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The Trojan War.

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Presentation on theme: "The Trojan War."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Trojan War

2 Eris: the goddess of _______.

3 Never invited to their banquet
Resentment at other gods: why? Never invited to their banquet

4 King Peleus and the sea nymph Thetis
The marriage of ______ was the cause of Eris’s determination to make trouble. King Peleus and the sea nymph Thetis

5 The fruit that caused all the trouble: ________
A golden apple

6 What were the words marked on this fruit?
For the fairest

7 Hera; Athena; Aphrodite
The three competing goddess: _______; _______; _______ Hera; Athena; Aphrodite

8 Which god was originally asked to do judge between the three?

9 Who finally did the judgment?

10 Which goddess’s bribe seems to him best
What did Paris base his judgment on? Which goddess’s bribe seems to him best

11 The prince was doing a shepherd’s job because:
________ His father was told that the prince would someday be the ruin of his country

12 Whose bribe did Paris take?

13 What was Aphrodite’s bribe?
The fairest woman in the world

14 Who was the fairest woman in the world?

15 the suitors’ oath to King Tyndareas, Helen’s father: ______
They would champion the cause of Helen’s husband if any wrong was done to him through his marriage.

16 the one chosen by Tyndareas to marry Helen to:

17 Sowing salt instead of seed
What was Odysseus doing when the messenger arrived? Sowing salt instead of seed

18 Putting Odysseus’s son under the plow
How did the messenger expose Odysseus’s trick? Putting Odysseus’s son under the plow

19 He was fated to die if he joined the war.
Why didn’t Achilles’s mother want him to join the Greek army? He was fated to die if he joined the war.

20 What did Achilles mother do to prevent Achilles from being found out?
To make him wear women’s clothes and hide among the maidens at the court of King Lycomedes

21 Fingering sword & daggers
What did Achilles do that exposed his identity to Odysseus? Fingering sword & daggers

22 Which god prevented the Greek ships from sailing out?

23 To sacrifice Iphigenia, Agamemnon’s daughter, to Artemis
What did the Greek do to cease the North wind to blow? To sacrifice Iphigenia, Agamemnon’s daughter, to Artemis

24 Who was the noblest and bravest warrior on the Trojan side?

25 Why was Apollo angry with the Greeks?
Agamemnon refused to return Chryseis, daughter of Apollo’s priest.

26 What made Achilles withdraw from the battle?
Agamemnon took his woman, Bryseis.

27 Which won the fight between Menelaus and Paris?

28 Who saved Paris from Menelau’s hand?

29 Which god/goddes was determined to see Troy ruined?

30 Which god/goddess tried to save Aeneas from Diomedes’s hand but failed?

31 Which god later on successfully saved Aeneas?

32 Which god was seriously hurt by Diomedes when backing up the Trojans?

33 Which two goddess contributed to Ares’ defeat by Diomedes?
Hera & Athena

34 To ask his mother to offer to Athena the most beautiful robe she owned
What did Hector’s brother suggest to him when the Trojans fell back on the battle? To ask his mother to offer to Athena the most beautiful robe she owned

35 The Greeks were driven back by the Trojans.
Why Agamemnon changed his mind and would like to apologize to Achilles? The Greeks were driven back by the Trojans.

36 Achille’s mother’s request
Why did Zeus turn the Trojans from losing to winning? Achille’s mother’s request

37 Who made Zeus forget his promise to Thetis, Achilles’s mother?

38 What did Hera borrow from Aphrodite to increase her charm?
Her girdle

39 To wear his armor to the battlefield
What did Patroclus request from Achilles? To wear his armor to the battlefield

40 Who took Patroclus’s life on the battlefield?

41 What happened to Achilles’s armor after Patroclus’s death?
Hector took it.

42 What did Patroclus’s death lead Achilles to do?
To return to the battle

43 Who made Achilles his new armor?

44 Which won the fight between Achilles and Hector?

45 Which god/goddess tricked Hector and caused his death?

46 To tie it to his chariot and dragged it around the Trojan walls
What did Achilles do to Hector’s dead body? To tie it to his chariot and dragged it around the Trojan walls

47 Which god decided to help King Priam to get his son’s body back?

48 Which god accompanied Priam to Achilles’s tent?

49 Two Questions What factors determine the winning party in a war?
What characters make a hero?

50 The End

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