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New facets of neutrino physics in the electron capture by the nucleus

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1 New facets of neutrino physics in the electron capture by the nucleus
Yuri Novikov PNPI (St.Petersburg), MPI-K (Heidelberg) and GSI (Darmstadt) ISOLDE/CERN seminar, October 9, 2009

2 Yu. Novikov – ISOLDE,

3 Poetry Sudoku Neutrinos have mass! From (Nature, 12th July 2001)
Neutrinos have mass we've just found out. They're not ghosts like we thought. I see them as dragonflies. They must have airy insubstantial wings, they zip about changing direction flashing bright metallic colours, green-blue, gold, purple, colours changing as they change state, intent on the universe. They all have huge eyes. For them everything is mostly empty. Even the neutrino trap we made one summer day down in the salt-mine, puts nuclei together like trees in a broad meadow. We didn't catch many we saw their trail a moment then off they darted, quicker than a wink. They are hatched in the suns. They stream off in swarms across the endless open plains, about their own business, leaving us staring after, empty-handed, happy they exist, glad that we know at last neutrinos have mass. Yu. Novikov – ISOLDE,

4 “Standard” model as a fundamental building block of nature
( Yu. Novikov – ISOLDE,

5 Standard model of Particle Physics cracked
( Yu. Novikov – ISOLDE,

6 ν-Energy regions available for different detectors
10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Super - Kamiokande K2K, MINOS GALLEX, SAGE KAMIOKANDE, Super K, SNO KamLAND, CHOOZ nuclides with monochromatic neutrinos keV MeV GeV TeV log E ν Atmosph . Acceler Solar. Reactor. ε–Capture. β β T 187Re Contin. β– Yu. Novikov – ISOLDE,

7 courtesy of J. Khuyagbaatar
Auger electron Nuclear process Atomic process Electron vacancy N+1 N Z-1 Z Time range start 10-18s 10-10s courtesy of J. Khuyagbaatar Yu. Novikov – ISOLDE,

8 General information on the capture energetics
(Z,A) + e (Z-1,A)h + En (Z-1,A)g + Bi Qn = En + mn = Qe – Bi Z,A En En = K + mn = Qe - Bi smaller En higher contribution of mn (precision ~1 eV) Bi – еlectron binding energy : Qe: mn ≈ 1 eV (Z,A) Qe – Bi should be as small as possible Qe < 100 keV The less Qν, the bigger contribution of mn Qe Bi Qn (Z-1,A)g (Z-1,A)h Yu. Novikov – ISOLDE,

9 Peculiarity of the neutrino properties in the electron capture process
Super-low neutrino energies Monochromatic neutrinos Localized position of the neutrino source Possible variety of relevant capture candidates Possibility for both “on-line” and “off-line” measurements with samples produced by accelerators or reactors Yu. Novikov – ISOLDE,

10 of nuclides are of paramount importance
Peculiarities of the neutrino in ε-capture allows one to undertake the following measurements: Neutrino mass Neutrinoless double-electron capture Neutrino oscillation length In all these problems the precise mass measurements of nuclides are of paramount importance Yu. Novikov -ISOLDE,

11 Neutrino mass

12 History of m measurements
163Ho 37Ar & 22Na 163Ho 3H 163Ho 193Pt 3H 3H 187Re 3H 3H 3H Yu. Novikov - ISOLDE,

13 Do we need to measure the neutrino mass since the antineutrino mass limit is known?
Yes ! To confirm the results taken from tritium measurements (with completely different systematic uncertainties). To check the conservation of CPT: mν = mνˉ ? significant difference might be expected because of the small size of the neutrino mass Yu. Novikov- ISOLDE,

14 How can we derive the neutrino mass from electron-capture ?
First attempts: J. Andersen et al. Phys. Lett. B 113 (1982) 72 B. Jonson et al. Nucl.Phys. A 396 (1983) 479c S. Yasumi et al. Phys. Lett.B 181 (1986) 169 P.T. Springer et al. Phys. Rev. A 35 (1987) 679 First approach Total capture probability for allowed transition: Capture ratios for '2' and '1' atomic levels: , where Wi = Qε - Bi (i = 1,2) η can be determined from – ratio, where Penning trap Calorimeter Calorimeter + Spectroscopy Yu. Novikov -ISOLDE,

