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Cycling or e-biking safely to work

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1 Cycling or e-biking safely to work
Company, event, date Name Nobody slows for invisible people. Nobody slows for invisible people 2016

2 Non-occupational accidents in Switzerland, 2013
road traffic sports in and around the home Every year, more than one million people are injured on the roads, during sports and activities as well as in and around their homes. Nobody slows for invisible people 2016

3 Bicycle accidents in Switzerland
Cyclists E-bikers Seriously injured 838 163 Fatalities 25 14 Accidents registered by the police in 2015 Nobody slows for invisible people 2016

4 Risks when cycling in general
Collisions Right-of-way situations, especially when crossing and turning Cyclists acting as if they are above the law Failure to notice cyclists Distracted vehicle drivers Self-caused accidents Riding too fast Alcohol consumption A distinction must be made between collisions and self-caused accidents within the risks: Right-of-way situations (no matter who actually has right of way!) are always potentially more dangerous. In built-up areas, more than half of cyclist fatalities in accidents are due to the cyclists themselves not yielding the right of way and due to their ignoring “Give way” and “Stop” signs. These situations also involve unlawful behaviour. This, in turn, is dependent on a lack of knowledge and a lack of awareness of the risks. Failure by vehicle drivers to see cyclists results in their not yielding the right of way. Important: this problem of visibility is also an important factor during daytime hours. Nobody slows for invisible people 2016

5 Special risks when riding an e-bike
From a car driver’s viewpoint: It looks like a bicycle but it’s an e-bike Riding speeds are easy to underestimate From an e-biker’s viewpoint: Handling in itself Higher speeds Handling in itself: riding an e-bike is more demanding than cycling, with the result that self-caused accidents also predominate. Falls when at a standstill are also more common. Nobody slows for invisible people 2016

6 Cycling or e-biking safely to work:
Nobody slows for invisible people. Nobody slows for invisible people 2016

7 Video: “Bicycle and e-bike”
Nobody slows for invisible people 2016

8 Take care in right-of-way situations: it’s worth checking to make sure!
When you stop at a stop sign or where you don’t have right of way: Take a look and check to the left, front and right. Look over your shoulder every time you make a turn and give a clear signal. Before you turn and go across or at junctions, make sure you are seen by drivers of other vehicles (eye contact). Nobody slows for invisible people 2016

9 Take care in right-of-way situations: it’s worth checking to make sure!
On roundabouts, ride in the middle of the lane. Be aware that you cannot be seen in drivers’ blind spots. Obey traffic regulations – it’s less dangerous and less stressful for you and others Nobody slows for invisible people 2016

10 Make yourself visible – even in daytime hours
Equip your bicycle with lights as required by law: - Lighting system with steady lights, white at the front and red at the rear, permanently attached or removable – visible at night in fine weather at a distance of 100m - Reflectors: white at the front and red at the rear, permanently attached - Yellow reflectors front and rear on the pedals – except on safety pedals You’ll be even more visible with an extra red flashing rear light. Nobody slows for invisible people 2016

11 Make yourself visible – even in daytime hours
Wear reflective accessories (high-visibility jacket/vest, reflective arm/ankle bands, etc.). With light-reflecting items, you will be visible at a distance of 140 metres. Ride with your lights on even in the daytime and wear high-visibility clothing. Nobody slows for invisible people 2016

12 Always wear a helmet when cycling!
Buy a cycle helmet with the CE-marking EN 1078. Try on the helmet before you buy: with the chinstrap open, it must sit well and neither feel tight nor wobble. Wearing a bike helmet is compulsory when riding e-bikes with a pedal assist system above 25 kph to a maximum of 45 kph. Nobody slows for invisible people 2016

13 Helmets only protect riders when worn properly!
1. Two finger widths above the bridge of your nose 2. Side straps should sit snugly, with room for one finger between the strap and your chin Nobody slows for invisible people 2016

14 Watch out! An e-bike goes faster than you think
Choose an e-bike category that corresponds to your cycling skills. E-bikes enable higher speeds than regular bicycles. They are also heavier. These two aspects result in unusually long stopping distances. Other road users underestimate the speed of e-bikes. Ride defensively. Ride at an appropriate speed. Nobody slows for invisible people 2016

15 Ride defensively! An e-bike extends the stopping distance. Ride defensively. Bicycle at 15 kph* 10.1m 8.3m 1.8m 8.7m E-bike at 25 kph* 18.8m 13.9m 4.9m Reaction distance Braking distance Difference in stopping distances * Average riding speed Assumptions: full braking, reaction time of 2 seconds, friction coefficient of 0.5 Nobody slows for invisible people 2016

16 Video: “An e-bike goes faster than people think it does”
Nobody slows for invisible people 2016

17 Further information The following bfu brochures (available only in French, German and Italian) contain more on this subject: «Radfahren – Sicher im Sattel» (Art ) «E-Bikes – Mit Sicherheit leichter ans Ziel» (Art ) «Sichtbarkeit bei Nacht» (Art ) Order them free of charge at You can find even more accident prevention tips at Nobody slows for invisible people 2016

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