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Lenses Are classified by their Focal Length.

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Presentation on theme: "Lenses Are classified by their Focal Length."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lenses Are classified by their Focal Length

2 Focal Length The distance from the optical center of a lens
to the front surface of the imaging device.

3 Short Focal Length = Wide Field of View (Wide Angle) Long Focal Length = Narrow Field of View (Narrow Angle)

4 Prime Lens: one set focal length. Zoom Lens: variable focal length.

5 Iris Adjustable lens opening mechanism

6 Aperture Hole in center of iris Measured by f-stops

7 Aperture Can adjust larger or smaller depending on the amount of light

8 F-stop Scale Indicates how open or closed the iris is.
The larger the F-stop number, the more closed the iris is, therefore the less light enters the lens.

9 Aperture What type of aperture opening would you use for a sunny day?

10 Aperture What type of aperture opening would you use for a dark room with only a candle for light?

11 Auto Iris Many cameras have auto iris
Adjusts automatically depending on setting

12 Focus When subject in viewfinder is sharp and clear
Zebra Stripes: Indicate overexposed areas of the frame to assist in correcting exposure.

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