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Rhapsody Design Manager 4.0.1

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1 Rhapsody Design Manager 4.0.1
Trouble Shooting Rhapsody Design Manager 4.0.1 David Hirsch November 2012 1

2 Motivation Provide insight in Rhapsody DM architecture
Explain different Rhapsody DM aspects Rhapsody DM Settings && Loggers

3 Installation – Components
Rhapsody Client Standalone Eclipse Rhapsody Design Manager Server Rhapsody DM Client Extension <rhapsody Install Folder>/Share/DesignManager Folder < rhapsody Install Folder >/RP_RDM_CLIENT_DLL.dll (next to rhapsody.exe) < rhapsody Install Folder >/DesignManager/Eclipse folder (Eclipse plugins) Rhapsody Import Engine

4 Architectural Overview
Https protocol Socket 3460 Https protocol Https protocol

5 Backward Compatibility
RDM 3.0 not compatible with RDM 4.0 Models should be republished to DM 4.0 server Migration from RDM 3.0 -> RDM of comments and olsc links RDM is compatible with RDM 4.0 Only UPDM models should be republished RDM 4.0.1/4.0 compatible with Rhapsody 8.0/8.0.1 Rhapsody 8.0 can be used with an RDM Server 4.0.1 Should use Rhapsody DM Client Extension 4.0.1 Rhapsody can be used with an RDM Server 4.0 Should use Rhapsody DM Client Extension 4.0

6 Logs Design Manager Server Logs Rhapsody DM Client Extension logs
Select Export Results Rhapsody DM Client Extension logs Traces all http calls to the server Traces all DM Views widgets communication Enablement: In <rhpInstall>\Share\Log\ set RDM.level DEBUG_MIN DEBUG_MAX RDM_<number>.log file will be created in Rhapsody Project folder Check Edit unit directory

7 Settings In rhapsody.ini file:
DesignManager::Recent Server URL List List of all used Server connections <rhpInstall>\Share\DesignManager\ ModelsFolder: Current Directory of all models opened from the DM Server ConnectionTimeOut: Timeout waiting for server response for short requests ConnectionTimeOutForLongOperations: Timeout waiting for server response for long requests (Move to, Save, etc) DefaultPortNumber: port of socket to runnable jar (default 6430 (+10)) ShareOnSave: Share changeset directly on save

8 Design Manager Views – IE Web Based
The Design Manager Views are based on the DM Web UI dojo Widgets. The views are hosted inside an embedded IE Web browser. Uses the IE installed on local machine Requires IE8+ (Best IE9+) Frequently errors in these views are reproducible in DM Web UI using same IE Browser For Japanese environment, we encountered some JavaScript errors related to translation which were resolved by resetting the IE language to Japanese.

9 Common Issues: Rhapsody already running
Problem: Get warning about already running Rhapsody Reason: Rhapsody crashed, while the runnable jar (java.exe (20-50 MB) is still running blocking the whole process to exit. Solution: Kill the java.exe process (20-50 MB)

10 Common Issues: Empty Project Area List
Problem: After connecting to the server, there are no project areas to select from Reason: Rhapsody shows only “active managed” project areas which are associated with the Rhapsody UML Domain Solution: Go to the project area properties page, Domains tab, and add an association to the Rhapsody UML Domain. Other domains (SysML, etc) will be associated automatically when needed.

11 Common Issues: Collaboration View
Problem: Cannot select comments & links tab in the collaboration view. It jumps always to the Connection Tab. Happens usually with Published Models (Externally Managed) Reason: Rhapsody didn’t find the selected model element on the server in current context. User is directed to the connection tab to select another context, where Rhapsody can find this element. Solution: Select right context in the connection tab. After selecting the context will be stored on the project element and automatically selected.

12 Common Issues: ModelServer.exe uses 100% cpu
Problem: On the Web a diagram loads a long time, and modelserver.exe uses 100% cpu Reason: The ModelServer.exe is a small headless Rhapsody which renders the diagrams on request. Sometimes the modelserver.exe fails to resolve some element and enters an infinite loop This has been addressed in DM 4.0.1 Solution: Kill the modelserver.exe Check on DM if this happens If it does, report a defect with user’s model attached.

13 Common Issues: Rhapsody Client freezes
Problem: While working with the Active Managed models on the Rhapsody Client, Rhapsody freezes for some time. Reason: There might be several reasons: User initiated an actions which requires to load additional resources from DM Expand browser (load element, for classes with descendants) Open Diagram (load displayed elements) Code Generation (load whole Component Scope) Search (load whole model) DOORS OSLC Integration is waiting for DOORS respond Loading the DOORS Modules might take a while DM Server is busy with indexing Solution: The RDMClient extension log (RDM.level=DEBUG_MIN) will give a hint which operations took so long. Play with connectionTimeOut property to limit the time the client waits for a single call. DM has some significant performance improvements DOORS initial OSLC connection is done in the background

14 Rhapsody Design Manager 4.0 Storyboard
More information Rhapsody Design Manager 4.0 Storyboard

15 Thank You !

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