in size) Pisanosaurus Length:3 feet Height:1 foot Weight:15 pounds Eoraptor: Length:3 feet Height: 1 foot Weight:20 pounds Lesothsaurus: Length:3 feet Height:1 foot Weight:15 pounds
Triassic Period (225-180 MYA)
Conifers and cycad forests dominate (Gymnosperms)
Triassic Period (225-180 MYA)
First turtles and lizards
Jurassic Period (180-135 MYA)
Pangaea starts to separate
Jurassic Period (180-135 MYA)
Dinosaurs diversify and dominate
Jurassic Period (180-135 MYA)
Reptiles in the sea Most with similar shapes as a dolphins or sharks Ate fish and other marine animals Some were VERY large All could swim VERY fast
Jurassic Period (180-135 MYA)
1st mammals (small rodents).
Jurassic Period (180-135 MYA)
1st birds - Archaeopteryx Jaws and bone structure like dinosaurs Bones are hollow, like birds Had feathers
Cretaceous Period (135-65 MYA)
Continents in modern positions
Cretaceous Period (135-65 MYA)
Dinosaurs still dominate: T. rex (carnivore) Triceratops (horned)
Cretaceous Period (135-65 MYA)
Angiosperms evolve & dominate (flowering plants with fruit)
Cretaceous Period (135-65 MYA)
Mass Extinction: 50% of all plant and animal groups die Alvarez’s Meteor Impact Theory- A ~10km wide meteorite struck Earth near what is now Mexico
Location of Impact Want to know more? CLICK HERE!
Cretaceous Period (135-65 MYA)
Evidence of Impact: Iridium An element that is very rare in Earth rocks and very common in meteorites The layer of rocks above the last dinosaur bones contain ~ 160x normal levels of iridium Called the K/T Boundary
How could a meteorite impact cause a mass extinction?
The impact caused shock waves, tidal waves, and sent a tremendous amount of dust into the atmosphere As the dust re-entered the Earth’s atmosphere, it would have instantly heated the atmosphere causing tremendous forest fires Dust from impact blocked out the sun and caused major climate change and plants to die Plants, animals, etc. went extinct due to the climate changes and competition between organisms
What organisms went extinct?
What organisms survived? All dinosaurs Many terrestrial plants Many marine animals MAMMALS! Birds Many plants (ferns were the most successful plant for a while) Trees with flowers Small lizards/crocodiles/alligators/turtles Fish, squids, sharks, etc.
Cenozoic Era Today’s Goal Homework Answer Cenozoic Questions
I can list the 2 periods in the Cenozoic Era and events that happen in each Homework Answer Cenozoic Questions *Era Quiz on Friday 3/13 * Evolution District Assessment Monday 3/16 Warm-up Write down your goal… Update your TOC, take out your HW (Mesozoic Questions) Then Pick up a scrap piece of paper, put your name on it and number Review your homework until instructed… Weekly Challenge Day 3!
Day 3 What are the 3 periods of the Mesozoic Era in order?
What does Mesozoic mean? What period did the turtles and lizards first appear? What element is found in the fossil record which is evidence of the meteorite impact? What period did flowering plants with fruit first evolve?
Cenozoic Era (Age of the Mammals)
65 million years ago to Present Day Two Periods Tertiary Quaternary
Tertiary Period (65 MYA to 1.8 MYA)
Starts with a warm and humid climate Mammals dominate Gradually increasing in size Angiosperms (flowering plants) dominate Replacing gymnosperms
Tertiary Period (65 MYA to 1.8 MYA)
Grasses develop, grazing animals become even larger Earliest prehistoric humans (approximately 6 to 7 MYA)
Tertiary Period (65 MYA to 1.8 MYA)
1st marine and large terrestrial animals Horses, whales and monkeys
Quaternary Period (1.8 MYA to Present)
The “Great Ice Age”- ice sheets covered 30% of all land Land & ice bridges connected many continents allowing animal migration
Quaternary Period (1.8 MYA to Present)
Large North American animals go extinct: elephants (mastodons, mammoths), giant sloths & armadillos, and saber-toothed cats Modern humans evolve…maybe causing the above extinctions from hunting African Savanna Elephant American Mastodon Woolly Mammoth
Mass Extinction
Era Review Today’s Goal Homework Evolution D.A. Study Guide
I can list the 4 eras in order and the major events that happen in each era Homework Evolution D.A. Study Guide *Era Quiz on TOMORROW 3/13 * Evolution District Assessment Monday 3/16 Warm-up Write down your goal… Update your TOC, take out your HW (Cenozoic Questions) Then Pick up a scrap piece of paper, put your name on it and number Review your homework until instructed… Weekly Challenge Day 4!
Order of Events
Mesozoic Era OR Cenozoic Era
Select which event occurs in the Mesozoic or Cenozoic Era Meteor Impact - Mass Extinction Mammals & Birds Evolve Climate becomes very cold Grasses evolve Hominids evolve Warm climate Land bridges allow migration of animals Flowering Plants Evolve Flowering Plants Dominate Pangaea exists Dinosaurs evolve and become large Large mammals and birds dominate Large mammals die out Humans evolve
Mesozoic Era OR Cenozoic Era
Mesozoic Era (Answers) Cenozoic Era (Answers) Pangaea exists Dinosaurs evolve and become large Mammals & Birds Evolve Warm climate Flowering Plants Evolve Meteor Impact - Mass Extinction Flowering Plants Dominate Grasses evolve Large mammals and birds dominate Hominids evolve Land bridges allow migration of animals Humans evolve Large mammals die out Climate becomes very cold
Homework What are the 2 periods of the Cenozoic Era in order?
What does Cenozoic mean? What period did the prehistoric humans first show up in? Angiosperms dominated in this period. The “Great Ice Age” started this period.
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