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Presentation on theme: "GETTING FIT FOR YOUR BIKE"— Presentation transcript:


2 Bicycle Fitting Student Performance Objectives.
The student will be able to: Select a proper size bike Complete steps of Bike Floor Fit State the Contact Points Identify proper wrist angle

3 Bicycle Fitting One of the most important facets for a positive riding experience. Comfort and performance are enhanced when properly done. Injuries may be reduced as well.

4 Bicycle Fitting Getting the right bike.
With sloping top tubes, more focus is now on top tube length and stem height. We will see this in Step Five.

5 Bicycle Fitting Step # 1 – Stand over height
Stand with your feet on the floor and the bike between your legs. There should be at least 2cm (approx ¾ inch) from the top tube to your crotch.

6 Bicycle Fitting Step # 2 Put the bike in a trainer or hold onto the bike by the handlebars and back of the seat or rack and bag system. Have the student ride the bike in place or pedal backwards to get into a natural riding position. Observe them from a few feet away. Looking at torso angle, arm position and leg extension (should not be cramped).

7 Bicycle Fitting Step # 3 – Adjust Seat Height
Heel of the foot is placed on the down pedal. The leg is straight but not locked.

8 Bicycle Fitting Step # 3 – Adjust Seat Height
Ball of the foot is placed on the down pedal. The leg is slightly bent (about 25 – 35 degree range).

9 Bicycle Fitting Step # 3 – Adjust Seat Height
When pedal is up the knee should be well below the thigh.

10 Bicycle Fitting Step # 4 - Fore and aft of the seat.
With the pedals at three and nine the forward knee should not extend beyond the center of the pedal for that leg. Nor should it be behind the center of the pedal of that leg.

11 Bicycle Fitting Step # 4 - Fore and aft of the seat.
Loosen the allen bolt that holds the seat clamp just enough to move the seat. Make the adjustment as needed.

12 Bicycle Fitting Step # 5 – Body Position
Torso should be at a 45 degree angle to the hands on the handlebars. Should be a 90 degree angle between the triceps and the torso. Should also be a slight bend in the elbow. This is where top tube length and stem height come into play.

13 Bicycle Fitting Contact Points
Handlebars / Pedals / Saddle Handlebars/stem and saddles can be changed or adjusted to better fit each person individually. Pedals – Clipless, toe clips or flats. Pedal with the ball of the foot over the pedal axel.

14 Bicycle Fitting Getting the seat right.
Many to choose from (see picture P.28) Should be mounted level or close to it. Women may need a women specific design. Stay away from gel covers. Bunch up Do not create solid contact for proper bike handling

15 Bicycle Fitting The brakes and bar ends.
While seated on the bike the riders open hands should rest comfortably on top of the brake levers with no angles. The bar ends should be at 45 degrees or more.

16 Bicycle Fitting Conclusion
If new to riding, a floor fit will most likely be different than what you are used to riding. But, Comfort, performance and injury reduction are at stake!

17 Bicycle Fitting Student Performance Objectives.
What is a proper stand over height? During one of the steps of floor fit, do we put the heel on the pedal? What should the knee angle be in the previous question? What are the Contact Points? Identify proper wrist angle.



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