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Descriptive biochemistry

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1 Descriptive biochemistry
Lívius Wunderlich, Ph.D. 2017

2 The chemical composition of living organisms

3 The chemical composition of living organisms

4 The building blocks of the life

5 Monomers - polymers

6 Polymerisation is energy-dependent

7 Carbohydrates (C + H2O)n Monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides

8 Monosaccharides: trioses, pentoses, hexoses
glyceraldehide 3-phosphate glyceraldehide dihydroxyacetone- phosphate dihydroxyacetone 2-deoxy-D-ribose

9 Monosaccharides: the glucose

10 α-D-glucose β-D-glucose α-D-galactose β-D-galactose α-D-fructose β-D-fructose α-D-mannose β-D-mannose

11 Disaccharides

12 lactose β-D galactose + glucose saccharose β-D glucose + fructose cellobiose β-D glucose + glucose maltose α-D glucose + glucose



15 Polysaccharides

16 Polysaccharides: Glycogen

17 Polysaccharides: Glycogen

18 Hydrophobic charasteristics (or, partially)
Lipides Fat and Oil Physical property: Hydrophobic charasteristics (or, partially) Cell membranes, energy storages, some of the hormones, detergents Triglycerides, phospholipides, steroids, eikosanoids

19 Fatty acides

20 The most important fatty acids
palmitic acid stearic acid palmitoleic acid oleic acid linoleic acid linolenic acid arachidonic acid

21 The most important esters of fatty acids
Triglycerides Phospholipides Unsaturated Saturated

22 Saturated and unsaturated triglycerides

23 Fat droplet in fat cells

24 Fat droplets in fat cells

25 Phospholipides: Phosphatidylcholine


27 trigliceride phosphatydilethanolamine phosphatydilcholine phosphatydilserine phosphatydilinositol

28 Phospholipid membrane



31 Phospholipid membrane

32 Phospholipid membrane


34 ???

35 Proteins Structural proteins, enzymes Building blocks: α-amino acids

36 Zwitterions


38 Forming a peptide bond

39 Primary structure: the sequence of the chain

40 The rigidity of peptide bond

41 The secondary structure of proteins
Formation of intramolecular hydrogen bonds between O and H atoms of the amide bonds generate regular structures such as α-helices or β-sheets (4. tétel)

42 Formation of α-helix

43 Formation of α-helix

44 Formation of β-sheet

45 Formation of β-sheet

46 Formation of β-sheet

47 Protein domains ???

48 The tertiary structure of proteins:
3D structure Determined mostly by the side-chains S-S bonds, H-bonds, electrostatic attraction, hydrophilic and hydrophobic connections


50 Formation of disulfide bonds

51 Hydrophilic and hydrophobic side chains

52 Folding with or without help

53 Highly specific binding

54 Formation of macromolecular complexes

55 Quaternary structure of the proteins:
Multi-subunit complexes

56 Quaternary structure of the proteins:
Multi-subunit complexes

57 Slighty different subunits,
highly different proteins

58 Forming of biological structures

59 Some quaternary structures

60 Macromolecular connections
Membrane proteines Lipid-attached proteines Glykolipides Lipopolysaccharides Glikoproteinek Proteoglycans

61 Membrane proteines

62 Membrane proteines

63 Membrane proteines



66 Various membrane functions

67 Glycolipides, glycoproteines, proteoglycans

68 Genetic substance, information transmitter
Nucleic acids Genetic substance, information transmitter (enzymatic activity) RNA, DNA Building blocks: Nucleotides monosaccharide + phosphate + organic base

69 adenine, guanine cytosine, uracil, thymine 2-deoxyribose, ribose deoxyadenosine triphosphate

70 High-energy storage: triphosphates



73 Hybridisation via H-bonds


75 Deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA-s)
Store and inherit the genetic information Double-stranded helix Antiparalel strands 2-deoxyribose A, C, T, G


77 Ribonucleic acids (RNA-s)
Reading and copying the genetic information (storing, inheriting other functions) single stranded ribose A, C, U, G


79 Connections of proteines and nucleic acids

80 Connections of proteines and nucleic acids

81 Connections of proteines and nucleic acids

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