15 Dependence of neutrino mass value on Qe and λM2/λM1 for 163Ho-decay
Yu. Novikov- ISOLDE,

16 Precise measurements of both QEC and
How can we derive the neutrino mass from electron-capture ? Second approach Precise measurements of both QEC and calorimetric spectrum for the atomic de-excitation Yu. Novikov – ISOLDE,

17 Ultra-precise mass measurements

18 Principle of Penning Trap Mass Spectrometry
B Cyclotron frequency: PENNING trap Strong homogeneous magnetic field Weak electric 3D quadrupole field ring electrode end cap Frans Michel Penning Hans G. Dehmelt Typical frequencies q = e, m = 100 , B = 6 T  f- ≈ 1 kHz f+ ≈ 1 MHz q/m (courtesy of K. Blaum) Yu. Novikov - ISOLDE,

19 Time-of-flight Measurements
magnetic moment of the ion gradient of the magnetic field translation from radial to axial energy (courtesy of K. Blaum) Yu. Novikov – ISOLDE,

20 Comparison of the mass-resolving power for different modern mass-spectrometers
Storage ring (ESR) at GSI, Schottky mass-spectrometry Penning-traps ISOLTRAP, LEBIT, TITAN, SHIPTRAP, JYFLTRAP… FaNtOME (MPI) HITRAP (GSI) MATS (FAIR) M/ΔM (for А=100) 3·106 107 1·1011 δM 30 keV 100 eV 1 eV Yu. Novikov- ISOLDE,

21 … in new lab Nr.2 (PENTATRAP) at MPI-K (courtesy of S. Eliseev)
We aim for dQ (163Ho → 163Dy) ≈1 eV; (dm/m) < 10-11 Nuclide Relative uncertainty Reference 4He 1.6*10-11 R.S. Van Dyck et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 (2004) 13C2H2 – 14N2 7*10-12 S. Rainville et al., Science 303 (2004) 334. 32S 5.0*10-11 W. Shi et al., Phys. Rev. A 72 (2005) 16O 1.1*10-11 R.S. Van Dyck et al., Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 251 (2006) 231. 28Si 2.2*10-11 M. Redshaw et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 (2008) 129,132Xe ~10-10 M. Redshaw et al., Phys. Rev. A 79 (2009) Existing Penning Traps PENTATRAP stable nuclides light masses closed systems radiactive, highly charged nuclides masses up to Uranium open system Improvement of accuracy by more than one order of magnitude !!! Sergey Eliseev , SFB-Meeting,

22 Concept of the PENTA-TRAP (a “ping-pong” Penning-trap)

23 STEP 1: Loading the traps
Monitoring B-field Monitoring B-field Storage of reference ion investigated or reference ion Measurement of Storage of investigated ion - investigated ion reference ion Courtesy of S. Eliseev

24 STEP 1: Measurement of reference ion
(B-field is measured constantly) TRAP: Monitoring B-field Monitoring B-field Storage of reference ion investigated or reference ion Measurement of Storage of investigated ion - investigated ion - reference ion

25 STEP 2: Switching to investigated ion
(B-field is measured constantly) TRAP: Monitoring B-field Monitoring B-field Storage of reference ion investigated or reference ion Measurement of Storage of investigated ion - investigated ion - reference ion

26 STEP 3: Measurement of investigated ion
(B-field is measured constantly) TRAP: Monitoring B-field Monitoring B-field Storage of reference ion investigated or reference ion Measurement of Storage of investigated ion - investigated ion - reference ion

27 STEP 4: Switching to reference ion
(B-field is measured constantly) TRAP: Monitoring B-field Monitoring B-field Storage of reference ion investigated or reference ion Measurement of Storage of investigated ion - investigated ion - reference ion

28 STEP 5: Measurement of reference ion
(B-field is measured constantly) TRAP: Monitoring B-field Monitoring B-field Storage of reference ion investigated or reference ion Measurement of Storage of investigated ion - investigated ion - reference ion

