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The Terracotta Warriors

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1 The Terracotta Warriors
兵马俑 The Terracotta Warriors

2 The Terracotta Warriors
Life sized. 8099 Figures. Horses, soldiers, weapons. Bronze work.

3 The Tomb The Terracotta Warriors were discovered in 1974 near Xi'an, China in the Tomb. The Tombs building began in 246 BC and is believed to have taken 700,000 workers and craftsmen 38 years to complete.

4 秦始皇-Qin Shi Huang The First Emperor Searching for Immortality
Preserve himself in the afterlife. died in 210 BC. was placed inside the tomb

5 Recreating the Universe
He was buried alongside great amounts of treasure and a model of the universe complete with ceilings full of gems representing the sky, and flowing mercury representing water on the earth. Pearls were also placed on the ceilings in the tomb to represent the stars, planets…





10 The Terracotta Warriors
They vary in height, uniform and hairstyle in accordance with rank.





15 The Terracotta Warriors
Today nearly two million people visit the site annually.



18 结束 ?’s Works Cited: Photos and some text sources drawn from Please feel free to explore these yourself.

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