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Classroom Opener…. *Imperialism Intro Reaction lesson*

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1 Classroom Opener…. *Imperialism Intro Reaction lesson*
Directions: With your partner, answer the questions on your Do You Agree? Intro Lesson Sheet….. Discuss with your partner Circle your opinion from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree Then explain yourself…if you disagree…its ok…just give both opinions ….discussion (have your warm ups handy for class)

2 Past Lesson Reflection
...a) Why did America become so important to the British textile industry at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution? b) What did the Spanish want from the MesoAmerican Tribes, The Aztec and the Inca? …c) So overall, what might become important for countries that were trying to industrialize and gain wealth during this era of history?

3 This time period in history is called The Age of Imperialism
Ok… there is one more lesson we have to focus on before we test for this unit…everyone turn to pg. 484 Remember our lessons on Exploration led to the beginning of colonization… Ex…when the Spanish came to the new world, and colonized it for gold and silver So…what does colonize mean anyway!? Let’s Read….Pg. 484 **************************** Definition: When a country sends a group of settlers to (a place) and establishes political control over it.… ******************** Now…let’s read Setting the Stage on pg. 685 ***************************** In the end…this will lead to strong and industrializing nations having a desire for ________ from other places around the world. This time period in history is called The Age of Imperialism

4 Warm up and recap #7 What does “Imperialism” mean?
Everyone look at pg. 686 The takeover of a country or territory by a stronger nation with the intent of dominating the political, economic, and social life of the people of that nation.

5 Sadly, much of the motivation for the age of imperialism came from the Industrial Revolution.
To help countries industrialize… Industrial nations desired a cheap & certain supply of raw materials, markets reserved for their country's manufactured goods, & a way to get large profits with minimum risk on investment from their capital.

6 What does that mean? Nationalism?
These countries….found that a great way to do this was to colonize other countries of the world… The advocates of imperialism used nationalist arguments to gain public support for empire building. What does that mean? Nationalism? ….They claimed that their country would gain glory and achieve "a place in the sun" by building a great empire.

7 What happened though was negative…it would lead European countries to competing around the world for land And their colonies could also be used to control strategic locations such as the Strait of Gibraltar (connecting Atlantic and Med. Sea), the Falkland Islands (off tip of S. Amer.), the Philippines, and the Suez Canal. ….Another words….having control of certain areas became important for the European countries and their power

8 In addition, countries started using the colonies as overseas bases to keep ships and troops supplied and ready all over the globe in case needed quickly. This map shows how these countries, including England, France, and even the United States started colonizing the world…

9 The Imperial Age connected the world but in the theory of Charles Darwin: the survival of the fittest prevailed, or at least the one with the best technology and strongest motivations. With the exception of South America, the world was conquered by the western powers of Europe and the USA. Everywhere the western powers went, the natives were considered inferior pagans in need of Christianity and all the refinements of Western culture – whether they wanted it or not. Many cultures fought back, but it was too late; they had already become an important part of a global economic system. The three major victims of this became India, Africa, and the Far East.

10 So what will happened to the areas that became victims of the Age of Imperialism???

11 We will do this part tomorrow….
Have a super rest of your day!

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