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What makes people truly happy?

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Presentation on theme: "What makes people truly happy?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What makes people truly happy?

2 Quote Analysis Copy the quote on your paper.
Write the quote in your own words. How does the quote relate to your life? “I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition.” - Martha Washington

3 Comic Analysis Read the following comic.
What are your thoughts about what is stated?


5 Getting Ready to Read List 3 ways people can achieve true happiness.
Rewrite one idea into the following sentence: Happiness can be achieved by ____________. As a table, share your sentence. Be prepared to share the common idea that is discussed.

6 Quickwrite Do you agree or disagree that people can force their own happiness?

7 Surveying the text Read the title and write what you think the author means by it. What will the article be about based upon your understanding of the title? Read the first 3 paragraphs. Write one question you have about the article. What does the title tell you about McMahon’s position on what makes a person happy? What do you think is the article’s purpose?

8 Making Predictions Answer the following question for each of the quotes: What words or ideas seem important? “HAPPY New Year! We seldom think of those words as an order. But in some respects that is what they are.” “Doesn’t every American want to be happy? And don’t most American’s yearn deep down to be happy all the time?”

9 Making Predictions (cont.)
“The right laid out in our nation’s Declaration of Independence – to pursue happiness to our hearts content – is nowhere on better display than in the rites of the holiday season. With glad tidings and good cheer, we seek to bring one year to its natural conclusion, while preparing to usher in a happy new year and many happy returns.” “So in these last days of 2005 I say to you, ‘Don’t have a happy new year!’…If you’re so inclined, put in some hours at the office or at your favorite charity, temple, or church…With luck, you’ll find happiness by the by. If not, your time wont be wasted. You may even bring a little joy to the world.”

10 First Reading Review your predictions and questions about the article.
As you read, think about your predictions and questions. Once you complete the reading, answer the following questions: 1. How accurate were your predictions? 2. When reading the article did anything surprise you? 3. Were there any parts of the article that confused you?

11 4 sentence Rhetorical Précis
1. (Author’s credentials), (author’s first and last name) in his/her (type of text), (title of text), (date) addresses the topic of (topic of text) and argues that (argument). 2. He/she supports this claim by___________, then___________, then_____________, and finally____________.

12 3. (Author’s last name)’s purpose is to (author’s purpose in writing) in order to (change in reader/society the author wants to achieve). 4. He/she adopts a(n) __________ tone for his/her audience, the readers of (publication) and others interested in the topic of______________.

13 Article Questions What is McMahon’s argument/claim?
What support does he give for his claim? Do you believe his argument is valid? Why? What in his argument missing? Does this weaken his argument? Why?

14 Revising the Rhetorical Precis
With your table, revise your rhetorical precis based upon the comments given. Once you have revised, write the precis on a separate sheet of paper. Each student will do their own.

15 The Happiness of Pursuit
At your table, answer and discuss the following questions. Be prepared to share your responses. What is your reaction to what Kluger states? Why? What is Kluger’s argument/claim? (Cite textual evidence) What support does he give for his claim? Do you believe his argument is valid? Why? What in his argument missing? Does this weaken his argument? Why?

16 Rhetorical Precis Following the template given and using the response to the McMahon precis. Develop a rhetorical precis for Kluger’s article. This is to be done on the back of the McMahon precis.

17 Say, Mean, Matter Chart Refer to the handout on a Say, Mean, Matter Chart

18 Philosophical Chairs “Most people would rather be certain they're miserable, than risk being happy.” ~Robert Anthony “Those only are happy who have their minds fixed on some object other than their own happiness; on the happiness of others, on the improvement of mankind, even on some art or pursuit, followed not as a means, but as itself an ideal end.” – John Stuart Mill “Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.” ~Nathaniel Hawthorne

19 “The enjoyments of life are sufficient to make it a pleasant thing, when they are taken en passant, without being made a principal object.” –John Stuart Mill “The search for happiness is unlike any other search, for we search last in the likeliest places.” ~Robert Brault “I never indeed wavered in the conviction that happiness is the test of all rules of conduct, and the end of life.” –John Stuart Mill

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