29 A sketch of PENTATRAP at MPI-K (Heidelberg)

30 PENTATRAP-project at MPI-K (Heidelberg) courtesy of K. Blaum

31 High resolution cryogenic bolometers

32 Low temperature micro-calorimeters
x-ray Temperature rise upon absorption: thermometer Recovery time: thermal link absorber thermal bath Operation at low temperatures (T<100mK): small heat capacity large temperature change small thermal noise (courtesy of A. Fleischmann) Yu. Novikov – ISOLDE,

33 Metallic magnetic cryogenic calorimeters
B Magnetic Field Energy Very simple theory : Sensor material consists of magnetic moments only 2 level systems Zeeman like energy splitting E = mB  1.5 eV Energy deposition of 100 keV Number of flips  1011 Change of magnetic moment (courtesy of L. Gastaldo) Yu. Novikov – ISOLDE,

34 Energy resolution and lineariry of the magnetic calorimeter (courtesy of L. Gastaldo)
Counts Energy Energy Counts Energy

35 The best candidate for mν-measurement
T1/2=4.57 ky Qε= keV Yu. Novikov -ISOLDE,

36 “Calorimetric” spectra simulated for 163Ho
Yu. Novikov – ISOLDE,

37 Shapes for “calorimetric” lines of 163Ho→163Dy for Qε=2580 eV
Yu. Novikov – ISOLDE,

38 Calorimetric spectrum dS/dEC and
"figure of merit" -is electron binding energy for the hole "h" A. De Rujula and M. Lusignoli Yu. Novikov – ISOLDE,

39 "Figure of merit" q for different Qε and m 163Ho→163Dy
Yu. Novikov – ISOLDE,

40 Data acquisition time T for S=50 events at the edge
Neutrino mass, eV Figure of merit q Rate×n (detectors) / s Expected T, days 2 5·105 60-600 10 5·104 5·103 1-10 6-60 Yu. Novikov – ISOLDE,

41 Advantages of cryogenic micro-calorimeters
Very high energy resolution (σE ≈ 1 eV for Е ≈ 1 keV). Very small internal background due to small detector dimensions (≈ 100 μ). Due to long impulse rise (≈ 1 μs), all the atomic (molecular) de-excitations, being shorter than ns, are detected. As the source is inside the absorber, energy losses in the source (most important in the tritium experiments) have no meaning. Small detector dimensions allow the use of a multi-detector system, which avoids pile-up background. Yu. Novikov – ISOLDE,

42 Comparison of ν-detectors weights
ktons 50; Super-K (Japan) 5.5; Minos (Minnesota) 1; SNO (Ontario), KamLAND (Japan) 0.8; MiniBooNE (Illinois) 0.006; Elephant 10-8; Microcalorimeter Super-K Microcal. ~ 5·109 Yu. Novikov – ISOLDE,

43 Search for new candidates

44 Candidates with evaluated QEC<100 keV
Qε=(69±14) keV T1/2=444 y En=(-12±14) keV 194Hg 0+ 194Au K 1- Electron capture Qε (keV) Method Group 194Hg→194Au ≈35 from T1/2 ISOLDE (1981) 30±40 Schottky ESR-GSI (2005) 69±14 28±3 Evaluation Measurement AME (2003) ISOLTRAP/ CERN (2008) 202Pb→202Tl 55±20 X-ray spectroscopy Argon (1954) and AME (2003) 50±15 Evaluation with the revised value for Qε=35±25 keV of Yale (1971) Qε=2.6 keV T1/2=4.57 ky En≈0.55 keV Qε=(50±15) keV T1/2=50 ky En≈(-35±15) keV 202Pb 0+ 202Tl L1 2- Yu. Novikov –ISOLDE,

