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City and County of Broomfield Solid Waste Task Force

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1 City and County of Broomfield Solid Waste Task Force
Process and Recommendation

2 Two Key Issues: The number of trash trucks on neighborhood streets. The amount of material recycled in Broomfield.

3 Number of Trash Trucks:
The current practice of trash collection in Broomfield with multiple trash haulers in many neighborhoods provides the following benefits: choices of trash haulers for residents based on cost, level of service or other preferences; the ability of residents to negotiate for customized services and rate structures; the ability to change trash haulers as the resident prefers; an ability for trash haulers to offer varying levels of customer service; and, the ability for new and small haulers to develop a customer base. … but with the following negative impacts: increased costs for the trash haulers and their customers; increased impact on Broomfield's roads; increased safety concerns; increased air and noise pollution; and, increased visual clutter.

4 Recycling Rate: The current recycling rates are low in Broomfield. Multiple communities in Colorado and elsewhere have implemented approaches that provided them a much higher recycling rate. Estimates place Colorado tied for last place of all states in the percentage of materials recycled. Overall, the United States ranks lower than most other industrialized nations in the percentage of material recycled. Landfills are filling and will eventually leak, becoming costly cleanup issues Natural resources continue to be depleted.

5 Investigation & Study Process:
The City Council appointed a Solid Waste Task Force to look at options for trash collection in Broomfield. The Task Force: studied the current trash collection system in Broomfield; reviewed programs in other communities; conducted a survey of Broomfield residents; reviewed a range of alternatives and with discussion with community members and trash haulers; and, prepared a recommendation for the City Council to review.

6 Survey Results General results of the survey were: 98 % of residents indicated quality of service at least somewhat important 98 % of residents rated inexpensive garbage collection at least somewhat important 83 % of residents rated being able to recycle/ availability of recycling at least somewhat important 81% of residents rated having many materials collected for recycling as at least somewhat important 77% of residents supported free enterprise in garbage collection as at least somewhat important 75 % of residents supported having recycling built into the base fee for garbage collection as at least somewhat important 74 % of residents rated supporting small hauling businesses as at least somewhat important 71 % of residents rated being able to choose from several garbage haulers as at least somewhat important 59 % of residents support a pay as you throw type billing system if it would increase the amount of recycling collected in the community.

7 Service topic Option 1 - minimum changes to existing system Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5 – high Hauler / collection arrangement Minimal ordinance, no special limit on haulers Enhanced ordinance, limited haulers Contract, limited haulers Contract, one hauler Curbside Recycling Collection Optional Required, embedded Curbside Yard Waste Collection None/optional None/ optional Required to be offered, separate fee Required to be offered for fee for service above base Curbside Bulky Waste Collection Optional or none Fee-based Fee based Pay As You Throw Collection No Yes Estimated Recycling Level <5% 5-7% 12-17% 15-25% >25%

8 Task Force Recommendation
Broomfield contract with multiple trash haulers by districts for service in the community Curbside recycling be offered to all residents as a part of the base fee Separate seasonal yard waste collection be offered to all residents as part of the base fee Bulky item collection be offered A "Volume Based Collection" fee program be implemented A recycling goal of 30 % in three years be established.

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