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Additional Family Retreat Questions

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1 Additional Family Retreat Questions

2 I have an ex boyfriend who harasses me constantly, if I sleep with him because of my husbands refusal to satisfy me as he is always either watching TV or is tired or has some things on his mind, and at night he shrugs me off or the children might hear us making noise, it is always one thing or the other and we both work and I bring in the lion share of income.  Please I am a member of the kings palace…I don't want to defile our bed. Will the condemnation be on him as in Luke 17:1, me or both since he made me to go outside?

3 How will you address a husband who doesn’t put on his wedding ring, he says it too tight and doesn’t want to get a new one? Should a wife accept that every Friday is men’s outing night? How do you bring back home a husband that has left home for 7 years?

4 Is it true that divorced couples should go back to their spouses even if they are now married to someone else if they must make heaven? What one thing do we really want more of in marriage? Do we always have to ask our husband for help with the children and home before they help?

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