45 Nuclides with the smallest ε-energies
Yu. Novikov – ISOLDE,

46 What should be measured for possible candidates?
Yu. Novikov - ISOLDE,

47 Neutrino in double capture

48 Resonant neutrinoless double-capture
(Z,A) (Z-1,A) (Z-2,A) Г εε Qεε Bi(2) Bj(1) Yu. Novikov – ISOLDE,

49 Candidates for resonant neutrinoless double-capture
εε- transition Qεε (keV) E=Eγ+B1+B2 (keV) Δ=Qεε-E (keV) First prediction 74Se+74Ge 1209.7(6) (1)(γ+L1+L2) 2.6±0.6 D. Frekers (2005) 112Sn+112Сd 1919(4) 1925.6(2)(γ+K+K) -6.6±4.0 J. Bernabeu et al., (1983) 152Gd+152Sm 54.6(12) 56.26(K+L1) 54.28(L1+K) -1.6±1.2 -0.32±1.20 Z. Sujkowski and S. Wycech (2004) 164Er+164Dy 23.7(21) 19.01(L1+L1) 4.7±2.1 “—————” Yu. Novikov – ISOLDE,

50 Neutrino oscillation length

51 Neutrino oscillations
Yu. Novikov – ISOLDE,

52 Length L32 for neutrino oscillations
Yu. Novikov – ISOLDE,

53 Neutrino mass scale (from P.Vogel) Yu. Novikov – ISOLDE,

54 The principle features of the TPC
Courtesy of Y. Giomataris and J. Vergados Yu. Novikov – ISOLDE,



57 Possible candidates for neutrino oscillometry
Yu. Novikov – ISOLDE,

58 55Fe 193Pt 163Ho 179Ta 157Tb
Yu. Novikov – ISOLDE,

59 List of nuclides whose masses are of importance for neutrinoscopy

60 Neutrino oriented programme of mass measurements of nuclides at ISOLDE

61 First steps in implementation

62 First steps implemented
FaNtOME – conception for Facility for Neutrino Oriented Mass Exploration, based on a 5-Penning trap spectrometer PENTATRAP, has been elaborated at MPI-K (Heidelberg). Careful analysis of possible pile-up background for 163Ho-decay in the calorimetric spectrum has been performed. Investigation of influence of implantation process from ISOLDE separator to the properties of µ-absorbers started in KIP (Heidelberg). The background for micro-calorimeter was measured in the keV-region. The result 0.1 events/10 days, obtained in Genova-Uni, opens very promising possibility to implement long-term measurements. Experiments to search for new candidates for neutrino mass determination by electron capture are prepared at CERN(ISOLTRAP). New result of Qε for194Hg has already been obtained. Yu. Novikov – ISOLDE,

63 Problems, which hopefully can be solved
For traps Systematic uncertainty in the Penning trap measurements (can be solved by use of a 5 Penning trap system) For bolometers Perturbations to decay rates and spectra in the calorimetric absorbers (effect can be measured by using an external source) Pile-up background in the calorimeters (can be measured independently) For oscillometers Strong neutrino source production Large dimensions of the detection environment Yu. Novikov – ISOLDE,

64 "Rome was not built in a day"
We are eager to overcome forthcoming difficulties, meanwhile the physics community should be patient to long-term efforts and should be keenly aware that "Rome was not built in a day" Yu. Novikov – ISOLDE,

65 Conclusions Neutrino precise mass measurements and search for the resonant double capture process candidates can be performed via FANtOME and microcalorimetric cryogenic projects. Prerequisite to success in neutrino mass, εε and L32 determination are careful nuclear and atomic spectroscopy measurements. Yu. Novikov – ISOLDE,

66 Collaboration NeMOs MPI-K, Heidelberg ─ (K. Blaum and S. Eliseev) GSI -- (H.-J. Kluge, F. Herfurth and M. Block) University, Genoa ─ (F. Gatti) KIP, Uni-Heidelberg -- (C. Enss, A. and L. Fleischmann) PNPI and University, St.Petersburg ─ (Yu. Novikov, A. Vasiliev and V. Schabaev) ISOLDE, CERN ─ (A. Herlert, K. Johnston and ISOLDE collaboration) JYFLTRAP (J. Äystö and Jokinen) CEA, Saclay -- (Y. Giomataris) University, Ioannina -- (J.D. Vergados) …… Expected cost of NeMOs program (Neutrino mass and oscillometry) is ≈ 20 M€ Yu. Novikov – ISOLDE,

67 ν Fortes Fortuna juvat !!! Nuclear Physics High Energy Physics Atomic
Astro Physics Particle Physics Fortes Fortuna juvat !!! Yu. Novikov – ISOLDE,

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