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1 Please be Seated

2 from Lecture-Demonstration
Now on a two-DVD set: The classic four-hour video collection: Demonstrations in Acoustics for only $20. $10 discount for direct cash sales. Inquire in front after program. Dr. Richard E. Berg, demonstrating over 70 experiments, in 29 titled segments, covering vibrations, waves and sound.

3 You are welcome to visit our Physics Question of the Week http://www

4 Visit our web page: Summer Programs for Pre-College Students

5 Please join our Physics is Phun Electronic Mailing List

6 Energy and Motion Physics is Phun March 2009

7 Topics: Center of Mass Newton’s Laws Mechanical Energy

8 Center of Mass Properties
Mass “acts” at CM CM stable at lowest point Center of Mass Demos CM location CM motion

9 Center of Percussion “Dynamic” CM Baseball bat example Tennis racket

10 Kinematics and Dynamics

11 Newton’s Laws of Motion

12 Newton’s First Law a. An object at rest tends. to remain at rest. b
Newton’s First Law a. An object at rest tends to remain at rest. b. An object in motion tends to remain in motion in a straight line with a constant speed.

13 Newton’s First Law a. An object at rest tends to remain at rest.



16 Newton’s First Law b. An object in motion tends. to remain in motion
Newton’s First Law b. An object in motion tends to remain in motion in a straight line with a constant speed.


18 Test Question: Masses hanging in series

19 Forces and Impulse

20 Funnel Cart

21 Leaning Tower of Pisa

22 Newton’s Second Law F = m a or a = F/m where F is the force, m is the mass, and a is the acceleration

23 Newton’s Third Law For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.




27 Rocketry


29 Test Question: The Fan Cart




33 Conservation of Mechanical Energy

34 The Hill Track


36 Giant Pendulum


38 The End See you in May! We are on the web at
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